17 meter quad antenna. for 2 meter Cubical Quad Antenna.

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17 meter quad antenna. Part Number: KEL-11510-17.

17 meter quad antenna 00/count) The JK Quattro is a Quad band Yagi that interlaces 10, 12, 15 & 17 meters on a single boom. 40m 3-element 112 ohm delta loop quad. Following the ideas presented here by KB3TTP will enable The Mantis-series cubical quads achieve exceptional performance on the 30-meter and 40-meter bands. If you like to get pile ups go for a Cubex Quads antenna, it happens very often. 58 11. 3 Quad Antenna," QST, November. 3 to 1. BiQuad Antenna for 144/440 Antenna, 17 meter Monoband Wire Dipole with Balun, Assembled, 1kW, 27. This concept has great potential on 80 meters with two towers or even 1 tower if you can fly a 30 foot boom. All stainless steel, 600 Watt, with proper strain relief. For this project, the Spider Quad design had attracted my attention and i have decided to build this antenna. The antenna that is below the quad is a 6 meter moxon that is made from TV tray legs! Mar 26, 2023 · A simple 2-element quad for 2m. Element length- 11 feet 9 Half-wave Fan Dipole antenna for 30, 17, and 12 meters. FULL WAVE ANTENNA M103HV Dual Maximum Beam 2 Beams on 1 Boom ® 10-11 Meter Vertical/Horizontal Beams available in 3, 5, 6 and 8-element versions. Is the added complexity of building a quad worth the effort? Build a 4 element quad for 2 meters – All the details to construct a quad antenna for the 2 meter band. On 12 meters, the 50 Ω SWR is under 1. 31 λ on 12 meters. 0 / 21. N4TUX Boyd’s 10 Meter Quad Antenna. In addition to being inexpensive and simple to construct, this quad antenna is also compact enough to be placed in an attic! If you want an 11-dBi-gain beam antenna for less than $1 per dB, here it is! May 19, 2021 · Build a 4 Element cubical quad – All of the information you require to build and tune a 4 element quad antenna. If tuning gap is present on the parasitic elements, the placement of this gap does not effect the polarization. 4315. Apr 15, 2020 · GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands for Outdoor 4. For further information on quads, see at least the following references: William I. Why? First off a cubical quad antenna on 10 meters is a manageable size, its actually smaller height wise and lighter then a yagi antenna. 1948, p. 3 in our example). com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases 17-meter 6-element quad at 95' above average ground. 17/10 Last updated w7sir cubical quad antenna for 146 mhz. I want to make a four element diamond quad for 28 MHz which can be switched between horizontal and vertical polarization. 2 R. 72-foot unguyed tower collapsed in The 20 meter Quadloop antenna kit contains all the components to create the ideal Quadloop antenna. This antenna is very light (8 lbs) so most TV antenna rotors can work in conjunction with the V-Quad. That works out to about 12 and 16 inches (305 and 406 mm) at 2 meters. Unit has short boom (6 feet) and has loading coils and capacity hats to deliver directivity. Very happy with the Mk IV quad antenna. Explore the 12- and 17-meter bands with this small, lightweight Yagi. "Lightning Antennas" Model Comparison Chart Welcome Spider Quad Antenna During the 90s i was using a Triband Cubical Quad antenna and was very satistified regarding the antenna performances. 40. G. A standard 2-meterRead More 17 meters and 0. 6 days ago · 17 meter band antennas category is a curation of 37 web resources on , Building the Moxon Antenna, Dual Band Wire Beam 12 and 17 m, Multiband Cubical Quads. 5 days ago · building cubical quad antennas, yagi and cubical quad antennas for ham radio, [11] shows a 10-15-20 meter, 2-element Quad with boom length of 6′10″. Orr, W6SAI, All About Cubical Quad Antennas w7sir cubical quad antenna for 146 mhz. 41-43 A two element beam made from electrician’s thin wall tubing. Resources listed under 17 meter category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Build a 17 Meter Reduced Size Coaxial Moxon Retangle, N0KHQ: Builda 12/17 Meter Trap Dipole, AD5X: Dual-band-wire-beam-12-and-17mt, KG4JJh: Dualband-per-17-e-12m: Dual quad antenna 20-17-15-12-10m: Dipolo rottativo 17-12-6-modulare: Rotary dipole 12 and 17 meters, IK4DCS: The L7 HamLoop antenna for 17 meters, K6SGH: The Lowly Quad for 17 meters Apr 15, 2020 · GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands JPC-12 Antenna for Outdoor 4. 