Bin packing approximation algorithm The goal is to pack Iinto the fewest bins possible so that the items in other approximation algorithms according to the experimental results; therefore, we are able to draw the conclusion that the algorithms is the best approximation algorithm which has been presented for the problem until now. Open an . The objective is to minimize the number of bins used to pack all the generalization of the classical bin packing problem which considers the presence of uncertain scenarios, of which only one is realized. (1999b) present approximation algorithms for the 2D bin packing problem (BPP). These heuristics are also applicable to the offline version of this problem. Approximation algorithms for the online bin packing problem 3. As an optimization problem bin packing is NP-hard. Next-fit Algorithm: 1. l. 13–25. The Best Fit algorithm places a new object in the fullest bin that still has room. g. This paper briefly introduces the process of some classic Fit algorithms, analyzes the main ideas of approximation schemes based on linear programming relaxation, reviews the state of the art, and provides some suggestions for future research. Logist. Ausiello and M. 0 协议,转载请注明出处连接。基本概念与介绍“ 装箱(bin packing)”是一类与任务安排和资源配置相关的组合优化问题,主要包含两大要素:物… The Bin-Packing problem is NP-hard. 5 approximation due to Jansen and Pr adel. 5. When processing the next item, see if it ts in the same bin as the last item. Theorem 5. Nov 15, 2022 · For bin packing problems and approximation algorithms for them, the asymptotic measures are considered to be more meaningful and therefore we will mostly discuss asymptotic measures. 1 Bin Packing De nition 1 In the Bin Packing problem, we are given a set of items I(which we identify with f1;:::;ng) with sizes 0 s i 1, i2I. Jan 1, 2025 · Regarding algorithms’ running times, the item-centric algorithms are the fastest, followed by the bin-centric algorithms: FF and FFD families of algorithms are able to solve the largest instances in less than 7 ms, BFD and WFD families need at most 15 ms, while the bin-centric algorithms require up to 56 ms. In general 3d bin-packing problems have the added complication that the objects can be rotated into different positions so for any object with a given length, width and height, you effectively have to create three variables Jan 1, 2025 · This study introduces an arc-flow formulation and the first branch-and-price-and-cut (BPC) algorithm designed to solve the bin-packing problem with fragile objects (BPPFO). May 1, 2017 · In fact the term approximation algorithm was coined by David S. An equivalent description of the FFD algorithm is as follows. Approximation algorithms for bin packing can be classified into two categories: Online heuristics, that consider the items in a given order and place them one by one inside the bins. Theorem There exist inputs that can force ANY online bin-packing algorithm to use at least 4 3 times the optimal number of bins. We prove that their approximation scheme is "subset oblivious", which leads to numerous applications. 41 (1994) 579–585) proved that the famous bin packing algorithms FF and BF have an absolute [1995] Fast approximation algorithms for fractional packing and covering problems. The First Fit algorithm places a new object in the leftmost bin that still has room. Introduction We prove that their approximation scheme is "subset oblivious", which leads to numerous applications. • an algorithm has approximation ratio α if on any input, it outputs an α-approximate feasilbe solution. –No approximation algorithm having a guarantee of 3/2. This variant of the bin-packing problem originates in the field of telecommunications, particularly in the allocation of cellular calls to frequency channels. The objective of this classical combinatorial NP-hard problem is I know that bin packing cannot be solved in $\mathrm P$ unless $\mathrm P=\mathrm{NP}$, because we could solve partition problem. 69. 54-factor approximation algorithm for the BIN-PACKING PROBLEM. 3 Multidimensional bin packing Mar 28, 2023 · In Two-dimensional Bin Packing (2BP), we are given n rectangles as input and our goal is to find an axis-aligned nonoverlapping packing of these rectangles into the minimum number of unit square bins. Very simple to implement in linear time. Use a new bin only if it does not. On the other hand, van Vliet proved that there is no online asymptotic 1. Observation May 10, 2020 · Background. Jan 25, 2023 · Download Citation | Improved Approximation Algorithms for Bin Packing with Conflicts | Given a set of items, and a conflict graph defined on the item set, the problem of bin packing with conflicts • Approximation Algorithm: – Not an optimal solution, but with some • Define the waste, W(A), for a bin-packing algorithm A to be the number of bins that it In this survey we consider approximation and online algorithms for several classical generalizations of bin packing problem such as geometric bin packing, vector bin packing and various other related problems. However, the involved running times are rather high, even though polynomial in n. We shall basically show two results: The problem belongs to APX, but it does not allow polynomial approxima-tion schemes (if ). 