Best quake 2 mods. these are ones that I ahve played and really liked.

Best quake 2 mods There are many features not only visual but gameplay wise as 10/10. Zen Pak Mod [Mod] Posted about 6 years ago; 11 downloads; This major Quake II multiplayer mod adds arena style multiplayer presentation for Quake II, maintaining vanilla sensibilities. If it doesn't exist, could somebody recommend some easy (or non-frustrating) custom maps to me as I'm still a novice? I'm a good Doom player by the way. There are a couple of very nice mods out there. chevron_right. QuakeIIxp is a multi-platform (windows, linux and freeBSD (experemental)) graphics port of the game Quake II developed by Id Software. Feb 18, 2024 · Quake 2 64 Railgun & BFG10K: Both weapons have been re-coloured to appear like their N64 counterparts. I can be anything from strongger weapons to smarter enemy ai to whole new envirnment. Remember these arn't jsut any ol mods. Sep 3, 2023 · This mod seeks to bring the high-fidelity gun world-models from the Quake 2 Enhanced Edition and slot them into the viewmodels using the new md5mesh solution. Guns, items, ammo, health, voices Modifications or mods are third-party alterations to a a game. VORTEX. File size. StixsmasterHD4k Page served in--s [nexus-next-54bd88b8b9-qh5pr] Join us on Discord Follow us on Twitter Follow us on TikTok Follow us on Twitch Follow us on Youtube Follow us on Instagram Aug 12, 2024 · Quake II: Ionized is a mod for the Quake II Remaster designed to be a mapper's resource. Q2pro I only tried one time. The released version has been out for over 6 years. Full source code included 1-HP Quake Home Quake II Mods. Quake II XP if you want good, modern graphics and it runs normal on Nvidia GTX cards and AMD Radeon cards. It adds various tools and assets already existing in Q2R to be accessible for mappers, as well as adding new skins for variations already in-game (such as the N64 Nov 19, 2024 · In October 2024, we informed you about an amazing mod that recreated the PSX version of Quake 2 into Quake 2 Remastered. nexusmods. 1. Hide filters. Mods are variation of the game. Updates with improvements, new features, and increased reliability occur at least 3 times per year. I'm sure it will work fine with mission packs. Jan 23, 2024 · Browse Alternative weapon/ammo icons (Remaster) mod for Quake 2 files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. Quake II 0 files Miscellaneous 43 files New files added on: 23 April 2024 . The Best Quake Mods This is a page were you can get mods. these are ones that I ahve played and really liked. Dawn of Darkness, for example, completely overwrites the Quake II campaign. No campaign game will be like the other. Jan 25, 2022 · Quake II RTX, but that's considered a new version, and you need a Nvidia RTX card for it (with a GTX card it's basically same thing as Quake II PRO). See the readme for the full list of customisations available. This mod adds an advanced third-person camera system to Quake 2 Rerelease, delivering a modern, cinematic perspective with smooth movement, robust collision detection, dedicated player avatar visualization, and enhanced aiming adjustments. Quake multiplayer was always competitive-focused, and the game itself isn't really designed for coop (something you'll discover quite early on, as gameplay mechanics around triggers/buttons and traps fall apart with multiple players in a level, no saving either to keep your progress; Quake 2 works a bit better in coop but still it's not perfect This is a free mod based on a Turic weapon pack for Quake II 3d models reshaded and produced by Artistic Bytes (UHDk1ng) for the QII (eye-candy visuals) fans by the QII fan and CiNEmatic mod is a must for any Quake RTX player for the maximum RTX experience in Quake 2. Oct 24, 2021 · ⭐ Download Star mods via Add-ons menu in Quake for free. This mod allows you to individually turn on/off some of the more significant gameplay tweaks of the Nightdive Studios remaster of Quake 2, to make it act more like the original game. Staff Anime Ever Made: The Ultimate List To Watch; Top 25 Best Anime Weapons Of All Time: The Ultimate List; Top 14 Best Anime Queens: The Ultimate Royal List; Top 25 Best 3DS RPGs Of All Time: The Ultimate List; Top 30 Best Starter Anime For Mar 6, 2023 · Thinking of buying Quake II on Steam, as Ive already beaten Quake I a while ago. Mar 11, 2025 · This mod is NOT using RTX Remix. Just step into Quake 2 Rocket Arena, armed with the new and almighty rocket and rail gun and you will be gibbing for hours on end. Nov 25, 2024 · Quake 4 in Quake 2 for Quake 2 Re-Release version. Quake 2 Mod Transformers Quake v1. Learn more about ModDB's collaboration with the Remix community to organize all compatible games, and Quake 2's support for RTX. quaddicted. 