Influxdb show databases 2 > show Dec 21, 2015 · InfluxDB shell 0. show_databases(): returns database names In InfluxDB Clustered, databases and retention policies have been merged into databases, where databases have a retention period, but retention policies are no longer part of the data model. You can verify that the database was created by running: SHOW DATABASES. -format 'json|csv|column' Specifies the format of the server responses. By default, InfluxDB runs on localhost. Uses the token setting from the influxctl connection profile or the --token command flag. Create(Config. Use InfluxQL to administer your InfluxDB server and work with InfluxDB databases, retention policies, series, measurements, and shards. For more information, check out: Sep 9, 2021 · docker exec influxdb influx -execute 'create database some_database;' More help full command. 0. Description. See -format. a – Using cURL. It has made working with such data seamless and easy. In the FROM column, select the bucket to query. Nov 26, 2018 · I can get the database list using this statement: curl -G "http://somehost:8086/query?pretty=true" --data-urlencode "q=show databases" My InfluxDB version is 1. 8 to 2. The following code example crashes: var influxDBClient = InfluxDBClientFactory. To create a database, use the following command: CREATE DATABASE mydb. drop database "db_name" 使用数据库 use db_name 查看该数据库下所有表 show measurements 创建表 May 2, 2019 · In influxdbr: R Interface to InfluxDB. 2. Refs #5183 #5183 InfluxQL is an SQL-like query language for interacting with data in InfluxDB. Syntax In InfluxDB Clustered, retention policies are not part of the data structure but are expected by InfluxQL and used in fully-qualified measurements in the FROM clause. database-commands like SELECT y FROM y, INSERT management-commands like influx bucket list, influx org list So if you want to change something in orgs, buckets, retention-policies you have to do that via direct CLI (or the not so powerful UI). Returns a list of all databases on your instance. Username, C Feb 4, 2022 · From community Slack: Hi all, I am new to influxdb, and recently I upgraded influxdb from 1. */ Mar 9, 2022 · 如果您希望通过 HTTP API 查看数据库,请确保已启动 InfluxDB,并使用适当的 HTTP 请求发送到正确的端点。您可以使用 `GET /query` 请求来执行查询,并将 `q` 参数设置为`SHOW DATABASES`。 To see your newly-created database, use the SHOW DATABASES command: 4. First, tell the CLI to work with your newly-created database: Let’s get familiar with the data you’ll be writing to the database. Run the restore command in an ephemeral container. -database 'database name' The database to which influx connects. So, if dc1 goes down we can have the data of both datacenters(dc1 and dc2) in dc2. And to run a successful InfluxDB system, the database itself must be monitored. This will create a new database called mydb. docker exec influxdb influx -execute 'drop database some_database;' Sep 18, 2018 · > CREATE DATABASE "testDB" > show databases //查询当前的所有数据库 > show databases; name: databases-----name; _internal; testDB > use testDB //使用某个数据库; 建库的操作可以发现非常类似于mysql下的操作。而在influxdb下没有细分的表的概念,influxdb下的表在插入数据库的时候自动会创建。 InfluxDB 3 Core 处于公开 Alpha 阶段. DatabaseURL, Config. Aug 4, 2017 · 一、InfluxDB操作方式InfluxDB提供三种操作方式:1)客户端命令行方式2)HTTP API接口3)各语言API库二、InfluxDB数据库操作如同MYSQL一样,InfluxDB提供多数据库支持,对数据库的操作也与MYSQL相同。1、查看数据库:>show databases;name: databasesname----_internaldefault2、新建数据库>cr schema查询语法. Description Usage Arguments Value References See Also. Jan 9, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读1. Provide the name of the database you want to delete. If the query does not include ON <database_name>, you must specify the database with the db query string parameter in the InfluxDB API request. Just like consulting the index of a book lets you go straight to the relevant page, a database index lets you retrieve a specific record without going through every row in a table. 创建数据库create . The folllowing functions are convenient wrappers around influx_query. We strongly recommend including a FROM clause with the SHOW TAG VALUES statement that specifies 1-50 tables to query. 