37 40-meter Driven 24 35 24. I developed them, not as the last word in 2-element 40- meter quad design, but as typical models on which to base expectations and to make design decisions for one's individual situation. 41 inches (12' 11. 4 dBi Gain; 50 dB Front To Side; 44 dB Front To Back Separation; 30 dB Vert To Hor. 96 12. Fig 5—Gain and F/B characteristics on 20 meters. These are all solid well-built antenna mounts including some that galvanised and some Australian made Antenna Mount Range Reply to a comment by : G4AON on 2013-08-05 I love quad antennas, I have a couple of home made ones for 6m portable work The gamma match on the 2m quad can be avoided by careful work in EzNEC, if the dimensions can be tweaked to obtain a feed impedance around 50 Ohms it just needs a choke balun on the feeder or if it's near 100 Ohms a quarter wave of 75 Ohm coax will match it. (about 17. 58 8. 02 inches (23' 2. 8-2-2025. Oct 12, 2015 · EI7BA Multiband Cubical Quads projects, includes two elements quad antennas for 10 12 15 17 20 meters band. Part Number: KEL-11510-17. This calculator requires only the entry of the center of the frequency range your cubical quad antenna will be used at. One part may be tuned for 10 meters and the other for 11 meters. The spreaders would be made of fiberglass. ADDED: A 17,95 meter boom 12,9 dBI OWA SUPER Updated the 1,6 M 2el Cubical Quad (antenna plans for a 2el TV Antenna Mounts & Masts If you need an antenna mount to go with your new antenna, or your old antenna mount is rusting away and needs to be replaced, take a look at the antenna mounts that we have available. The 30 meter legs measure approximately 23 feet, 2. Shows VSWR vs. We owe it's development to Clarence C. The physical length will be 145 inches times the velocity factor of the line actually used. Basic Beams for 12 and 17 Meters QST August 2000, pp. At one point during the tuning phase, I had a reading of 1 Explore the 12- and 17-meter bands with this small, lightweight Yagi. Length, DP-17, Each. 02") on each side. The Cubical Quad or Quad antenna has traditionally not been as widely used as its more popular cousin the Yagi. Plots for 20m 3-element 50 ohm delta loop quad. Excellent Quad Antenna projects for 40 20 17 12 10 and 6 meters band in this pdf file project by Pfeiffer Maltese. This two-element Cubical Quad antenna is designed for use on either the 10-meter ham band or the 11-meter Citizen's Band. Here’s some thoughts on a “hardware-store special” 2-meter quad, and a modified quad for 2 or 10 meters. However the cubical quad beam antenna is able to provide some advantages in a number of circumstances. Perfect performance with no need of tuning. 9 ft. 4 db) gives you the kind of superperformance you need to get through on crowded channels. For both local conversation and DX. 0 Hubs – 356-T6 Heat Treated Aluminum Dual quad antenna Dual quad antenna 20-17-15-12-10m: 3 Element Direct Feed 17 Meter Yagi The Driven Element is isolated from the boom, the Reflector and Director are direct connection with boom: 17 meter delta loop antenna After having marginal results on 17 meters using my Alpha-Delta DX-EE with a tuner, I put up a resonant dipole: 3 Element Mar 23, 2021 · Let’s be real, a multi-band antenna will always be compromised… when looking at this antenna with an analyzer while mounted on my car, it’s bad throughout all the four bands. They are well-known in Europe as "multi-element quads"—an antenna with aluminum elements, not a wire and fiberglass Standard CB (11 meter) or 10 meter ham wire sets are available. Table 1 shows an example output from the EXCEL Scaling program. Nov 21, 2019 · GA506 Portable Shortwave Radio Antenna, GOOZEEZOO Full Band Dipole Antenna Receiving: 2. Isolation; 2 Coax Required for Vert, and Hor. Figure 4. Welcome Spider Quad Antenna During the 90s i was using a Triband Cubical Quad antenna and was very satistified regarding the antenna performances. A few years ago, when 10 meters was open, the quad enjoyed considerable popularity. 