6 days ago · To round it off Coffee009 - who you might know from his many Quake 2 mods - joined us to create his very first map! We hope you enjoy the hard work that these people put into this package. Search parameters. I've tried most of them, but haven't seen r1q2 though. Make sure you grab the latest version; a few older versions have fewer maps and lack some of the bugfixes/QOL changes of the later versions. Right now, it's time for some spelunking and killing Strogg! Apr 13, 2018 · if you want to play something besides the quake2 single player, or regular deathmatch online come check out Quake Legacy Mod Revival Discord and get plugged into some of these old Quake 2 Mod Communties like Gloom, ActionQ2, Rocket Arena 2, Vortex, Railwarz CTF, Expert CTF, LMCTF, L-Fire CTF, QPONG, InstaGib, Lithium, Chaos, WODX, WOD, etc here is the link! - https://discord. GameFront has been serving up the very best mods, maps, skins, tools, and utilities since 1998 Aug 26, 2023 · Uses copper mod as a base-----Quake Music pack (Terraria) Give your game some lovecraftian + 90's flair! Uses music from across all the Quake games and covers all progression of the game. e. View mod page Mods. extract in the game folder "steamapps\common\Quake 2". Quake II mods Browse the internet's best mods. Best Quake III mods of all time. Page served in--s [nexus-next-54bd88b8b9-dt842] Join us on Discord Follow us on Twitter Follow us on TikTok Follow us on Twitch Follow us on Youtube Follow us on Instagram Nov 7, 2021 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Apr 29, 2020 · This mod contains Realtime Lights for all the maps of the Episode 2 of Quake (1997). Unfortunately, Quake didn’t receive as much Modding Support compared to DOOM. Quake Revitalization. I've recently started playing through the whole "list" featured in Tronyn's Quake Talk by chronological order, trying to approach an experience of Quake history that can compare to Doomworld's list of Top 100 WADs of All Time, which was a semi-official voting process and comprehensive review collection that preceded the annual Cacowards. Yamagi Quake II if you Jan 28, 2025 · Original skyboxes for Quake 2 are very low res (256x256 px) So, i decided to make a creative upscale for one of the skyboxes used in this game using AI creative upscale and some brush work from my side, to lift up some details and bring back the mood and atmosphere of the evil Stroggos planet. Probabilities for each can be modfied with the tool as well. Of course, theres no official modern port for Quake II yet, only the first game (which I have on Steam), and Id rather not play a dated Windows executable of the game, so what is considered the best source port to pl Browse Quake 4 in Quake 2 mod for Quake 2 files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. 18 16. Content options. It's not even a question. A complete compilation of Quake One's Quake Revitalization/Retexture Project. Apr 24, 2022 · In case you did not know, q2xp is an HD graphical overhaul mod for the original version of Quake 2. I'm playing now with it all mods what I wanted to replay once again. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. If you dig fast paced action, then load up the good ole Quake 2, fire up a mod or two and have some fun! Feb 25, 2025 · About this mod. I like the Epsilon Build. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances Feb 18, 2019 · About this mod. No code has been changed, so the game still plays exactly like Quake 2. Our love for Quake 2 is eternal and there will be more content for you to enjoy in the future. Compatibility: This mod has been tested and confirmed to work on the Quake 2 remaster by Nightdive Studios and the source port Yamagi Quake 2. Hide this dialog. Yamagi I used the most until the remaster released. Feb 18, 2019 · Quake 2 Unmaster Mod. Top 20 Best Mods For Doom 3; Top 50 Best Minecraft Mods Ever Made: The Ultimate List; Top 22 Best J. KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. Feb 18, 2019 · VHS Quake 2 is a tone/atmosphere overhaul mod with new sounds, weapon reskins, enemy reskins, new music, and a new HUD! The idea is to change the game to feel like an 80's action movie! VHS Quake 2 is a tone/atmosphere overhaul mod with new sounds, weapon reskins, enemy reskins, new music, and a new HUD! The idea is to change the game to feel like an 80's action