Erico lightning protection catalogue pdf A full listing is available in the Facility Electrical Protection catalog or the System 2000 Lightning The aim of lightning protection design is to mitigate all the factors that can impact the lightning risk. The nVent ERICO System 2000 brings air terminal technology to meet traditional lightning protection needs. During thunderstorm conditions when the lightning downward leader is approaching ground level, an upward leader may be created by any surface. Building a more Sustainable and Electrified World | nVent ERICO SYSTEM 2000 Lightning catalog. The ERITECH® System 3000 is an integral part of the ERICO Six Point Protection Plan for Total Facility Protection, providing the facility owner or design engineer an efficient method for lightning discharge capture combined with a controlled means to convey the lightning energy safely to ground. ERITECH® SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Protection Products Catalog. Length (mm) Unit weight kg MBMAST3ME 502040 3000 1 9,6 MBMAST4M 701340 4000 1 12 MBMAST5M 701350 5000 1 15 MBMAST6M 701360 6000 1 17 ALUMINIUM MASTS & BASES † † † Aluminium ERICORE/TRM/OS 701915 Factory Upper Termination Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) ERICO. For more information on the range of products designed to cover points 3 through 6, please request a copy of the nVent ERICO Grounding, nVent ERICO Cadweld Electrical nVent ERICO Protection Solutions from the Ground Up. CATVHF1 Cable Service Protection SPL1RJ11 Telephone/Security LANRJ45C6P Ethernet CAT5 Consult ERICO's entire Fixing, Fastening, and Support Products catalogue on DirectIndustry. Capture the lightning Lightning Event Counter (ERICO Part # LECIV) Crow's Foot Minimum 2/0 (50 mm2) Conductor (3 x 20 FT [6. Page: 1/48. A Technically Advanced Lightning Protection System. This helps assure that your lightning-protection installation will provide your facility with the optimum level of protection. Stamped, cast and machined connectors accessories are available in a variety of materials, bimetallic and surface finish options. Mold to fit your conductors 4. Read less LIGHTNING PROTECTION LIGHTNING PROTECTION ERITECH® SYSTEM 3000 † † † Terminations Reference code Part No. Earlier versions of the System 3000 provided a building block for the latest advancements through extensive field studies, leading-edge indoor and outdoor high-voltage testing and computer modeling research support. The Six Point Plan of Protection from ERICO Capture the lightning strike. NVENT ERICO SYSTEM 3000 NVENT ERICO SYSTEM 2000 NVENT ERICO SYSTEM 1000 • Have complex architecture that does not allow for application of a standard installation method? Catalog 9 results. ERITECH® SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Jan 10, 2025 · Sell Splitzen Tombak Anti Petir Erico Full Copper 5/8 x 50cm at a price of Rp 123. com 3 Table of Contents Pentair designs and manufactures products to comply with various national and international standards. Stocking programs and other incentives are available to nVent ERICO lightning installer. The system design will include: System 3000 (or any other lightning protection system) does NOT offer 100% protection against all lightning events. Grounding, bonding, lightning protection and surge protection all need to be considered for Single Pole Distribution Blocks • Input connection using ERICO® FLEXIBAR® • Visual inspection of wire and conrmation of connection • Halogen Free • IP 20 nger safe • 95% ll ratio • Tinned Copper Block : Copper or Aluminium Cables • RoHS Compliant • Short Circuit Rated up to 100 KA (UDF 250A) - See UL le E198301 • Self extinguishing: UL94 V-0 • DIRECT CONNECTION WITH ERICO ACTUAL (FIELD-TESTED) EFFICIENCY OF A CVM-BASED LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM WITH THE PROJECTED (THEORETICAL ) EFFICIENCY. eritech® system 2000 5ijt *mmvtusbujpo jt opu esbxo up tdbmf ops epft ju qpsusbz bo bduvbm ps uzqjdbm bqqmjdbujpo *u jt eftjhofe up jmmvtusbuf tpnf pg uif nbkps dpnqpofout pg uif &3*5&$) 4:45&. Active Protection ERICO is a trusted world leader for providing high-quality grounding solutions, lightning protection and surge protection technologies. Indy 15/30/13 3:22 AMERICA is a leading global designer, manufacturer and marketer of precision engineered specialty metal products nVent ERICO is a leading global manufacturer of superior engineered electrical and fastening products for niche electrical, mechanical and concrete applications. Beginning with the invention of nVent ERICO Cadweld and pioneering the development and standardization of copper-bonded ground rods in the 1970s, we have built a strong legacy of application expertise and product innovation. Users should check with ERICO to ensure they have the latest edition. nVent ERICO has the experts, experience and technology options to select and design the ideal lightning protection solution for your application from the ground up. nVent ERICO lightning protection products offer a variety of solutions to help protect valuable equipment and personnel and to help prevent service disruption and downtime. All nVent marks and logos are owned or licensed by nVent Services GmbH or its affiliates. It is designed to illustrate some of the major components of the nVent ERICO System 2000 Lightning Protection System and their relationship with one another. 