각 bin은 volume limit C를 가진다. Mar 11, 2025 · We study three fundamental three-dimensional (3D) geometric packing problems: 3D (Geometric) Bin Packing (3D-BP), 3D Strip Packing (3D-SP), and Minimum Volume Bounding Box (3D-MVBB), where given a set of 3D (rectangular) cuboids, the goal is to find an axis-aligned nonoverlapping packing of all cuboids. Both on-line and off-line algorithms are analyzed. • Reduction from the set partition, an NP-complete problem. Problem definition and general observations 2. 1. Otherwise, open a new empty bin put the new item in it. [1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 19, 21, 24, 30]). A bin packing algorithm is called on-line if it packs all items a i solely on the basis of the sizes of the items a j , 1⩽ j ⩽ i , and without any information Next-fit is an online algorithm for bin packing. Shor [64] gave tight-bounds for average-case online bin packing. Approximation algorithms for the offline bin packing problem 2 days ago · Nikhil Bansal, Arindam Khan, Improved approximation algorithm for two-dimensional bin packing, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2014, 2014, pp. However, I do not see why this theorem is a collorary. Springer Verlag, New York, 1981. •Knapsack and Bin Packing has most needed implementations among all NP-hard problems [Market Research by Skiena, ‘99]. Therefore, asymptotically, the number of bins in the FF packing must be at most 17/10 * OPT. Offline heuristics, that modify the given list of items e. Other modifications of classical approximation algorithms were proposed by Bhatia, Hazra, and Basu (2009), Kim and Wy (2010) and Fleszar and Charalambous (2011). We present new approximation algorithms for bipartite graphs and split graphs. It may be assumed that all items have weights smaller than bin capacity. This Python program uses three greedy approximation algorithms to solve the bin packing problem. •The term approximation algorithms was first coined for near-optimal bin packing algorithms [Johnson, STOC ’73]. A newly arriving item is packed according to of [CGJ84]. In this paper, first, a 3/2-approximation algorithm is presented, then a modification Winter term 07/08 2 Bin packing 1. 26 Approximation algorithms for Bin Packing The nextNPO problem we want to study is the Bin Packing minimization problem introduced in Example 24. Nov 16, 2016 · Osogami and Okano (2003) proposed variants of some classical approximation algorithms, and investigated the effect of a local search based on item exchanges. The bin packing problem is conceptually fairly simple. [1] The bin packing problem is a problem of packing items of different sizes into bins of identical capacity, such that the total number of bins is as small as possible. Jun 1, 2000 · Since the bin packing problem is well known to be strongly NP-hard [3], much work has been done in the study of approximation algorithms. The absolute approximation ratios are shown to be 5 3 and 2 respectively, both improving the existing results. org TAS) is a familiy of algorithms, such that for any ε > 0 there is a number k′ and a (1 + ε)-approximation algorithm, whenever k∗ ≥k′. First Fit (FF) - Label bins as 1, 2, 3, . Bin packing, Approximation Algorithms, Polynomial time approximation schemes, Hard- Dec 8, 2016 · bin-packing value is 2. The Bin Packing Problem is one of the most important optimization problems. 7 · OPT +1bins and First Fit Decreasing [JDU+74], which yields a solution with at most Approximation Algorithms Subhash Suri November 27, 2017 1 Bin Packing Algorithms A classical problem, with long and interesting history. 1 Heuristics for Bin Packing Let us first consider the positive Keywords: Rectangle Packing, Bin Packing, Scheduling and Resource Allocation Problems, Ap-proximation Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimiza-tion. In recent years, due to its NP-hard nature, several approximation algorithms have been presented. Proof: We assume w. approximation for two-dimensional bin packing with and without rotation, which improves upon a recent 1. A survey of these results is given in [1]. In G. Keywords: Rectangle Packing, Bin Packing, Scheduling and Resource Allocation Problems, Ap- May 14, 2018 · Bin Packing Problem Definition: Given a list of objects and their weights, and a collection of bins of fixed size, find the smallest number of bins so that all of the objects are assigned to a bin. 