查看当前数据库如果需要查询现在有哪些数据库,可以使用show命令show databases2. show databases. x, you can use following command to find out the disk usage of database, measurement and even shards: In InfluxDB v2. */ Mar 9, 2022 · 如果您希望通过 HTTP API 查看数据库,请确保已启动 InfluxDB,并使用适当的 HTTP 请求发送到正确的端点。您可以使用 `GET /query` 请求来执行查询,并将 `q` 参数设置为`SHOW DATABASES`。 Jun 9, 2017 · In InfluxDB v1. sh-4. Feb 18, 2025 · 随后,showDatabases方法执行了SHOW DATABASES,用以查询并打印出InfluxDB实例所有数据库的名字。 从这一部分的代码开始,后续所有代码在操作数据库方面的逻辑都是很类似的——通过模拟并执行 InfluxDB 的数据库语句,来实现各项操作。 Sep 29, 2021 · I am having trouble using InfluxDB. I have finished dbrp mapping with v1 database, and also manually migrated data from v1. I was considering writing a shell script for this, however, I was not able to list all of the databases in order to pipe them to the DROP DATABASE <db_name> command Feb 3, 2025 · 随后,showDatabases方法执行了SHOW DATABASES,用以查询并打印出InfluxDB实例所有数据库的名字。 从这一部分的代码开始,后续所有代码在操作数据库方面的逻辑都是很类似的——通过模拟并执行 InfluxDB 的数据库语句,来实现各项操作。 InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security. Jan 31, 2019 · Each datacenter has one pod of Influxdb running. Client to query version 1. Returns a list of retention policies for the specified database. However, in v2 it doesn't show all my previous Nov 29, 2021 · I have tried using client. For more information, check out: Beta announcement blog from Paul Dix; Get Started with InfluxDB 3 Core; Get Started with InfluxDB 3 Enterprise SHOW DATABASES. name: databases. Now that we have a database, let's write some data to it. 注:不区分大小写,会删除掉所有大小写不同,但名字相同的库. The following sections cover useful query syntax for exploring your schema (that is, how you set up your time series data): See all databases with SHOW DATABASES; Explore retention policies with SHOW RETENTION POLICIES; Explore series with SHOW SERIES In InfluxDB Clustered, databases and retention policies have been merged into databases, where databases have a retention period, but retention policies are no longer part of the data model. $ sudo apt-get install curl $ curl --help Use the influxctl database delete command to delete a database from your InfluxDB cluster. 删除数据库对于influxdb来说,database与我们熟悉的mysql中的database一样,都是表的集合,不同的是,influxdb中的表叫做(measurement)1. show databases 删除数据库. Show is a helpful command that will help you find all the schemas you may use. Supported operators in the WHERE Jul 30, 2021 · I am using OSS (docker hub Image URI: influxdb:2. I’ve created a bucket named ‘TelemetryData’ and have ingested data into it. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security. > SHOW MEASUREMENTS WITH MEASUREMENT =~ /temp. The query returns database names in a tabular format. query("SHOW FIELD KEYS"). Use InfluxQL to administer your InfluxDB server and work with InfluxDB databases, retention policies, series, measurements, and shards. For more information on how to get started, check out: In this Definitive Guide To InfluxDB In 2021, firstly, you will gain some knowledge on the overall presentation of time-series databases, then with an in-depth explanation of the concepts that define InfluxDB, and at last, we explained the use-cases of InfluxDB and how it can be used in a variety of industries by using real-world examples. The command SHOW STATS allows you to do just that. It is a recent-data engine for time series and event data. To build and execute a Flux query with the query builder:. name _internal. Write data to your database. We are using opensource Influxdb so can anyone please suggest some approaches to achieve this? Use InfluxQL to administer your InfluxDB server and work with InfluxDB databases, retention policies, series, measurements, and shards. x, you could take advantage of the internal stats as following: |> range(start: v. timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "storage_shard_disk_size") Use InfluxQL to administer your InfluxDB server and work with InfluxDB databases, retention policies, series, measurements, and shards. InfluxQL是一种类似SQL的查询语言,用于与InfluxDB中的数据进行交互。下面我们要介绍一些有用的查询schema的语法: Useful query syntax for exploring schema in InfluxQL. Database indexing improves the speed of data retrieval. Start the InfluxDB container. 查看InfluxDB状态: SHOW STATS. 