Android spinner text size programmatically. shoes)); spinnerCountShoes.
Android spinner text size programmatically setTextSize(TypedValue Mar 11, 2024 · When a user launches a spinner, the color of a text that displays in the drop-down list of possibilities is referred to as the spinner's text color. Change the text color with android:textColor. createFromResource(getActivity() #JavaHow to apply different font styles to difeerent items in the spinner? , android spinner change font typeface 2023 , How to show multiple font list in An Mar 13, 2013 · If your spinner is using an ArrayAdapter, you can simply pass a custom layout for your spinner items. If view is fully loaded and you want to call it from interface I suggest you to call . I have an Edittext with a drawable [v] at the right side of it to make it looks like a spinner. Feb 9, 2023 · A Spinner in Android is a UI element used to display the list of items in a drop-down menu. Here at /r/Android Studio, we provide information regarding the Android based IDE - Android Studio. One thing to note, though, is that this will only work when using android:theme, as using style doesn't work for every property, and viceversa. Now, As per your requirement you have to create two xml files to provide two different colors to spinner items : 1) When your Spinner is Enabled. Again if i click 46 size then it should be apply to my whole project. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Nov 15, 2012 · I am trying to set the text size of a spinner dynamically in the program. If below code is used. main); In summary to change the text size (or other style attributes) for a Spinner either: Create a custom TextView layout. when i tapped on my first button then button below i want to show courtliest with the help of SpinnerList Jan 7, 2012 · Then I made a spinner from this string. Dec 15, 2011 · you can use . id. Oct 18, 2023 · Changing the spinner text color on Android programmatically can be useful when you want to customize the appearance of your app’s user interface. Or: Create a custom style. simple_spinner_dropdown_item, yourString. but when i click again gain to remove the spinner and text view it does not remove, i mean nothing happend, Remaining 3 spinners still exist. This is the structure of my Spinner Nov 28, 2013 · Now I'm clicking remove button. May 27, 2015 · The other guys are right when it comes to fully customizing the items in the spinner. Home We are the best source for complete info and resources for Android Spinner Text Font Size on the web. spinner_11); LinearLayout. Lets all make this a dedicated community where everyone shares and learns! Oct 8, 2012 · I have a android spinner. Set selected item of spinner programmatically. getDimension(it) } Aug 2, 2016 · I am working on a project and i want to change the selector color of spinner drop down. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Step-by-Step Implementation Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio. 20. Change the text size with the May 26, 2020 · This example demonstrates how to change spinner text size and text color in Android App using Kotlin. A Spinner is a popular UI elemen Apr 21, 2010 · To open the Spinner you just need to call it's performClick() method. The spinner is depicted as a downward arrow on the layout. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. Dec 4, 2013 · For example if you want to set to size as 14sp, then internally TextView class will convert 14f to 14sp. If you need to open the Spinner from a separate thread you should create a Handler in the UI thread and then, from your second thread, send a runnable object that calls performClick() to the Handler. simple_spinner_item W Jul 3, 2020 · How to make an android spinner with initial default text - This example demonstrates how do I make an android spinner with initial default text in android. I am using the below code. Tapping the spinner displays a menu showing all other values the user can select. When I click on the spinner to select something all the options are in really small text. LayoutParams(lref. 0 (it uses nothing in the compatibility library, so it should be fine for awhile) Since it's a decorator, it should be easy to retrofit existing code and it works fine with My situation seems a bit different from the 1 million problems (related to spinner) that are found on the google where main solution is just to create custom xml for spinner items. dropdwon_item); areasSpinner. Use @android:style/Widget. Dec 15, 2014 · This assigns the default color of the text to "#808080" Now i have also implemented setOnTouchListener method for this spinner. setAdapter(spinner_no_of_hospitals. This is good practice for a very logical reasonaccessibility, user preferences, etc. What i want is although initially the color text of the spinner is 808080. But if the only thing you need to change is the style of the text in the items (meaning you still want a text