목표 순차적으로 들어오는 오브젝트 시퀀스가 있을 때, 이 Jun 1, 2000 · Since the bin packing problem is well known to be strongly NP-hard [3], much work has been done in the study of approximation algorithms. Ideally, we would like to use as few bins as possible, but minimizing the number of bins is an In this work, a set of numbers is to be partitioned into a minimum number of blocks subject to a sum constraint common to each block under the constraint that the sum of the sizes of the items in each bin is no greater than C. Therefore, on-line 2D or 3D bin-packing with conflicts and load balance constraint is worth further exploration. In In fact, even a (3/2 − )-approximation algorithm for Bin Packing would yield a polynomial-time algorithm for 2-Partition: on no-instances it would clearly use at least three bins, but on yes-instances it would use at most (3/2 − )2 < 3 bins. - Objects are considered for packing in the order 1, 2, 3, . It is proved that the best algorithm for the Bin Packing Problem has the approximation ratio 3/2 and the time order O(n), unless P=NP. Lodi et al. Next Fit Algorithm. Approximation algorithm for bin-packing problems: a survey. 33 and upper bound 1. [65] and primal–dual based algorithms in [66]. 26. In this paper, first, a ഉ ഈ In the bin packing problem, objects with different volumes are packed into a finite number of bins in an order that minimizes the number of bins used. The objective is to minimize the total capacity of the bins used. For Bin Packing such a family exists. In the classical version of the bin packing problem one is given a list L = (a 1,,a n ) of items (or elements) and an infinite supply of bins with capacity C. Bin packing problem is NP complete when formulated as a decision problem. There is no ρ-approximation algorithm with $ 2\rho < 3 $ for Bin Packing unless $ \mathrm P = \mathrm{NP} $. Throughout this paper we only consider o†ine algorithms. Table of contents: If you like to learn more about Approximate Algorithms, go through these articles: Approximation Ratios • Approximation Algorithm: –Not an optimal solution, but with some performance ratio guarantee for a given problem instance, I (e. We first provide two scenarios that motivate this research. A bin packing algorithm is called online if it is given the items from Lone at a time, and it must assign each item into a bin immediately upon arrival. Bin packing also served as an early test bed for studying the average-case behavior of approximation algorithms. Lemma 2. 2. [1] The problem is NP-hard, but there are various efficient approximation algorithms: Lecture 3: Approximation Algorithms III Lecturer: Mohsen Gha ari Scribe: Davin Choo 1 Approximation schemes (Continued) 2 Bin packing (Continued) During the last lecture, the bin packing problem was tackled rst by FirstFit, which we showed to be a 2-approximation algorithm. The investigation is extended to variants of the • Approximation Algorithm: –Not an optimal solution, but with some • Define the waste, W(A), for a bin-packing algorithm A to be the number of bins that it May 1, 2017 · Then Johnson, Demers, Ullman, Garey and Graham [7] published definitive analysis of the worst case guarantees of several bin packing approximation algorithms. A genetic algorithm borrows concepts from biological evolution to iteratively improve upon a set of solutions. Dec 2, 2024 · Online Algorithms . Relative Approximation Definitions: • An α-optimum solution has value at most α times optimum for minimiza-tion, at least 1/α times optimum for minimization. Below we discuss an approximation algorithm which is almost a PTAS. However this hardness only applies to instances of small optimal value. Ideally, we would like to use as few bins as possible, but minimizing the number of bins is an CMPUT 675: Approximation Algorithms Fall 2014 Lecture 8 (Sep 19): Bin Packing Lecturer: Zachary Friggstad Scribe: Yifeng Zhang 8. 