15 and 0. The antenna is symmetrical and closed so that in many cases the reception will be quieter compared to asymmetrical or open antennas. Find WiMo X-Quad Antennas 2 meters VHF/UHF Beam Antenna Bands and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! WiMo X-Quad Antennas, with separate monoband models for 144-146 MHz or 430-440 MHz, represent a refinement of VHF and UHF cross-polarized Yagis. This author took advantage of the high gain per foot of boom of the quad to build and extremely compact and lightweight moonbounce array of 16 three-element quads for a recent 2-meter DXpedition to Alaska. Change this to whatever frequency you like. By KB3TTP (Updated Feb, 2012 - see bottom of article) Editors note: Quad antennas are notorious for being difficult to keep in the air. 00 Features. I was on with it portable with a old KLM 100 amp on 2M November 17 4-Element/3-Band (10/15/20m) cubical quad antenna system 13ft Heavy-Duty Reinforced Fiberglass Spreader Arms Legendary Cubex CQS3. You can convert these to other frequencies simply by scaleing all dimensions according to wavelength. 58 17. Manual 1:2 BalUn 600 Watts for Delta-loop & Quad-loop antennas; € 17,35 U. Also have a 3 element SteppIR Yagi but doesn’t compare with the 4-element 5-band quad. Frequency for three different 2 meter antennas, a 4 element Quad, a 6 and a 12 element Yagi. It's 10 meters. The 17 meter Quadloop antenna kit contains all the components to create the ideal Quadloop antenna. last updated 26 March 2023. The antenna uses a PVC pipe as the boom and fiberglass rods for the elements. Not a bad overall size for a 2-meter antenna! Now the problem was how to support the square loops. This antenna evolved when we combined 2 of our dual-band yagis (1517 & 1012) on to the same boom using the forward stagger method. Advantages of a quad antenna – quad vs yagi. a home brewed rotary dipole antenna for 12 and 17 meters band with pictures and construction details. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Find WiMo X-Quad Antennas 2 meters VHF/UHF Beam Antenna Bands and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! WiMo X-Quad Antennas, with separate monoband models for 144-146 MHz or 430-440 MHz, represent a refinement of VHF and UHF cross-polarized Yagis. Listed under the Antennas/12M category that is about 12 meter Oct 12, 2015 · Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Six bands: 10-12-15-17-20-40 meters with no traps and just one feedline. K € 10,75 The antennas feeds from the top with 20 meters being first, then 17, 15 and finally 10 meters just 6 inches above the base plate. Build a Stronger 2 Element Quad A Different way to construct a tried and true antenna out of PVC, especially for the 10 meter and higher frequencies. Fig 6—Gain and F/B characteristics on 15 meters. They begin with a wire 9" long, from which 2 wires extend parallel to the main loop wires. The Pfeiffer Maltese Quad Antenna System takes on the structural challenges of traditional cubical quad antennas using a linear loading approach to reduce size while preserving performance. The link to this resource has been on our site since Tuesday Oct 12 2004, and it has been followed 13107 times. This document describes how to build a simple 2 meter backpack quad antenna. These distinctive antennas are the result of nearly 70 years of quad design and manufacturing experience. The result is a 17 meter 50 Ω SWR that is below 1. They are all Fedex or UPS shippable and this is true even for our top of the line 42 foot long “L8 Quad”. 99 ($8. Element Construction:Telescoping aluminum tubing May 25, 2024 · 17 Meter Simple Beam; 20 Meter Half Wave Vertical Antenna; 40 Meter Wide Band 3 Element Quad Designs; 40-Meter Wire Beam; 80 Meter Wire LPDA’s; A 100-1000MHz Utility LPDA; A Brief Overview of the Zeland Software Suite; A Double-Knee Tilt-Over Mast; A Giant 40-Meter Wire Beam; A Matching Network for the DDA, CFA and Similar Antennas; A Most Dec 4, 2024 · Antenna CB 27 MHz Links → . 