movie! This supports all campaigns, and both the old and remastered models. Compatibility: YamagiQ2 R1Q2 Q2Pro Quake 2 Remaster This mod does modify the 3 main campaigns of Quake2, The Reckoning and Ground Zero. Nov 12, 2023 · One of the first single player mappacks I've played; to this day I still think it's the best custom single player campaign for Quake 2, and I'd argue it even beats out Call of the Machine. pak file from Quake II PSX to one of your game folders - for myself I renamed it to pak1. gg/wRPxjav im Mar 12, 2025 · Quake II : Heavy Metal (Q2HM) Dec 1 2024 Released 2020 First Person Shooter This mod redefines Quake II experience with a complete redesign of almost all of its sound effects - Strogg and Marine. Jun 11, 2015 · Quake II v. After download, drop the two PAK files from an official version into the ID folder and if you want the original music, put the original music folder into the ID folder (and delete the quake1_music_diabolipak. The game comes alive like never before with this upgrade, even if you leave everything else exactly as it was in 1997. Feb 18, 2019 · This mod allows you to individually turn on/off some of the more significant gameplay tweaks of the Nightdive Studios remaster of Quake 2, to make it act more like the original game. I am waiting for the answer. Lovingly created by Millenia3D, these models bring a level of detail not seen in the pre-Nightdive remaster viewmodels. Quoth [www. Nov 13, 2024 · Make a backup of the game_x64. It looks authentic, it's fast, it's got some of the much needed aesthetic enhancements and it has great compatibility with even the most intricate QII mods (which i am particularly grateful for). Most new AI behaviours and weapon changes can be selectively enabled or disabled. Quake 2 Marines adds the whole Quake 2 arsenal to Quake 1 with a select menu to pick different marines and weapon loadouts. Tags. Not only the best Quake II sourceport out there, but the ultimate way to play the game. SUPERHOT Quake 4. 76 MB. Category. 🟩 Green mods are fully playable. C. Completely updated rendering takes full advantage of the latest graphics cards to get the perfect picture, preserving the original style of the game. Sep 19, 2010 · Lithium is a server-side modification for Quake 2 created by Matt "WhiteFang" Ayres and released as open source in January 2010. It is what makes games like quake and quake 2 incredible. pk3 included music). Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button, so you can spend less time finding mods and more time playing. 00 First Edition. Back close Close navigation menu. 24 makes a several good improvements for Vanilla Quake II without ruining it original charm. The game will mostly have more ambient tunes, but also rock+metal sprinkled in to spice things up!-----THESE MOD ARE NOT FOR QUAKE II Feb 18, 2019 · This mod allows you to individually turn on/off some of the more significant gameplay tweaks of the Nightdive Studios remaster of Quake 2, to make it act more like the original game. New custom levels and campaigns also exist using Feb 7, 2025 · Zen Pak Mod [Mod] Posted about 6 years ago; 11 downloads; This major Quake II multiplayer mod adds arena style multiplayer presentation for Quake II, maintaining vanilla sensibilities. Total Conversions are modifications that alter the game completely, often resulting in a completely new game, some of which have become stand-alone. dll found in \Quake 2\rerelease\baseq2\ and replace it with the one from this mod. Faster gameplay in solo campaigns, for Quake 2 Remastered: easily rush levels, instant weapon switch, grapple, efficient auto-save. Arena style multiplayer presentation for Quake II, maintaining vanilla sensibilities. Quake 2 Lithium is easily one of the fastest first person shooters ever released with unique gameplay including an off-hand grappling hook and runes (power-ups). Add the . I’m sure that everybody knows, Quake isn’t limited to JUST maps. Thank you! May 10, 2005 Qudos is at it again with an excellent Quake 2 mod called Lights, as seen in the shot above showing off a new Hyperblaster effect, for linux. Apr 23, 2024 · Mod categories; Quake II mod categories. Over the years the Project expanded to the Download 0 Mod Collections for Quake II. Over the years the Project expanded to the Jan 19, 2025 · This is a free racing mod for Quake 2. . , a project to retexture the first map in episode one. Check for alternative sourceports like QuakeSpasm or DarkPlaces. Mods: 43, Files: 144. INSTALLATION Extract all the contents of the zip file in your Quake II Enhanced\rerelease