view but with say different font, color, gravity) then you only need to pass the adapter a custom item layout: In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make a custom layout for your Spinner and the drop-down items, that way you can change the size, color, font, and more! In this tutorial, you'll learn how The following 3 lines of code worked for me with a string-array named shoes loaded from the project resources:. toFloat() return you wrong value. my_spinner_item, values); adapter. . spinner_countshoes); ArrayAdapter<String> spinnerCountShoesArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>( this, android. my_spinner_dropdown_item); spinner. Create a single MainActivity that contains the spinner and on clicking any item of spinner Toast with that course name will be shown. Here is my pojo class, which is used as spinner item. My need is, if i click the Font Size "26" inside a Spinner then it should be applied to my whole project. Learn more Explore Teams Feb 9, 2023 · More about Spinner in Android can be found at Spinner in Android with an Example. First, create a new XML file in your res/layout directory called "my_spinner_style. Spinner spinnerCountShoes = (Spinner)findViewById(R. Like applying to my Screen, Textview appearance, Edittext - Bold/ Italic, etc. simple_list_item_1); or you can give it your layout: adapter. i know set spinner in xml datePickerMode="spinner" and then i can use datePicker. Mar 8, 2012 · A shorter alternative to Andro'd answer is to let the ArrayAdapter create the item views for you from a layout resource:. Change Spinner Text Size Programmatically. setAdapter(spinnerData); What is happening is that I cannot control the size of the fonts, colours or anything else. font_large from resources:. Use ArrayAdapter to store the courses list. xml", and put in something like the following content: Mar 19, 2016 · I'm all new to Android and I'm trying to create a spinner programatically and feeding it with data from an array when i tapped on button . May 24, 2016 · The solutions I found to change the spinner dropdown icon where all: 1. 611. R. mAdapter = adapter; } public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View v = mAdapter. setAdapter(adapter); You're Search For full information on Android Spinner Text Size Programmatically. using android:entries, then you can adjust the text size and other attributes with the following two theme settings: In your res/values Mar 8, 2012 · A shorter alternative to Andro'd answer is to let the ArrayAdapter create the item views for you from a layout resource:. Sep 6, 2012 · I am accessing a spinner inside an xml. let { textView. What you need to do is create your own layout file with a custom definition for the spinner item. for spinner view and dropdown view: ArrayAdapter<Area> areasAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<Area>(getContext(),R. Summary: Learn how to customize the text size and color of a spinner in your Android application using XML and Java/Kotlin. font_medium 2 -> R. getDropDownView(position, convertView, parent); (TextView)v. Aug 31, 2016 · I want to change the color of the displayed selected item in my spinner in Android (targeting API level 16 and up). If you just call spinner. Sep 18, 2020 · Changing the text size or color of a Spinner is not as simple as just using the android:textSize attribute on the Spinner element. So try removing that property and change text size Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. The problem is the added text fields and buttons are not properly aligned. But after the spinner is touched and a new text is chosen from a list. Code is as follows: Spinner spinner = new Spinner(this); ArrayAdapter<String> spinnerArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android. setSelection(index), setSelected(true)? Is there anything else I need to do to get these to show like a user selected them. Apr 24, 2012 · I tryed make edittext with calling spinner. May 6, 2015 · Just to help others in case they are statically setting their Spinner entries in XML. Change the text size with the android:textSize attribute. split(" ")); spinner. How to change text size Aug 13, 2024 · A TextView in Android is a UI element to display text. getLayoutParams()); your problem is this, you can't use the same layout parameters for adding all the layouts and modifying the lp. How do i implement this ? Thanks Jul 20, 2022 · The Android Spinner widget is a UI component that is used to select from a drop down list. When you apply the textSize to a Spinner, like so: Nothing will actually change in your app. I want to change the size of the spinner text (selected text from the dropdown) run time. Nov 17, 2017 · android spinner with edittext programmatically. adapter. final List<String> values = [SPINNER VALUES]; final ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>( activity, R. setAdapter(adapter); Note that the R. layout. simple_spinner_dropdown_item);] Feb 20, 2014 · So I have a class that adds text fields and spinner dynamically when a button is pressed. Feb 14, 2011 · inside this methods you can set custom color, size and fonts for your TextView. May 15, 2022 · I have a spinner, and I want to find a way to change the dropdown for my spinner. 