Johnny reb rules ) A common situation with wargame rules is to amend the rules, based on the scenario being played. Johnny Reb III: Regimental Grand This webpage has been designated by the designer as his official site. I know that if your dad hadn’t designed SL I wouldn’t have had so many years of enjoyment from one game. With the following exceptions and certain changes in the charts, all normal JRIII rules apply. A grand tactical miniatures set for the American Civil War, designed with a regimental focus. It also describes gameplay mechanics like issuing orders and outlines difficulty Johnny Reb II is my favorite set of Civil War rules. Additional Links to Johnny Reb Sites . 5x11, new revised 'final edition' classic rules, play aids, quick reference sheet. Rules Book. Johnny Reb III 15mm Quick Reference Chart. I like the idea of a 5 stand regiment with the flag in the center. Note: In my video, as pointed out by a lead gamemaster and developer in the game, I Beginning of in-ring career: 1993. The condition of the item you will receive is VG+- notated, unpunched. It serves as a reference Feb 3, 2011 · Covers warfare on the Mississippi, Missouri, Cumberland, Red, Yazoo, and similar rivers, with rules for ironclads, tinclads, timberclads, mortar rafts, transports, rams, tugs, and other riverine boats. Johnny Reb really played the way we felt that ACW battles played out in reality and in the books and first hand accounts that we had read. There are additional rules which cover skirmishers, sharpshooters, ammunition, etc. Johnny Reb, Miniatures Rules 2nd Edition Dec 16, 2024 · Johnny Reb III VG+. Jan 30, 2025 · Johnny Reb. The newsletter will provide a quarterly forum for exchanging information regarding the rules, original wargaming scenarios written with JR in mind, and historical articles of general interest to the regimental ACW gamer. Contents. 8. It includes a FAQ (with rules clarifications), plus optional regimental rules. by Hill, John. Johnny Reb is a complete set of miniatures rules for the American Civil War for use with almost any scale of miniatures: 9/10mm, 15mm, 20mm, and 25mm. Johnny Reb is a set of miniatures rules from the American Civil War. Johnny Reb (often referred to as JRI) was released in 1983 and published by Adventure Games. Part 3 of Andy Mac‘s figure painting guide. They are designed for 15mm gaming, but of course can be modified for other figure scales. sent first class within 24 hours of your order! yes, we really are that fast! Dec 12, 2020 · After revealing orders, and announcing the charges, First fire happens next. Hamilton Introduction Knowing of my enthusiasm for the new Regimental Fire & Fury (RF&F) rules set, Scott Mingus asked me to write an article for converting Johnny Reb (JR) I, II or III scenarios to RF&F format. Hill. Nov 8, 2020 · The rules "A Deadly Field" is okay, but I have to agree with what Chris says above. This item is a recurring or deferred purchase. Two or more people can play – Johnny Reb is ideal for team games. COM 4-15-15 PRINT THIS COLORED CHART FOR NICE HELP AIDE. European Buildings; North American Buildings; Johnny Reb II Rule Book. A Web & Wiki for Johnny Reb War Gamers. ‖ Far less often heard today is a similar period designation for sailors—―Jack Tar. Games can be played on a card table or up to a huge six-by-eight-foot table, depending on the scenario and number of units used. Includes six complete scenarios, each with a map showing terrain and unit positions, plus orders of battle and clear victory conditions. Battle at Salem Church, May 3, 1863 Scenario by John Hill The JRIII Mailing List "Discussion relating generally to the American Civil War, and specifically to the Johnny Reb III ruleset. $16. The advantage of FR (First Fire) is a dial role modifier (DRM) of +1 on the die Mar 4, 2025 · This set of American Civil War rules is a must-have for any miniature or war game enthusiast. (This does not seem to be the case with most Johnny Reb players. We will include 1 set of counters and 2 charts with each copy of the rules purchased from us. Lee G7 You held your head a-high tryin' to win the victory F C You fought for your folks but you didn't die in vain F C Even though you lost they speak highly of your name [Chorus] C 'Cause you fought all the way Johnny Reb Johnny Reb C You fought all the Nov 7, 2007 · looking for johnny reb III RULES shrinkwraped $24 +$ 8 shipping, I purchased from WARWEB. Johnny Reb, Miniatures Rules 2nd Edition [John Hill] on Amazon. Mar 6, 2025 · JOHNNY REB III, reprint of the 3rd edtion. cigarboxbattle. com/scott-mingus-awi-variant-for-johnny-reb-iii-free/ I later bought Johnny Reb as I have always been into ACW miniatures, again these rules also gave me much gaming pleasure and as soon as I saw ADF I knew that they would be excellent as well. A typical 480-man regiment is made up of 16 figures, which if based using the popular Johnny Reb III system would look like: For more information, refer to the Johnny-Reb-15mm-Quick-Reference-Chart-Two-Page. Historical Books. If you want Corps level games, then play F&F, or perhaps even JRIII. Nigel Oct 2, 2017 · As far as Johnny Reb, I absolutely despise the 4 stand size for every regiment and have argued that with John Hill since Johnny Reb 1 (well back then is was 5 stands per regiment). New Spiral Bound Edition of JR III Rules. Feb 1, 2014 · The early JR1 rules were fun and Bob ran them for the beginners in a way so that they weren’t intimidated by all the charts in JR1. Requires ownership of the JR3 rules. Jul 16, 2020 · Our rules of choice for the American Civil War is Johnny Reb, now in it's third edition. 684 Members; 5,915 Topics, Last Post: Converting Johnny Reb I, II & III Scenarios to Regimental Fire & Fury by Lowell D. John said it is so there is a standard morale modifier for each stand lost. One-page rules chart. By continuing, I agree to the cancellation policy and The Johnny Reb series is said to be the most popular Civil War rules set ever, true or not, chances are you’ve met someone who has played one version or another if you have not yourself. Morale rules based on leaders do not reflect the historical situation of the Civil War. Players will have to supply their own miniatures and paint them. http://www. nicknamed as ―Billy Yank‖ and ―Johnny Reb. Johnny Reb III is a game of Grand Regimental tactics of the American Civil War, using miniatures from 10mm to 25mm. G. Units are regiments of 15 to 30 figures divided into 5 bases, with players commanding a division or corps. I like the feel of Johnny Reb II for regimental battles. The game comes with rules set and 4 Reference cards for 15mm miniatures. The rules were once again updated Johnny Reb III Rules Bundle. Produced by the Johnny Reb Gaming Society. Game Designers' Workshop published a second edition in 1988. Johnny Reb is a series of Miniature War Game rules for simulated combat in the American Civil War. The special tribute edition (Issue#41 of Charge!) contains 6 of John's Civil War scenarios, as well as many of his Johnny Reb 3 rules interpretations and additions, as well as many photographs of John and friends playing miniature wargames. 4 results Sort by: Featured Best Selling Price, low to high Price, high to low Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Date, old to new Date, new to old Aug 2, 2021 · The scenarios are adaptable for almost every major regimental-level rules set. As for me, I actually prefer Johnny Reb III over A Deadly Field. The rules author is John Hill. When you are playing Johnny Reb III, it is nice to be able to refer to the quick reference chart for ease of available information on gaming scales, movement scale, turn sequence, order definitions, infantry formations, artillery formation and unit organization. We only play 2-3 games of Johnny Reb a year at best, so we needed this refresher. Johnny Reb III is a staple-bound 96 page booklet. rules such as the Johnny Reb gaming rules developed by John Hill. 1983 H. Jan 30, 2024 · Buy Johnny Reb III (Playtest Edition) - Historical Mini Rules - Johnny Reb Game Company, The from Johnny Reb Game Company, The - part of our Historical Miniatures collection. Visit the ADF – Rules Summary & Reference Charts Pinterest Board. The first edition was published by Adventure Games in 1983. This has been true about ACW. Great for conventions and gaming clubs. Johnny Reb Rules A collection of Johnny Reb rules and items. Not with Johnny Reb players. The Johnny Reb III game is known for its attention to detail and realistic gameplay, making it a popular c This shows you the various battle formations in JRIII, advantages and disadvantages of each one (page 6 and 7 in rule book) John Evans Hill (February 21, 1945 – January 12, 2015) [2] was an American designer of military board wargames, as well as rules for miniature wargaming. 1-42070. 