2$ influx Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1. The InfluxDB version I tested is v1. This InfluxDB instance has two databases: NOAA_water_database and _internal. Jun 18, 2019 · So, in my scenario, I have influxdb connecting to grafana. 使用数据库4. Now that you have a database, it’s time to write some data to it. InfluxDB 3 Core 处于公开 alpha 阶段,可用于测试和反馈,但不适用于生产环境。产品和本文档都在不断完善中。我们欢迎并鼓励您提供关于 alpha 版本体验的输入,并邀请您加入我们的公共频道以获取更新和分享反馈。 InfluxDB is a time-series database designed to store, query, and analyze large volumes of data that vary over time. timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "storage_shard_disk_size") Dec 28, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读888次,点赞15次,收藏16次。本文介绍基于Java语言,读取InfluxDB数据库的方法,包括读取InfluxDB的所有数据库,以及指定数据库中的measurement、field、tag等~_java 使用实体类查询influxdb数据 InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security. Sep 27, 2017 · Drop the database from InfluxDB. "measurement"; //Return all field keys and their types i would like to achieve something like: A free tier of InfluxDB 3 Enterprise will also be available for at-home, non-commercial use for hobbyists to get the full historical time series database set of capabilities. If you don’t have cURL already, make sure to install it first. See -execute. Syntax SHOW DATABASES Examples Example 1: Run a SHOW DATABASES query > SHOW DATABASES name: databases name ---- NOAA_water_database _internal The query returns database names in a tabular format. "autogen". Stop the docker container because InfluxDB must be stopped in order to run a restore. Run the influxctl database delete command and provide the following: Name of the database to delete; Confirm that you want to delete the database. 2 Mar 17, 2020 · This article is InfluxDB command cheatsheet about how to interact with influxDB server and query the metrics. $ sudo apt-get install curl $ curl --help Query builder. 3. Query InfluxDB to show the database is there and the records have been restored. InfluxDB 3 Core, is our new open source product. The Details In InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, databases and retention policies have been merged into databases, where databases have a retention period, but retention policies are no longer part of the data model. Database name: Name of the database to query. x data model, a database must be mapped to a v1 database and retention policy (DBRP) to be queryable with InfluxQL. -host 'host name' The host to which influx connects. 7). I would like to know how much disk space this bucket has taken using flux query. To list the available databases, use the following command: $ show databases name: databases name ---- _internal devices list of your databases You can connect to one specific database: $ use <database_name> By using a single database, the scope for each subsequent query will be limited to that database. get_points() and it returns all field keys in all measurements in the database, since the client is only connected at the database level. Without a FROM clause, the InfluxDB query engine must read data from all tables and return unique tag values from each. Time-series data refers to data collected and recorded over a specific time interval. For more information on how to get started, check out: ON <database_name> is optional. If you haven’t already, download and install the influxctl CLI. 7k次。文章目录1. The WHERE clause in SHOW SERIES supports tag comparisons but not field comparisons. Aug 20, 2019 · at the moment im using SHOW FIELD KEYS to get the data types all columns in influx, I am wondering how could I retrieve data types for specific columns only? Current behavior: SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM "database". We are releasing two products as part of the alpha. Oct 22, 2023 · Create an InfluxDB database using the InfluxDB API. 该查询以表格的形式返回数据库NOAA_water_database中所有的保留策略。这个数据库有一个名为autogen的保留策略,该保留策略具有无限的持续时间,为期7天的shard group持续时间,复制系数为1,并且它是这个数据库的默认(DEFAULT)保留策略。 Feb 3, 2025 · 随后,showDatabases方法执行了SHOW DATABASES,用以查询并打印出InfluxDB实例所有数据库的名字。 从这一部分的代码开始,后续所有代码在操作数据库方面的逻辑都是很类似的——通过模拟并执行 InfluxDB 的数据库语句,来实现各项操作。 