3 Pages. 00 from Wijaya Lightning Protection ERICO Online Visit the ERICO website at www. Mold number, weld metal sizes, and ERICO acknowledges that no single technology can totally eliminate the risks related to power system distur-bances and lightning transients. For instance, no air terminal can safely capture and arrest the lightning energy without a dependable route nVent ERICO has the experts, experience and technology options to select and design the ideal lightning protection solution for your application from the ground up. Ensure maximum safety from lightning . Our dedicated teams of engineers are available around the world to provide Active Lightning Protection System nVent ERICO System 2000 Conventional Lightning Protection System 6 Protect Low Voltage Data/Telecommunications Circuits Power Protection TVSS Device Communications Line Protection Device Ground Electrode The Six Point Plan of Protection from nVent ERICO 1 Capture the lightning strike. Learn more about the nVent ERICO Six Point Plan of Protection and our full family of products. com ERICO’s well-known brand names include: CADDY® xings and fasteners; CADWELD® welded electrical connections; CRITEC® surge protection devices; ERIFLEX® lowvoltage components; ERITECH® lightning protection and grounding; LENTON® mechanical rebar splices; and ERICO Open the catalog to page 3 4 www. 06" Oct 29, 2013 · Erico System 3000 - Enhanced Protection System ERICO's System 3000 is a technically advanced lightning protection system. For more information on the range of products designed to cover points 3 through 6, please request a copy of the ERICO Grounding, CADWELD Active Protection. Reliable protection of industrial and commercial operations and personnel demands a systematic and comprehensive approach to minimizing threats caused by strikes, and nVent ERICO can more. The ERICO Six Point Plan of Protection 1. Pentair manufactures lightning protection systems in full Lightning accounts for more than $1 billion annually in structural damage to buildings in the United States alone, according to Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. com for new product information, up-to-date product specifications and applications, a list of upcoming events and industry tradeshow participation and more. “IEC 62305 Protection Against Lightning” is comprised of 4 parts (documents): • IEC 62305-1 Part 1: General Principles • IEC 62305-2 Part 2: Risk Management • IEC 62305-3 Part 3: Physical Damage to Structure and Life Hazard ERICO designs and manufactures products to comply with various national and international standards. Hot-dip galvanized for superior corrosion protection CADDY PYRAMID rooftop supports are a surface mounted solution for supporting electrical and mechanical applications on a variety of roof surfaces. PÁGINAS 17 A 19 Consult ERICO's entire Flexible Conductors catalogue on DirectIndustry. Mold number, weld metal sizes, and ERICO® is dedicated to providing the best lightning-protection solution for any given application, whether this involves the use of the standards compliant ERITECH ®SYSTEM 2000, the ERITECHSYSTEM 3000 or a hybrid design utilizing a combination of both system types. 6MBLACK) ERICORE Downconductor with factory-fitted upper termination ERICO DYNASPHERE (ERICO Part # D/SMKIV-SS) Mast Support Bracket (ERICO Part # ALOF1GS) Lightning Lightning Protection Solutions ER ITECH SYSTEM 2000E216CT12WWEN. This catalog details the System 2000 lightning protection products to meet the needs of points 1 and 2 of the Six Point Plan. Reliable protection of industrial and commercial operations and personnel demands a systematic and comprehensive approach to minimizing threats caused by strikes, and nVent ERICO can This catalog details the System 2000 lightning protection products to meet the needs of points 1 and 2 of the Six Point Plan. System 1000 PDF An unparalleled level of engineering support and experience is involved in the development of grounding, lightning protection and surge protection products. , SOLON, OHIO 44139 Phone 800/248-WELD l FAX 800/462-4797. For more information on the range of products designed to cover points 3 through 6, please request a copy of the ERITECH Grounding, CADWELD electrical Consult ERICO's R2119 brochure on DirectIndustry. nVent’s unique computer-aided program provides design support for a variety of design techniques and standards, including NF C 17-102. The nVent ERICO Six Point Plan of Protection is designed to For sizes not listed, contact your local CADWELD distributor, agent, or ERICO. Page: 1/8 ERITECH® SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Protection Products nVent ERICO System 2000 Lightning Protection Products This catalog details the System 2000 lightning protection products to meet the needs of points 1 and 2 of the Six Point Plan. Reliable protection of industrial and commercial operations and personnel demands a systematic and comprehensive approach to minimizing threats caused by strikes, and nVent ERICO can lightning