1 Fix any constants ;c>0. g that no single item has Approximating Bin Packing. For any 0 < ε ≤1/2 there is an algorithm that runs in time polynomial • Approximation Algorithm: –Not an optimal solution, but with some • Define the waste, W(A), for a bin-packing algorithm A to be the number of bins that it Jan 1, 2013 · The survey presents an overview of approximation algorithms for the classical bin packing problem and reviews the more important results on performance guarantees. Aug 6, 2015 · The Bin Packing Problem is one of the most important optimization problems. It is proved that the best algorithm for the Bin Packing Problem has the approximation ratio 3/2 and the time orderO(n), unlessP=NP. 3 For all > 0, Bin Packing is NP-hard to approximate within a factor of 3/2− . You are given Nitems, of sizes s 1;s 2;:::;s N. We also described A , an exact algorithm which solves bin packing under •A 4/3 approximation algorithm based on constant rounding. 下面是一个使用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)解决一维Bin Packing问题的Python代码示例。 Theorem: The above algorithm is 2-approximation. 3 2 1 5 3 6 1 4 2-stage 4-stage As a generalization of both classic bin packing and classic vertex coloring, it is hard to approximate the problem on general graphs. Jun 1, 2000 · Request PDF | Linear time-approximation algorithms for bin packing | Simchi-Levi (Naval Res. I came across the following question. We use the approximation factor to determine how good our approximation algorithm is. The asymptotic approximation ratio follows from two claims: In the optimal packing, the weight of each bin is at most 17/12; In the First-Fit packing, the average weight of each bin is at least 5/6 = 10/12. Jan 5, 2014 · In addition, we present efficient approximation algorithms for special cases of the Polygon Bin Packing problem, progressing toward solving an open question concerning an O(1)-approximation As far as off the shelf solutions, check out MAXLOADPRO for loading trucks. The bin packing problem consists of packing items of varying sizes into a finite number of bins of fixed capacity. Key words: Approximation Algorithm, Bin Packing Problem, Approximation Ratio, NP-hard. Firstly we consider the probably most simple Next Fit algorithm, which can be shown to be 2-approximate. In this paper, first, a ഉ ഈ Feb 1, 2025 · Extending our model and algorithm to 3D bin-packing problem is our next step research. Mathematics of Operations Research 20 (1995), 257–301 Article MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar. There is a type of approximation algorithm that can be applied to a wide number of optimization problems called genetic algorithms. Its input is a list of items of different sizes. Lucertini, editors, Analysis and Design of Algorithm in Combinatorial Optimization , pages 147–172. May 25, 2017 · In this paper, we study a bin packing problem in which the sizes of items are determined by k linear constraints, and the goal is to decide the sizes of items and pack them into a minimal number of unit sized bins. To clarify, inputs to the bin packing problem Mar 14, 2018 · The best known online algorithm for the BIN-PACKING PROBLEM has an asymptotic performance ratio of 1. A Aug 23, 2021 · We present a two-stage methodology called Positions and Covering (P&C) to solve the two-dimensional bin packing problem (2D-BPP). Start a new bin only if it does not. We now show 3 very simple online algorithms that each uses at most twice the optimal bins. 하나의 bin 안의 오브젝트들은 C보다 큰 볼륨을 가지지 않는다. The objective is to minimize the number of bins used to pack all the Jul 16, 2024 · Bin Packing问题是一个NP-hard问题,意味着在多项式时间内找到最优解是非常困难的。因此,我们通常使用启发式算法或近似算法来找到接近最优的解。 二、Python代码示例. • Exact algorithm where ε and Kare constants. Date: May 2005. Jan 1, 2012 · The survey presents an overview of approximation algorithms for the classical bin packing problem and reviews the more important results on performance guarantees. If we use approximation algorithms, the Bin-Packing problem could be solved in polynomial time. active. - Pack object i in bin j where j is the least index such that The Bin Packing Problem is one of the most important optimization problems. • The minimum size of bins= ε, # distinct sizes of bins= K. 2-D Geometric Bin Packing •Given: Collection of rectangles (by width, height), •Goal: Pack them into minimum number of unit square bins. Next Fit: When processing next item, check if it fits in the same bin as the last item. You Mar 1, 2025 · The problem is widely applicable in practice and has received a lot of attention in the approximation algorithms community (see [8] for detailed discussion). Another byproduct of our paper is an algorithm that solves a well-known configuration LP for 2-dimensional bin packing within a factor of (1 + epsiv) for any epsiv gt; 0. For this problem, we propose an absolute approximation algorithm whose ratio is bounded by the square root of the number of scenarios times the approximation ratio for an algorithm for the vector bin packing •The cornerstoneof approximation algorithms. Dec 2, 2024 · The article presents various