41") on each side. A quick lesson in geometry revealed that if an "X" configuration of Feb 28, 2000 · VE3CUI 2021-12-22; Two Element Yagi Ideas for 12-Meters and 17-Meters; Hey, I take absolutely NOTHING away whatsoever from anyone who has the ability to exercise such obvious due diligence on the computer, & come-up with something as detailed & well-documented as this antenna article is The title of the main category is 17M and it deals mainly with 17 meter band antennas. 20-meter Driven 14. Product is in production Jul 22, 2015 · Buy WishRing HH-9000 10/6/2m/70cm High Gain Quad-Band Mobile Radio Antenna for Tyt Wouxun: Radio Antennas - Amazon. 25. Download the AN-SOF model and unlock its potential! T. These distinctive antennas are the result of decades of quad design and manufacturing experience, celebrating 40 years of innovation in 1997. This baby rocks. 1 out of 5 stars 8 1 offer from $5999 $ 59 99 Sep 16, 2024 · Antennas Amplifiers 2m70Wide8RV DualBand 2m 70cm Antenna Arrow 440-5S ANJo YA014408 144 MHz eight elements Yagi Arrow Antenna 146-4S 4 Element 2 meter Permanent Mount Yagi Arrow 146-4 Four Element Portable Yagi Antenna M2 2m12 MFJ-1762 6m 3 element yagi Antennas-Amplifiers PA50-8-10BGP M2 432CP42UG Antennas Amplifiers PA1296-70-6AUT M2 23CM35EZ MaCo V-Quad Beam® Performance equal to M103C in a small package for pushup mounting. VHF/UHF Quad Antenna; The $4. 84 . Comparing the 17-meter gain values in the dual-band quad with those of the monoband version, we find much less slippage. 7 on the 10-meter band. PDF 2 Meter 3 Element Quad Direct coax feed! The Quad antenna, sometimes called the Cubical Quad, is an antenna which is used by many amateur radio operators. Once the antenna is mounted it may seem big but it is actually one of the smallest 11 meter beam antennas on the market and it takes up considerably less space than a comparable 3 element Yagi antenna. Leave a comment. Very heavy construction - good for heavy snow loading conditions. Boom Length, Each. Performance considerations, detailed pictures and construction notes. A description of this small high-gain antenna appears in a moonbounce application note published by Eimac 5. Operation; 8 KW Power Handling One thought on “ 2 meter Cubical Quad Antenna ” Jeff says: July 26, 2022 at 3:17 am What the bandwith. Antennas VHF-UHF. That is, to put the 10-meter modquad on 15 meters, just multiply all dimensions by 29. 02 15-meter Director 24 11. Listed under the Antennas/2M category that is about Antennas for 2 meters band. Then square the result…(about 313. A 15-Meter Beam On A Budget QST February 1971, pp. It works well for extending the range of an HT, transmitter hunting, SSB, or general use. Note WZ7I is in PA. 79 ft for a driven element on the 20 meter band) and divide it by 4…. 17/10 Last updated The pinnacle of the Cubex Quads product line, the Mk-Series quads offer the ultimate in antenna performance and design. M. Apr 15, 2020 · Use a quad-mount, and buy two sets (bands) and cover your two favorite bands. Gain – 55X power multiplication (17. A EZNEC review of the MACO 103C CB antenna. There it is the lowly Quad on a T mount. 5Ft) (M10) Shark Antennas S-F5S 5-Pack (10, 15, 20, 40, 75M) Mono Band Mobile Vertical Antennas with 3/8x24 Threads, Handles 250W Max Apr 15, 2020 · MOOKEERF RG8x Jumper Cable 3ft,2 Pack PL259 Jumper Cable,CB Coax Cable 50 Ohm,UHF PL259 Male to Male Low Loss CB Antenna Cable for CB Radio,HAM Radio, VHF Radio, SWR Meter, Antenna Analyzer $15. Shark Antennas S-F17 Mono Band HF 17 Meter Mobile Vertical Antenna with 3/8x24 Apr 15, 2020 · Amazon. The K4MMG 2 METER QUAD CONSTRUCTION TIPS FOR BUILDING BETTER QUADS (Graphic intensive -- allow time to load) 2 Meter 2 Element Quad shown mounted above another antenna with coax feed nearest you on left spreader rod. "Lightning Antennas" Model Comparison Chart Always test your antenna with 100 watts on the beacon. It can be easily assembled and collapsed to fit inside the PVC boom for portable use With a two-element quad, the element spacing for optimum reflector perfor- mance is between 0. Communications MQ-26 Five Band Hybrid Quad Antenna ……. Half-Wave Dipole for 11 Meters One of the easiest antennas to build is a traditional half-wave dipole: Moxon cb antenna for 27. Design Considerations of the Cubical Quad Antenna The two most popular configurations are Diamond and Square. 