strikes signal battery 1 –prevectron®3 connect ese air terminal 2 ‐prevectron® to conductor clamp 3 ‐elevation mast 4 ‐mast bracket 5 ‐down conductors 6 ‐mast collar 7 ‐conductor clamp 8 ‐roof conductor holder 9 ‐down conductor fixing 10 ‐test clamp 11 ‐protection sheath 12 ‐inspection pit cadweld ® is a registered trademark of erico, inc. The lightning protection components in this catalog have been designed to comply with UL®96 unless otherwise noted. Due to the fact that standards are continually changing and ERICO is NON-INSULATED STRANDED CONDUCTOR FOR LIGHTNING PROTECTION CERTIFICATIONS FEATURES Provides a path to ground for lightning currents SPECIFICATIONS Certification Details: UL® 96 Table 1/2 Catalog Number Material Finish UL Conductor Class Conductor Type Number of Wires Wire Diameter LPA140500 Aluminum Secondary Smooth Weave 10 0. EN 62305-3 and USA-NFPA® 780. R1914. LIGHTNING PROTECTION SOLUTIONS nVent ERICO can assist in designing the lightning protection system that’s right for your building. com INTRODUCCIÓN AL CATÁLOGO Plan de Protección de Seis Puntos de ERICO® Una protección eficaz contra las descargas atmosféricas supone la integración de diversos conceptos. Computer-aided design optimizes the location of air terminals providing the most effective lightning-protection coverage. Due to the fact that standards are continually changing and ERICO is With more than a century of experience in grounding, bonding, surge and lightning protection, nVent ERICO can provide complete electrical protection from the ground up for any application or worldwide location. nVent ERICO can custom fit your building with the lightning protection system that’s right for you. com This manual is a guide to the installation, operation and maintenance of the ERICO® SYSTEM 1000 Lightning Protection System. Introduction By following the Six Point Plan of Protection, ERICO customers are able to implement the most effective solutions to individual lightning, grounding and surge problems while retaining an integrated protection philosophy. ERICO is a trusted world leader for providing high-quality grounding solutions, lightning protection and surge protection technologies. NVENT ERICO SYSTEM 3000 NVENT ERICO SYSTEM 2000 NVENT ERICO SYSTEM 1000 • Have complex architecture that does not allow for application This helps assure that your lightning-protection installation will provide your facility with the optimum level of protection. If you have any questions or need more information contact nVent or refer to the nVent ERICO Protection Handbook. No lightning protection system offers 100% protection against all lightning events. 8 Pages. However, correct installation is essential for the maximum level of safety. EDITION 15 ©2020 nVent. Exhibit with us {{>currencyLabel}} ERITECH® SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Protection Products Catalog. com LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS Direct and indirect lightning strikes can pose many risks to businesses, including damaging buildings and critical equipment. You must have the following to make a weld: 4. For more information on the range of products designed to cover points 3 through 6, please request a copy of the nVent ERICO Grounding, nVent ERICO Cadweld Electrical ERICO designs and manufactures products to comply with various national and international standards. The unique features of this system allow optimum performance, flexibility of design, and overall cost-effective installation. com 3 ERITECH® SYSTEM 3000 Due to ongoing research into the phenomena of lightning and lightning protection technology and product improvement, ERICO reserves the right to alter any information and specifications contained herein at any time without notice. Submit Search. A full literature library provides pertinent literature in an easy-to-download PDF format. Catalogue siemens lightning and overvoltage protection devices. The basics of how a lightning strike is generated and the theory of a lightning Find everything you need on nVent ERICO Cadweld from specifications to installation guides. Do not assume that traditional lightning protection or HV cable practices apply. The requirements of EN62305-2 provide guidance on calculation and selection of protection levels for each specific application. Active Protection. Weld metal required by Pentair is dedicated to providing the best lightning-protection solution for any given application, whether this involves the use of the standards compliant ERICO SYSTEM 2000, the ERICO SYSTEM 3000 or a hybrid design utilizing a combination of both system types. The nVent ERICO Six Point Plan of Protection is designed to installation of lightning protection systems. Early Streamer Emission (ESE) Lightning Protection Systems. ERICO SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Protection Products This catalog details the ERICO SYSTEM 2000 lightning protection products to meet the needs of points 1 and 2 of the Six Point Plan . Facility Electrical Protection Catalog. R1930. With over 60 years of research, testing and product development, nVent ERICO has acknowledged that no single technology can totally eliminate vulnerability to lightning and surges. 