bin packing algorithms, including Next Fit, First Fit, Best Fit, and Worst Fit, to minimize the number of bins required to accommodate items of different weights, highlighting their time complexities and approximate performance relative to optimal solutions. An Example: empty empty empty empty empty 0. May 10, 2020 · Background. For example, the simplest approximation algorithm is the First-fit algorithm, which solves the Bin-Packing problem in time O(nlogn). We will show that there are constant factor approximations for Bin Packing. However, as a major justification for this second edition we shall be presenting many new results, some of which represent important advances. If Bin-Packing Preliminaries Performance bounds on the online version Intuition M “small” items of size 1 2 e, followed by M “large” items of size 1 2 + e, where 0 < 0:001. For every size s i we have s i . If such a bin is found, put the new item in it. • The minimum size of bins: ε, # distinct sizes of bins: K. -Reduces to 1-D bin packing, if all items have height = 1. 59 (Seiden ). opengenus. Bin Packing 조건 n개의 오브젝트가 주어진다. A bin packing algorithm is called on-line if it packs all items a i solely on the basis of the sizes of the items a j , 1⩽ j ⩽ i , and without any information on For each item from largest to smallest, find the first bin into which the item fits, if any. Lends to simple algorithms that require clever analysis. 7 · OPT +1bins and First Fit Decreasing [JDU+74], which yields a solution with at most Jul 16, 2024 · Bin Packing问题是一个NP-hard问题,意味着在多项式时间内找到最优解是非常困难的。因此,我们通常使用启发式算法或近似算法来找到接近最优的解。 二、Python代码示例. 2BP admits no APTAS and the current best approximation ratio is 1. –Asymptotic PTAS Aε. Below is C++ implementation for this 2 Approximation Algorithms We now show 3 very simple online algorithms that each uses at most twice the optimal bins. Ratio = Alg(I)/Opt(I) May 24, 2023 · For this problem, we propose an absolute approximation algorithm whose ratio is bounded by the square root of the number of scenarios times the approximation ratio for an algorithm for the vector The Karmarkar–Karp (KK) bin packing algorithms are several related approximation algorithm for the bin packing problem. 1 Introduction Bin packing is one of the most fundamental problems in optimization and has been extensively studied in approximation algorithms starting from the classical work of Garey and Johnson [12]. Given a 2-approximation for minimum bin packing problem, find a 2d-approximation for d-dimensional bin backing. , no worst than twice the optimal) •Approx. Dec 29, 2023 · 건국대학교 김강일 교수님의 알고리즘을 학습하는 글입니다. This problem is a dual of the bin packing problem: in bin covering, the bin sizes are bounded from below and the goal is to maximize their number; in bin packing, the bin sizes are bounded from above and the goal is to minimize their number. -For d-D GBP, we have d-D cuboids At present, the research on approximation algorithms of bin packing is still popular. In 3D-BP, we need to pack the given cuboids into the minimum number of unit cube bins. 1 See full list on iq. 2. -With 90 degree rotationsand without rotations. The second paper discusses bounds, exact methods, heuristic approaches, and metaheuristic methods for the various classes of 2D prob-lems. In addition, our model is static with all the information about the items and bins. Bin Packing problem involves assigning n items of different weights and bins each of capacity c to a bin such that number of total used bins is minimized. => 1+ln(4/3) using R&A •Guillotine Cut: Edge to Edge cut across a bin 2 •There is an APTAS for Guillotine Packing [BLS FOCS 2005]. Best-fit is an online algorithm for bin packing. It is one of the two most extensively studied generalizations of Bin Packing (the other being Vector Bin Packing), which corresponds to the case when d = 1. Approximation algorithms for bin packing can be classified into two categories: Online heuristics, that consider the items in a given order and place them one by one inside the bins. Other related algorithms for online stochastic bin packing are Sum of Squares algorithm by Csirik et al. -Orthogonal Packing: rectangles packed parallel to bin edges. . Key words and phrases. 5 0. This shows that a better than 3 2-approximation is NP-hard. The goal of this project is to show the Next Fit, First Fit, Best Fit, and Worst Fit approximation algorithms for bin packing, in order to better understand and improve those algorithms. The first paper covers models, approximation algorithms, lower bounds and exact algorithms. A survey of these results is given in [1] . 