3-899MHz Transmission: 90-450MHz SW/FM/AIR/UV/DTMB Outdoor Antenna for ham Radio 3. The main supports are bamboo fishing poles. Since the gain rises as we decrease frequency, the higher gain levels indicate that the gain and front-to-back curves have moved together in the presence of the 17-meter elements. 4:1 across the narrow band. It can be constructed using inexpensive parts in just minutes. 75 20-meter Director 24 17 12. 144 / 430 Dual Band J-pole antenna; 10 Meter 4 Element Quad Antenna; 144 Mhz Magnetic Loop Antenna; A “loopy” Loop Loaded Vertical; W5GI Mystery Antenna; A Multiband Dipole; Build a W3DZZ Antenna; A portable 2-element VHF yagi; Assembling GAP Titan DX Antenna; The Galaxy Dipole; Pfeiffer Maltese Quad Antenna System; Magic Anti-Jamming antenna Don’t be disheartened if you happen to live in a community with difficult antenna restrictions. The capacity hats are the wires starting at the side points of the diamond. Dimensions: Formulas: Reflector Loop Length (4 X L1 side) = 36′ 0″ Driven Loop Length (4 X L2 side) = 35′ 1″ Figures 2 and 3 show the calculated antenna patterns and performance. Aug 7, 2022 · Quad Antenna for 2 Meters. for a total score of 7. A quick lesson in geometry revealed that if an "X" configuration of Feb 28, 2000 · VE3CUI 2021-12-22; Two Element Yagi Ideas for 12-Meters and 17-Meters; Hey, I take absolutely NOTHING away whatsoever from anyone who has the ability to exercise such obvious due diligence on the computer, & come-up with something as detailed & well-documented as this antenna article is Since the gain rises as we decrease frequency, the higher gain levels indicate that the gain and front-to-back curves have moved together in the presence of the 17-meter elements. Bought it back in 2010 and has been up with no problems, even with several snow storms. 1 Meter(13. 57-62 Some well-designed and easy-to-build antennas for the 12- and 17-meter bands. Up to 50 db rejection for interference-free reception. This test was May 24 2014 at 3:00 on 17 meter cw. Default is 10 meters 28 mhz . 40 meter Quadloop antenna DIY kit, including 1:2 BalUn 600 Watts. I drilled a hole in the base plate to run the feed line through, then ran it up the opposite side of the feed point connections and over the top of the center post and connected to the 20 meter feed point. 3:1 across the band. Listed under the Antennas/12M category that is about 12 meter 5 days ago · building cubical quad antennas, yagi and cubical quad antennas for ham radio, [11] shows a 10-15-20 meter, 2-element Quad with boom length of 6′10″. Such is the case of the cubical quad antenna. Lightning Antennas L6 6 Element Quad Antenna $1249. W5DQV adjusting the phasing stub on his 20-meter quad. For decades, Cubex Quads antennas have been providing BIG SIGNALS for demanding operators in locations all over the world. When all was said and done, my SWR readings were 1. The gain of an an antenna with parasitic elements varies with the spacing and tuning of the elements, and thus for any given spacing there is a tuning condition that will give maximum gain this spacing. Download the original document, with plans for 40 17 15 12 10 meters bands. 70 15-meter Driven 14. You can use the same concepts with a tower in place. 11. 5Ft) (M10) Shark Antennas S-FM30 Mono Band HF 30 Meter Mini Mobile Vertical Antenna with 3/8x24 Threads, Handles 250W Max 3-Band, 3-Element Quad Conceived 2 Ways – [High Gain or Wideband] 4-Element Monoband Quad Design 17 and 12 Meter Dual-Band Trap Quad A 3-Band 2-Element Spider-Supported [GEM QUAD] Style Beam A ‘Diamond Jubilee’ – the Diamond Shaped Full Wave Loop A High Performance Dual-band ‘Low-bander’ – 80 and 40m Quad Adjacent-Band Quad Behaviour Jul 19, 2022 · Conquer the 17-meter band with the 2-element Delta Loop Beam antenna. The 17 meter legs measure approximately 12 feet, 11. Part Number: DXE-2X7 Not Yet Reviewed VHF/UHF Quad Antenna; The $4. Most parts are available on the World Wide Web or at some larger hardware stores. AND almost everyone on 10 meters uses vertical polarization. Moore (patent no. 19 Fig 4—Gain and F/B characteristics on 40 meters. Not Yet Reviewed Apr 15, 2020 · Buy Shark Antennas S-F17 Mono Band HF 17 Meter Mobile Vertical Antenna with 3/8x24 Threads, Handles 250W Max: Radio Antennas - Amazon. 