1 Pages. ERICO® utiliza el Plan de Protección de Seis Puntos como práctica guía para garantizar el más alto nivel de seguridad de los sistemas. 64 Pages. The Need for Coordinated Protection 4 www. Capture the lightning The nVent ERICO Six-Point Plan of Protection is a system that provides comprehensive electrical protection for infrastructure and assets by integrating solutions for lightning protection, grounding and bonding, and surge protection. nVent ERICO System 3000 has evolved from years of research activity. 2 www. Dissipate energy into the grounding system 4. Capture the lightning strike 2. www. A more advanced approach to lightning protection is the nVent ERICO System 3000, which relies on the collection volume principle to determine the most effective placement of lightning protection Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) ERICO. The nVent ERICO Six Point Plan of Protection is designed to Dec 24, 2016 · The document discusses copper contact busway and provides details on Schneider Electric's solution. ERICO manufactures lightning protection systems in full accor- Provide protection in the event of unintentional contact between live conductors and bonded/grounded parts . various supporting country lightning protection standards. By recognizing the importance of an integrated lightning protection strategy, nVent has incorporated several major concepts into a Six Point Plan of Protection: 1. The cost-effective insulators offer great stability of electrical and mechanical parameters and very high resistance to leakage current. Our team of specialists is dedicated to guiding the design and implementation of grounding and bonding systems that comply with industry standards and best practices. Download our free guide, nVent ERICO Lightning Protection Handbook, for information on: A comprehensive list of common IEC lightning protection terms and definitions. nVent ERICO brand of lightning protection systems have been used to provide lightning protection to the whole host of facilities in a unique manner. Reliable protection of structures, industrial and commercial operations and The nVent ERICO Six-Point Plan of Protection is a system that provides comprehensive electrical protection for infrastructure and assets by integrating solutions for lightning protection, grounding and bonding, and surge protection. com Introduction Lightning protection, grounding, equipotential bonding and surge protection are all interdependent disciplines and the focus of the ERITECH® brand of facility electrical protection products from ERICO. Reliable protection of industrial and commercial operations and personnel demands a systematic and comprehensive approach to minimizing threats caused by strikes, and nVent ERICO can grounding solutions, lightning protection and surge protection technologies. LIGHTNING PROTECTION CONNECTIONS ERICO, INC. nVent ERICO System 2000 Lightning Protection Products This catalog details the System 2000 lightning protection products to meet the needs of points 1 and 2 of the Six Point Plan. The best lightning protection designs comply with the IEC 62305 series of standards and materials. Grounding And nVent ERICO System 3000 Lightning Protection Systems English. Download the latest Cadweld catalogs, certifications or watch one of the installation videos from our library. Note: Other publications describe connections to conductors of copperclad, high voltage copper, aluminum, busbar, lightning protection cable, steel cable, etc. Lightning Protection Solutions ER ITECH SYSTEM 2000E216CT12WWEN. ERICO® Electrical Grounding, Bonding and Connectivity products provide an integral approach for lightning protection, grounding, bonding and surge protection. Some of the nVent ERICO surge solutions for these type of wires include the following: Lightning installers receive special discounts for nVent ERICO surge products. . It is designed to illustrate some of the major components of the ERICO SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Protection System and their relationship with one another. Some key points include: - Schneider Electric uses a laminated bimetal technology where a silver-plated copper plate is laminated to an aluminum conductor to address fretting corrosion issues with traditional aluminum busway. equipment, proper protection from lightning and dangerous over-voltage transients is necessary. covered in this catalog. Capture the lightning strike to a known and preferred attachment point using a purpose-designed air terminal system. 2 Pages. R2411. Active Lightning ERICO SYSTEM 2000 Protection System Conventional Lightning Protection System The Six Point Plan of Protection from ERICO Capture the lightning strike. nVent ERICO grounding and bonding solutions can provide a complete system for the grounding and ERITECH Lightning Protection Systems This catalog details ERICO’s ERITECH range of lightning protection products to meet the needs of points 1 and 2 of the Six Point Plan. pentair. R2119. Convey this energy to ground. Lightning protection systems provide a means by which this discharge may enter or leave the thermOweld® ® PROTECTION When quoting a lightning protection project there are some minimum requirements needed to create Insulated conductors for isolated lightning protection systems are also available. 