0" encoding="utf-8"?> <;selector xmlns:android="ht Mar 29, 2019 · You have to change your when. setLayoutParams(layoutParams); Here is an example to fully programmatically: init a Spinner. I saw many topics about how to change spinner's text color,but i couldnt understand how to use (android. setAdapter(spinnerArrayAdapter); Then I read text from another file. Thus, various attributes of a TextView such as the text, text color, text size, TextView background, and its size can be changed programmatically. android:dropDownSelector="#ffffff" But its not working please suggest any method. my_spinner_style, remove the android at the start, that makes it point to the Android package and not your project. Try Teams for free Explore Teams May 15, 2009 · What you can do is decorate your SpinnerAdapter with one that presents a 'Select Option' View initially for the Spinner to display with nothing selected. To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio. LayoutParams(100 /* in pixels */, LayoutParams. Oct 8, 2012 · I have a android spinner. array. By global, I mean declaring it right after "public class MainActivity extends Activity {". Aug 17, 2012 · Changing the text size of a spinner. The text size changes but due to some reason, the spinner always shows the item at index 0 even If u want to give customize the drop down menu of the spinner u need to override the getView function in adapter class. I have tried several solutions posted here on SO, including creating a custom lay Possible Duplicate: How to change the Font Size in a whole Application programmatically, Android? This is my Code : I have created Spinner with a list of FontSize options. In your code. font_large 1 -> R. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. getAdapter()); spinner. It removes only the last spinners . Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Jul 26, 2011 · I need to change the text size and orientation of the selected item shown on a spinner, but also I need to continue using the default layout for the spinner: android. In this article, we will show you how to change the Spinner item text styles in Android. [ArrayAdapter<String> spinnerAdapter= new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(), android. format the Spinner font (font size, colour, padding). For adding item in Spinner, you can do one thing, try to create an adapter and then add/remove items into the adapter, then you can easily bind that adapter to spinner by using setAdapter() method. Now the problem is am not able to change the size of the selected spinner text Oct 3, 2013 · i'm going to change text typeface to arialbold in my spinner how i'm going to do so. Each of these items is selectable and can be used as user input. textSize = resources. Anyway, I made a button and a dialog to simulate the spinner as you suggested and it's working, but I think it's absurd to not be able to handle the text size of the spinner easier and to be forced to simulate a spinner But thank you very much for your suggestion :) Related Question Autosizing button text programmatically Can't change text size when buttons are pressed Autosizing TextViews in RecyclerView causes text size to decrease Change Spinner Text Size Programmatically Change BottomNavigationView text size programmatically Can't change text of textView dynamically when using ViewPager and Fragments Best Article Spinner Android Spinner Text Font Size . I want to change my text content through code, but I'm not sure how to do that. shoes)); spinnerCountShoes. Spinner height doesnot change. In this article, we will learn how to create android Spinner programmatically in Kotlin. Apr 12, 2020 · What you can do is, make both of your spinner width "wrap_content" and make edit text with match constraint property that is width 0dp with left and right constraints matched, this way it will take all the remaining space. when (position) { 0 -> R. Let it be Tutorials, Update Change Logs, Projects that users have created or anything else, you will find it here. Oct 5, 2014 · It should be R. because the lp is used after you have initialized all the layouts, that means you are using same parameters for all the layouts spinner and textview both. Aug 5, 2014 · When setting the text size dynamically using the setTextSize method the default measurement unit is a scale-independent unit (sp). Here is a working example tested for Android 2. Now, how can i achieve this? I will set the edittext as clickable then when I click it, a dialogfragm Aug 18, 2015 · for spinner's arrow I've used android:backgroundTint="@color/white" this will work from API 21. Feb 4, 2015 · I have used progressDialog in my android application and i have used code as ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this); progressDialog. setSelection(i); It depends on your logic. R points to Android resources, not your project. The setTextColor() method in Java or Kotlin code can be used to programmatically change the text color of a spinner in Android by using the android:textColor attribute in the XML layout file. getStringArray(R. my_layout); May 26, 2020 · How to change spinner text size and text color in Android App using Kotlin - This example demonstrates how to change spinner text size and text color in Android App using Kotlin. simple_spinner_item, T[]); spinner. 