folder, create a shortcut, click on properties and modify the link value by adding +set game quake4. New sound effects, female AI announcer (for CTF) and color coded bright skins for players, weapons, items and projectiles - along with matching HUD icons. While it does not feature any Ray Tracing effects (like Quake 2 RTX), it introduces other cool Thanks and I think your quake 2 is the best - even better than Quake RTX original but with my CiNEmatic Mod then Quake 2 RTX is the best. It can be used with the Darkplaces engine. There are many features not only visual but gameplay wise as Nov 3, 2023 · About this mod. 2518 #1 05 Jun 2011. Hello, I'm a new Quake player. q2dos is also interesting. Monsters encountered and pickups will be random. Language support. #4 I have installed it and extracted it into the Quake 2 folder, but no HD textures appear in game? #5. This mod redefines Quake II experience with a complete redesign of almost all of its sound effects - Strogg and Marine. Page served in--s [nexus-next-ff48dc66b-9khpl] Join us on Discord Follow us on Twitter Follow us on TikTok Follow us on Twitch Follow us on Youtube Follow us on Instagram Mar 19, 2018 · XP mod is still the best way to play. I'm not sure in what it "evolved" now xD. Now that you have your game looking great, let’s take a look at some of the interesting gameplay mods that can completely alter Quake II. Is there anything on internet which is similar to Doomworld's Top 100 WADs of all time/Cacowards? Thanks. Quake 2 Unmaster Mod. There can be also Partial Conversions that changes the game significantly but not completely to be considered as an Total Conversion. Apr 29, 2020 · Quake Revitalization. KM Quake II if you run on older or integrated graphics chipset. Jan 10, 2024 · Credits and distribution permission. Feb 18, 2019 · VHS Quake 2 is a tone/atmosphere overhaul mod with new sounds, weapon reskins, enemy reskins, new music, and a new HUD! The idea is to change the game to feel like an 80's action movie! This supports all campaigns, and both the old and remastered models. All Collections. com] (Singleplayer Horde Mode using Deathmatch Maps) 3. I would like to get a list of each year's best mods. Guns, items, ammo, health, voices - everything. A Complete Revitalization of Quake 1, The Quake Revitalization Project started in September 2002 by [Win]Elchtest as the QE1M1 Retexturing Project, i. com/quake2/search. Increases replayability of the Quake 2 campaign games. Quake II Evolved was a nice port in 2000s for original single player. 🟨 Yellow mods are mostly playable, expect bugs / performance issues. pak and put it in \Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Nightdive Studios\Quake II\baseq2\, though it might also work if you put it in your Redirecting to https://www. as again assume there are 5 demos in folder 123 that is inside of demos folder. Mods & Resources by the Quake II (Q2) Modding Community. KM was pretty much as good as Yamagi. Games; This mod is under moderation review (since 26 Feb 2025, 4:08PM ) Feb 7, 2025 · Quake 2 remastere: Disable the berserker jump and restore railgun damage Aug 20 2023 Released Aug 2023 First Person Shooter Disable the berserker jump and restore railgun damage. StixsmasterHD4k Aug 12, 2024 · Quake II: Ionized is a mod for the Quake II Remaster designed to be a mapper's resource. This is a Quake2 extreme weapons mod, a derivative of the old Weapons of Destruction, only with much more "zing". Oct 3, 2024 · Yamagi Quake 2, KMQuake 2, q2pro, r1q2. We should not forget also about the real Quake 2 remaster - Quake 2 RTX. In The Shadows 2, DMSP2 [strlen. 🟥 Red mods have serious issues or don't work at all. 3. (in my opinion). So, today, we present you with a DLC-sized fan expansion that adds new free Quake 2 is an immortal classic and I am grateful to Angelfire-lycos for keeping this site up for all this time for free. It's a collection of mods, using Darkplaces engine. Feb 26, 2025 · Quake II close Clear game filter; Games. Started by KommissarReb (SW12) Forum index Forum search Post reply. com] 5 If you want source ports that are closer to the vanilla Quake experience, there's Quakespasm and its Spiked fork for Quake 1, while for Quake 2 you have KMQuake2, which is compatible with the majority of Quake 2 mods (Not that there are very many game-changing Quake 2 mods, mind you) but does not support either expansion, to the best of my Mar 19, 2018 · XP mod is still the best way to play. Feb 9, 2022 · Hey, folks. clb yybz szmm tkkhrnb tdmp nsxesgq wodkw xedc qwke fxmks pddt hjeg mmyk ylzub fwzzdbh