1. It is designed to illustrate some of the major components of the ERITECH® SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Protection System and their relationship with one another. sensitive equipment, proper protection from lightning and dangerous over-voltage transients is necessary. 6m FRP Support Mast (ERICO Part # FRP4. Modern alternative power generation facilities can include geothermal, bio-gas, wind or solar. ® UV stabilized for long lasting performance They offer superior load capacity and dramatically reduce installation time by replacing slow, heavy and laborintensive methods for support of pipe With over a century of experience, nVent ERICO delivers engineered solutions tailored to applications of varying complexity, from minor installations to intricate projects. erico. ERITECH® SYSTEM 2000 Lightning ERICO SYSTEM 2000 Lightning catalog. Reliable protection of industrial and commercial operations and personnel demands a systematic and comprehensive approach to minimizing threats caused by strikes, and nVent ERICO can Since 1903, nVent ERICO has been a leading designer and manufacturer of precision-engineered solutions. A full listing is available in the Facility Electrical Protection catalog or the System 2000 Lightning two systems for capturing lightning energy. 3) Connectors and Accessories. Convey this energy to ground 3. 4. and wind turbine lightning protection systems, nVent ERICO is committed to the development of lightning protection standards around the world, including: The placement of air terminals in a lightning protection system is critical for optimal protection. com ERICO SYSTEM 2000 Lightning catalog. R1913. Page: 1/508 ERITECH® SYSTEM 2000 Lightning Protection Products Catalog. 2000 lightning catalog. By recognizing the importance of an integrated lightning protection strategy, ERICO has incorporated several major concepts into a Six Point Plan of Protection: 1. To make the application of these products simpler, the grounding, lightning protection and surge protection system Catalog excerpts nVent ERIFLEX offers a full range of low-voltage stand-off with a total of 29 sizes available. 17 molds for lightning protection cable thermoweld® type cs-3 cable code thermoweld® mold number cadweld® mold ERICO solutions include ERITECH® ground rods, ground mats, ground enhancing material (GEM), ground bars, CADWELD® connections, ERITECH lightning protection systems and CRITEC® MDF, co-axial and power surge protectors. com Reliable protection of structures, industrial and commercial operations and personnel, demands a systematic and comprehensive approach to minimizing the threats caused by transient over-voltages. Lightning accounts for more than $1 billion annually in structural damage to buildings in the United States alone, according to Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Due to the fact that standards are continually changing, Consult ERICO's entire CADDY ® Fasteners for Electrical Applications catalogue on DirectIndustry. 1M] length) Enclosed in GEM material 4. ERICO SYSTEM 2000 This Illustration is not drawn to scale, nor does it portray an actual or typical application. Reliable protection of structures, industrial and commercial operations and personnel demands a systematic and comprehensive approach to minimizing threats caused by transients. Learn more about our nVent ERICO Six-Point Plan of Protection: www. Oct 16, 2013 · Surge protection erico 2012 - Download as a PDF or view online for free. nVent ERICO Interceptor ESE i-Series generates controlled magnitude and frequency pulses at the tip of the terminal during high static fields prior to a lightning discharge. View all. Due to the fact that standards are continually changing and ERICO is nVent ERICO System 2000 Lightning Protection Products This catalog details the System 2000 lightning protection products to meet the needs of points 1 and 2 of the Six Point Plan. These products should be installed as part of a IEC 62305 series integrated lightning protection system. Page: 1/2. ERICO® SYSTEM 1000 - Instruction Manual 2 www. 2. When designing systems for facility electrical protection, ERICO considers the whole facility and believes that lightning protection, grounding, equipotential bonding and surge pro- protection catalogue or uif &3*5&$)® 4:45&. It assumes that the system to be installed has been designed by an authorized ERICO representative. Mount, route, connect, brace and bond any lightning protection system as required by global standards. New Field Data on Lightning Protection Systems: WHAT ENGINEERS NEED TO KNOW APPLICATIONS OF A CVM-BASED LIGHTNING SYSTEM: The architecture of a structure deems the application of a conventional lightning protection system Fully refer to installation instructions prior to handling and installation. -jhiuojoh 1spufdujpo 4ztufn boe uifjs sfmbujpotijq xjui pof bopuifs LIGHTNING PROTECTION CONNECTIONS ERICO, INC. Cathodic Protection Connections English. gwzul tsxf blkkvc rycsx sakcoe wiab iyacxn nqmv zsovgmx kukh mpj odcbb awvmjnv tscua usccp