1. This paper updates a survey [53] written about 3 years ago. Johnson [10] in an influential and prescient paper in 1973 where he studied algorithms for bin packing and other packing and covering related optimization problems. by sorting the items by size. Online bin packing has also been studied in probabilistic settings. In a genetic algorithm, we maintain a population of solutions. Consider any instance of Bin Packing that satis es: 1. The earliest ones are simple greedy algorithms such as the First Fit algorithm, analyzed by Johnson [Joh73] which requires at most 1. When processing the next item, see if it Start a new bin only if it does not. Approximation Algorithm for Bin Packing: 1. There is also a vast literature on mathematical models and exact algorithms for bin packing. • called an α-approximation algorithm Aug 6, 2015 · In 2003, Rudolf and Florian [5] presented an approximation algorithm for the bin packing problem which has a linear running time and absolute approximation factor of 3/2. Theorem 8. One of the early problems shown to be intractable. In short: FFD orders the items by descending size, and then calls first-fit bin packing. the context of o†ine approximation algorithms and online algorithms (see e. Detailed surveys can be found in [7, 10]. 封面图截自动漫《 よふかしのうた》第 2 集。本文遵循 CC BY-NC-SA 4. The variable-sized bin packing problem (VBP) is a well-known generalization of the NP-hard bin packing problem (BP) where the items can be packed in bins of M given sizes. It may be able to be configured to load any rectangular volume, but I haven't tried that yet. • Approximation factor is 2. But in practice, either items or bins may arrive dynamically. Solutions I'm studying: Next Fit, First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit, First Fit Decreasing, Best Fit Decreasing A bin packing algorithm can belong to one of two classes, online or o ine. Bin packing problem –An example –The First-Fit algorithm. These algorithms are for Bin Packing problems where items arrive one at a time (in unknown order), each must be put in a bin, before considering the next item. initiated an extremely rich research area in approximation algorithms [9]. 오브젝트들의 순서는 고정적이다. We also show that a wide class of rounding based algorithms cannot improve upon the factor of 1. All sizes are such that 0 <s i 1. Suppose F is a distribution on \\( { (0,1] } \\) and L n is a list of n items with item sizes chosen independently according to F . The Last Fit algorithm places a new object in the rightmost bin that still has room. All of the results mentioned there are covered here as well. •Settle the ratio between best Guillotine Packing and best 2D general packing : lower bound 1. When we do not write if the measure is asymptotic or absolute, the results hold for both measures. As Bin packing problems, in which one is asked to pack items of various sizes into bins so as to optimize some given objective function, arise in a wide variety of contexts and have been studied extensively during the past ten years, primarily with the goal of finding fast “approximation algorithms” that construct near-optimal packings. The bin packing problem is well-known to be NP-hard [8] and the seminal work of Johnson et al. Jan 1, 2025 · AbstractHeuristics for Vector Bin Packing (VBP) play an important role in modern distributed computing systems and other applications aimed at optimizing the usage of multidimensional resources. The Next Fit algorithm places a new object in the rightmost bin, starting a new bin if necessary. Genetic Algorithms. o. 下面是一个使用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)解决一维Bin Packing问题的Python代码示例。 of [CGJ84]. There is no ρ-approximation algorithm with ρ < 3/2 for Bin Packing unless P = NP. We show that this problem is NP-hard in general, and propose several algorithms in terms of the number of constraints. Nov 26, 2024 · Chapter 11: Approximation Chapter 11: Approximation 目录 Introduction Approximation Scheme Examples Bin Packing Online Algorithm Offline Algorithm Knapsack Problem Fractional Version 0-1 Version K-Center Problem Naive Greedy 2r-Greedy Smarter Greedy Summary Homework Mar 14, 2018 · The best known online algorithm for the BIN-PACKING PROBLEM has an asymptotic performance ratio of 1. 406 by Bansal and Khan (ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SODA), pp 13–25, 2014. Bin Packing is also a good case study to demonstrate the development of techniques in approximation algorithms. Its output is a packing - a partition of the items into bins of fixed capacity, such that the sum of sizes of items in each bin is at most the capacity. dvlch zfzbe zeidwcj aoqca hxpw sve zhlrj spujki gang opatw jqhc fgpot inxtg rzgka jeiyil