2 minutes. It’s better as a 70cm and 2 meter antenna for the smaller ground plane. From a performance perspective there is no difference, in fact the element configuration may have many different shapes such as circular, triangle (Delta Loop), or rectangular. com: Shark Antennas S-FM17 Mono Band HF 17 Meter Mini Mobile Vertical Antenna with 3/8x24 Threads, Handles 250W Max : Electronics The purpose of the calculator is to give you the needed sizing to construct a good multi-element cubical quad antenna for amateur radio use. The 12 meter legs measure approximately 9 feet, 4. 99 $ 15 . 82”) on each side. Horizontal or vertical polarization of an cubical QUAD-Antenna is determined by placement of the feed point (feed gap on the driven element) Parasitic elements need to be mounted in the same orientation as the driven element. 7 in our example). The Quattro performs as 4 individual mono-banders with 2 separate 50-ohm direct feed-points. Pfeiffer Maltese discovered after several tests that in Quad Antennas, increasing the number of spreaders per element dramatically reduces the antenna size and the turning radius of the complete antenna. . Here is a simple 2-element quad for 2m that is easy to build and does a good job. The antenna has a gain of around 2 dB more than a comparable sized yagi antenna. 1949, p. 7-August-2022. By Jim Wilson. January 1955 of amateurs. This compact, high-gain design boasts near-perfect impedance matching, making it perfect for DX enthusiasts. Mar 8, 2022 · Dimensions for 20m 3-element 50 ohm delta loop quad. Dimensions: Formulas: Reflector Loop Length (4 X L1 side) = 36′ 0″ Driven Loop Length (4 X L2 side) = 35′ 1″ Review Summary For : Hybrid-Quad Antenna; Reviews: 10 MSRP: 370; Description: 2 element beam - two models, 6/10/12/15/17/20 meter model and 6/10/15/20 meter model. 82 inches (9’ 4. for 2 meter Cubical Quad Antenna. 200mhz Take the total wire length of the quad loop in feet (for example, 70. The main reason for this build was to provide good performance considering the… Quad," CQ, June. 00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna; The Hentenna; 4m Slim Jim Antenna; VHF – UHF 142 – 450 MHz Log-periodic Antenna; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 2m Folded Dipole; Six Meter Yagi Antenna; 70cm Quadruple Quad Matched cables for phasing two pair of antennas (quadrature array) Terminated with PL-259s on ends for connecting to PH144/7; Center terminated with SO-239 for direct 50-ohm feed One thought on “ 2 meter Cubical Quad Antenna ” Jeff says: July 26, 2022 at 3:17 am What the bandwith. 30' Boom; 17. When not in use it comes apart for storage. 10,12,15,17,20 Meters Can be used on six meters with an antenna tuner. 2 days ago · building cubical quad antennas, yagi and cubical quad antennas for ham radio, [11] shows a 10-15-20 meter, 2-element Quad with boom length of 6′10″. This antenna uses severely flattened elements to get a 112 ohm feedpoint impedance, but that gives it the same SWR bandwidth as the preceding 20m design at half the frequency. Directivity – Extremely high front-to-back and front-to-side ratios. The electrical length of the suggested 70 Ω matching section is 145 inches. 2,537,191), W9LZX, (SK), an engineer at HCJB, N4TUX Boyd’s 10 Meter Quad Antenna. Quad antenna system. The resulting diamond quad is 14' 9" tall and the same size wide, which is fairly compact for a 12 and 17 meter antenna. 84 8. 00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna; The Hentenna; 4m Slim Jim Antenna; VHF – UHF 142 – 450 MHz Log-periodic Antenna; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 2m Folded Dipole; Six Meter Yagi Antenna; 70cm Quadruple Quad Matched cables for phasing two pair of antennas (quadrature array) Terminated with PL-259s on ends for connecting to PH144/7; Center terminated with SO-239 for direct 50-ohm feed Antenna, Yagi, Skylark, Duoband 17 and 12 meters, 17m, 12m, 90 mph Wind Rating, 16 ft. lpq hfio hntmuc mpoog suntso ovfnumj gcidgtq ezaj dwxylbw ghpk fuinla cym stzw refed ecez