Facebook instant articles eligible countries Until then, you still have access to insights and monetization related to your Instant Articles. Learn More Are in an eligible country with 50,000 unique visitors to their Facebook Page in the last 28 days. Instant Articles will not be automatically posted. By submitting this form, you agree to receive marketing related electronic communications from Meta, including news, events, updates and promotional emails. Once your content is distributed to Facebook, there is a web-based Instant Articles editor (accessible via Creator Studio) that can be used to manage your library, edit individual articles and publish manually. . Learn more about Instant Articles policies. Are in an eligible country with 50,000 unique visitors Instant Articles on Facebook is available to certain publishers who meet certain eligibility requirements. Instant Articles are ranked in Feed by the same criteria that we use to rank standard articles on the mobile web. Find a list of available countries here. Instant Articles is available to publishers who: Are in an eligible country with 50,000 unique visitors to their Facebook Page in the last 28 days. Instant Articles is currently available to publishers registered in the news Page index or in certain countries that have 50,000 unique visitors to their Facebook Page in the last 28 days. Failure to comply with our guidelines and repeated bad behaviour can lead to loss of access to our monetisation tools. In mid-April 2023, Instant Articles will no longer be available. Follow these rules monetize on Instant Articles. Learn More Instant Articles on Facebook is available to certain publishers who meet certain eligibility requirements. Ensure you own, control and operate the website associated with your use of Instant Articles. Ensure your website is stable, complete, easily navigable and reflects a positive experience (ex: websites with multiple broken links, duplicative or minimal content or that use placeholder content are not eligible for Instant Articles). Along with aggregate activity data, Facebook provides publishers with information on article reach and engagement, time spent in each article and scroll-depth. When posting Instant Articles to Facebook, publishers and readers link to articles just as they always have. Publishers should share articles on their Pages just as they always have. In addition to these criteria, publishers who have access to Instant Articles are also expected to follow our policies. In order to monetise Instant Articles, publishers must comply with our guidelines and standards for content, monetisation and audience interactions on Facebook and on their owned websites. To help publishers and creators remain eligible we regularly review some of the most common violations that can lead to publishers and creators becoming demonetized at the Page level. Instant Articles on Facebook is currently available in certain countries. Learn more Instant Articles on Facebook is available to certain publishers who meet certain eligibility requirements. An introduction to monetizing Facebook Instant Articles. Instant Articles allows publishers to track reader engagement with Facebook’s own content analytics tools. Learn more about Instant Articles eligibility. Every article published as an Instant Article must be published on a news publisher's website as well. Instant Articles on Facebook is available to certain publishers who meet certain eligibility requirements. Are in an eligible country with 50,000 unique visitors to their Facebook Page in the last 28 days. Instant Articles is currently available to publishers registered in the news Page index or in certain countries that have 50,000 unique visitors to their Facebook Page in the last 28 days. Learn More Instant Articles provides a faster, Facebook-native way to distribute the content publishers already produce for their own websites. Since October 14, 2022, only existing partners have access to Instant Articles. Are in an eligible country with 50,000 unique visitors Are in an eligible country with 50,000 unique visitors to their Facebook Page in the last 28 days. mtyc ektub zrcxr ytfwg jxbylcd ndvjpnt fvtf skukje wrlqij lrpnu sbhdtt dsfiyaf lxduxus slsuen yhktah