2) When your Spinner is Disabled. How to change width of dropdownlist only of a spinner programmatically - android. 0. textView. dimen. That layout can be a simple textView but with the android:textColor attribute. biz/2012/changing-android-spinner-text-size I close/hide the Android soft keyboard programmatically? Oct 27, 2017 · 1) add a new text view called the_current_color text view. The text is a de Jul 12, 2017 · You can create custom layout for your spinner item as like created here : How to change spinner text size and text color? and use it inside your ArrayAdapter. Nov 25, 2015 · TLDR: My spinner displays the wrong color for a split second. Note the R you're importing is your project's Resources, saying android. 48. Nov 2, 2012 · RelativeLayout. create a custom drawable <?xml version="1. In the default state, a spinner shows its currently selected value. The color now permanently changes to BLACK. spinner_item, areas); areasAdapter. Keep in mind that you may only call this method from the UI thread. Below is my code :- ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> genderAdap = ArrayAdapter. How to change spinner text size and Jan 30, 2016 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Nov 24, 2019 · I need to select several spinners organized in a row one above the other programmatically. How to set the value to the Spinner. Aug 5, 2012 · About the spinner's height in Android. It can be programmed in the layout file statically as well as in the main code dynamically. Update: I have changed the text size and color of the spinner items dynamically by overrding the default resources of android. And also if u want to control the text that appears on the Spinnner u need to this spinner. in any android application. LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout. public class City { private String cityId; private String cityName; public String getCityId() { Jun 17, 2012 · Most of the time spinner. resize the Spinner and add it to my View. spinner_item_text resource is in your own R's file. 3, and 4. SpinnerItem as the parent style. Feb 5, 2025 · Steps to Implement Spinner. I have a problem with my spinner. Nov 13, 2013 · You only need 3 lines of code for this: (1) Declare a global variable that is used to save and load the spinner item ID. Whenever I run the app, if the activity is not cached in memory, it sometimes lags. The above answers work if you're creating your Spinner via code but if you're setting your Spinner entries via XML, i. All works but onItemSelected not called in spinner final String[] items = new String[] {"Item1", "Item2", "Item3"}; final Spinner spinner = new Jul 3, 2020 · How to change the spinner textSize and textColor in Android app - This example demonstrates how do I change the spinner textSize and textColor in android. I see spinnerId. Follow the below steps once the IDE is ready. setSelection(i); // i is 0 or Jul 24, 2013 · Change your onCreateView to this: @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater Aug 12, 2012 · Here is an example to fully programmatically: init a Spinner. 2) allign this text view above the spinner and to the start of the arrow icon or wherever you want it to be. I have a button on whose onCLick event I want to do the size change of few things. Upon selection, the Spinner updates to show the chosen value as the default. my_spinner_style,array_of_values) { public View Feb 5, 2025 · Steps to Implement Spinner. And also using a customized adapter with another xml containig a textview alone. 1. The code for that has been #Java How to apply different font styles to difeerent items in the spinner? , android spinner change font typeface 2023 , How to show multiple font list Amazing answer, especially since you don't need to implement anything programmatically. 1) when you listen to (on item selected ) from the spinner simply get the current text and set it in the (the_current_color) text view. tha May 21, 2021 · In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of customizing the text color and size of a Spinner in Android Studio. When the user taps the Spinner, it displays a dropdown list containing all available items. setAdapter(adapter); Jul 8, 2010 · Name this file: spinner_item_text. LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout. Oct 11, 2012 · You can set the layout parameters from code like this: LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R. Now i want when i again click to remove button it remove the spinners from the renaming three n now we have 2 spinners left and so on. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. simple_list_item_1, dataInsideSpinner); // here dataInsideSpinner is a List<> spinnerAdapter. font_large. How do i implement this ? Thanks Sep 1, 2018 · A heads up before you get started: To add the font, you'll either want to set a minimum API version of 26 or include the Support Library v26. If I click FontSize Aug 20, 2014 · I want to set the custom font for spinner. 0 (for support starting at API version 16). Even companies and businesses with valid physical goodwill will have a loss of face if their web presence is marred by low quality content. And i can't use xml layout. WRAP_CONTENT); layout. We will go through various steps that explains how to create Spinner and add it in kotlin file, use different attributes to customise it etc. Feb 8, 2019 · I have a spinner like this: Spinner spinner = new Spinner(context); spinner. 7. All other texts are changing by setTextSize() but there are issues with spinner. setDropDownViewResource(android. setCancelable(false); Oct 26, 2012 · ArrayAdapter<T> spinnerData = new ArrayAdapter<T>(this, Android. In thi Aug 17, 2019 · So it seems that the we can't change the size of the text from prompt after all. setDropDownViewResource(R. setSelection(i); //i is 0 to (size-1) of adapter's size doesn't work. fill it with data via a String List. By modifying the text color of a spinner component, you can enhance its visibility, match it with your app’s theme, or make it stand out in specific scenarios. I tried using XML but the padding and text size appears different on different screen sizes. TextView. Here is an example of an Android application that displays the list of courses of GFG. I can't get the page size to render in 11x17 Mar 15, 2014 · Didn't try it, but android:typeface in XML or setTypeface() in code should work. font_small else -> null }?. setAdapter Feb 5, 2013 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. spinner. Android - Edit Text and Spinner with custom listview adapter. 0 (it uses nothing in the compatibility library, so it should be fine for awhile) Since it's a decorator, it should be easy to retrofit existing code and it works fine with How can I programmatically change the Padding and TextSize of the items in the spinner's dropdown box?. setAdapter(areasAdapter); Aug 22, 2014 · You can implement a custom adapter: private static class MySpinnerAdapter implements SpinnerAdapter { private SpinnerAdapter mAdapter; public DropDownAdapter(SpinnerAdapter adapter) { this. spinner_item_text, items); spinner. EDIT: Please follow the guidance here. simple_spinner_dropdown_item); spnCategory Sep 7, 2016 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. e. Step-by-step instructions include Jul 3, 2020 · This example demonstrates how do I change the spinner textSize and textColor in android. You have to get R. Feb 12, 2013 · Please help me on changing the text color of the spinner. Mar 21, 2019 · So let's try and Understand what happens when you write this Line of code when you try and populate your Spinner . Visit us for everything you need and to find help now Jul 8, 2010 · Name this file: spinner_item_text. setSpinnersShown(true); and datePicker. xml. Create a adapter for your spinner like this, ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(context, R. simple_spinner_dropdown_item, getResources(). setPadding(0, 10, 10, 0); ArrayAdapter<ItemValue> aa = new ArrayAdapter<ItemValue May 15, 2009 · What you can do is decorate your SpinnerAdapter with one that presents a 'Select Option' View initially for the Spinner to display with nothing selected. I used following code. onItemSelectedListener() and modify the text view in the call back method. May 16, 2016 · In android I used a spinner to select an item from a list of items. The snippet I have used is as given below: super. sample code for customizing spinner drop down menu: Jan 11, 2016 · I need create DatePicker programmatically. To provide a Spinner with data, we use a Sep 1, 2018 · A heads up before you get started: To add the font, you'll either want to set a minimum API version of 26 or include the Support Library v26. May 20, 2024 · Spinners provide a quick way to select one value from a set. Step 2: Then, on your Activity Class when you are filling the Spinner with an array of items: adapter = new ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>(this, R. textSize = 14f Also, if "autosizeTextType" property is added to textview in xml means then changing text size programmatically won't work. Set spinner width to current item width. sioltteabywojcardjoaatfpbdirwmawumbvbwfgnawrsxrwkswopywjxfgstpexfkn