Aug 12, 2019 · II – Create an InfluxDB database using the InfluxDB API. 10. 8 using C#. Nov 20, 2024 · In InfluxDB, a database is a logical container for your time series data. SHOW STATS returns information about the Use the influxctl database delete command or the Management HTTP API to delete a database from your InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated cluster. FROM, WHERE, LIMIT, and OFFSET clauses are optional. 2 InfluxDB shell version: 1. 现在数据库mydb已经创建好了,我们可以用SHOW DATABASES语句来看看已存在的数据库: > SHOW DATABASES name: databases ----- name _internal mydb > 说明:_internal数据库是用来存储InfluxDB内部的实时监控数据的。 不像SHOW DATABASES,大部分InfluxQL需要作用在一个特定的数据库上。 SHOW クエリ (たとえば、 SHOW DATABASES または SHOW RETENTION POLICIES) を探している場合は、「 Schema Exploration 」を参照してください。 以下のセクションの例では、InfluxDB の Command Line Interface (CLI) を使用します。HTTP API を使用してコマンドを実行することもできます。 Include a FROM clause. 查看当前数据库2. SHOW RETENTION POLICIES. The data returned for each retention policy does not represent the actual retention-related attributes of the database. Writing Data to InfluxDB. $ show databases name: databases name ---- _internal devices list of your databases Sie können eine Verbindung zu einer bestimmten Datenbank herstellen: $ use <database_name> Bei Verwendung einer einzelnen Datenbank wird der Umfang für jede nachfolgende Abfrage auf diese Datenbank beschränkt. Check to make sure the database is gone. timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "storage_shard_disk_size") -database 'database name' The database to which influx connects. 7. 创建数据库3. Alternatively, there is another way to create an InfluxDB database which is by sending a HTTP request to the InfluxDB REST API. For this tutorial, select the get-started bucket. In the next filter column, select _measurement from the column dropdown menu, and then select the home measurement. For more information on how to get started, check out: “InfluxDB is a strong database built specifically for time series data. Uses the database setting from the influxctl connection profile or the --database command flag. timeRangeStart, stop: v. Use the influxctl database list command to list databases in your InfluxDB cluster. 创建一个数据库: create database "db_name" 显示所有的数据库. Aug 11, 2019 · I am trying to drop all of the InfluxDB databases except the _internal one as I do not want to do this every time manually, however, this is not supported directly from influxdb. But there does not seem to be a "use " options, like exists for "use " InfluxDB 3 Core, is our new open source product. To list all databases we can execute: docker exec influxdb influx -execute 'show databases;' If you want to remove some database that is no longer needed you do it by using. Connect to InfluxDB server and select the database. -execute 'command' Execute an InfluxQL command and quit. ” — Verified G2 reviewer. we want some approach to replicate the data between two influxdb instances running across two datacenters. name is a non-existing database. Because InfluxQL uses the 1. SQL query: SQL query with the SHOW 查询以表格格式返回 NOAA_water_database 数据库中的保留策略列表。 该数据库有一个名为 autogen 的保留策略。autogen 保留策略具有无限持续时间,七天的分片组持续时间,复制因子为 1,并且它是数据库的 DEFAULT 保留策略。 A free tier of InfluxDB 3 Enterprise will also be available for at-home, non-commercial use for hobbyists to get the full historical time series database set of capabilities. Sep 22, 2015 · A common use of InfluxDB is the monitoring and analysis of IT infrastructure. What is database indexing? The index of a database table acts like the index in a physical textbook. 9. For more information on how to get started, check out: 如果您想要的是关于show的查询(例如,show databases或者show retention policies),请查阅schema探索章节。 以下章节中的示例使用了InfluxDB的 命令行界面(CLI) 。 您也可以使用InfluxDB API来执行这些命令;只需向 /query 路径发送 GET 请求,并将命令包含在URL参数 q 中。 Dec 4, 2024 · 1、InfluxDB 操作方式 InfluxDB 提供了三种操作方式: 客户端命令行方式 HTTP API接口 各语言API库 2、InfluxDB 数据库操作 显示数据库 show databases 新建数据库 create database test 删除数据库 drop database test 使用某个数据库 use test 3、InfluxDB 数据表操作 在InfluxDB当中,并没有表 Database token: Database token with read permissions on the queried database. . eugiahd vflcxfr zdaq vfnbfj thfdgm qzrk jakm wpcbqo payv bgz tpzkyw ceafub wgdjd mpdy ktvqv