00. " Johnny Reb III is a game of Grand Regimental tactics of the American Civil War, using miniatures from 10mm to 25mm. Headquartered in York, Pennsylvania, the non-profit society exists to promote regimental level miniature gaming of historical battles from the Civil War. Great for conventions and gaming [click here for more] Johnny Reb Gaming Society Johnny Reb 3 modified tables. Each miniature infantryman or cavalryman represents 20 actual soldiers; artillery models represent two actual cannons. Most rules systems are written with a set number of figures/units in mind. Includes charts and counters for copying/use. Conceptually the rules for turn sequence, fire & mêlée combat, moving & formation changes and morale tests are rather straight forward to be understood from reading. 1 vol, 68 pgs Issue #15 of CHARGE!, the official newsletter for the Johnny Reb Gaming Society, with regimental-level scenarios for Johnny Reb 3 and similar ACW rules sets February 2008 - Scenarios for Plum Point Bend, Milliken's Bend, and The Battle of the Crater. It features simultaneous movement and a strong command-and-control element with each unit being given orders each turn (orders are marked with counters). What’s Inside. In Charge! Issue #28, Tom Ballou presented an Dec 20, 2024 · johnny reb iii regimental grand tactical american civil war miniatures rules. com. Ground scale for 15mm figures is 1" = 50 yards. First thing that turned me off from Johnny Reb III was the rebasing from 5 stands to 4 stands. This, the second edition, has far more in common with the original release than the third edition which sought to reduce overhead and streamline game play. One combat turn = 20 minutes. It was subsequently updated, modified and enhanced in 1988 and released as Johnny Reb Two (often referred to as JRII), published by Game Designers Workshop. $24. Historical Miniatures & Rules. Add to cart . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for GDW John Hill's Johnny Reb Miniatures Rules for War Between the States VG at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! In this sense, Johnny Reb remains a tactical game, but with the simplification of the combat and charge system the play of much larger games is now possible. These rules have been reproduced from the original rules. The society exists to actively promote the usage of all three versions of these excellent rules, and to Johnny Reb Rules; Edition Brokaw 10mm Buildings. Effectiveness of Civil War canister. The game rules are written in simple language, with dozens of illustrations and examples of play, and indexed for easy Memorial tribute to John Hill from the Johnny Reb Gaming Society. Of the 96 pages, the final 24 are advertising. The Johnny Reb Rules have been released in three versions. Have a look! jr-clarification. Covers warfare on the Mississippi, Missouri, Cumberland, Red, Yazoo, and similar rivers, with rules for ironclads, tinclads, timberclads, mortar rafts, transports, rams, tugs, and other riverine boats. In-ring experience: Two or more people can play – Johnny Reb is ideal for team games. Movement Restrictions Formation Change: Jan 8, 2007 · INDEX to JOHNNY REB III. Best Miniatures Rules Winner. There are other reference cards available for the other scale miniatures for extra cost. Title: Johnny Reb III; Period: American Civil War; Type: Regimental Grand-Tactical Wargame Rules; Time Scale: 1 turn = 30 minutes; Ground Scale: 1:1800 (1 inch = 50 yards) This document provides an index to key terms and concepts from the wargame "Johnny Reb III". Charges: Charges are a major part of Johnny Reb II, and are both subtle and complex. Brad also presents data for rules based upon 10-minute, 15-minute, and 20-minute time intervals per turn. Designed by John Hill, it is a well known and well supported set of rules for the ACW. This AWI variant of John Hill’s “Johnny Reb III” miniature wargaming rules was developed by the Johnny Reb Gaming Society with the permission of Mr. Finally, here is a link to my step-by-step turn sequence for Johnny Reb 3, incorporating the above charts, but in sequential order. Johnny Reb on Wikipedia Jan 6, 2020 · Anything bigger than that and you aren't using the right rules system. Charge combat is perhaps the most complicated and will likely require visualization beyond simple reading to understand. wargame rules new unused. Author: John Hill. Some scenarios are available for purchase but the fun Johnny Reb III is the latest incarnation of the Johnny Reb gaming system. In Charge! Issue #28, Tom Ballou presented an Converting Johnny Reb I, II & III Scenarios to Regimental Fire & Fury by Lowell D. Key details include that the game simulates a skirmish between Union and Confederate troops, allowing players to customize maps, units, unit positions and reserves. Johnny Lightning 1980 Toyota Land Cruiser Gray and Red Primer (Weathered) Limited Edition to 4800 Pieces Worldwide 1/64 Diecast Model Car 4. The game comes with rules set and 4 Reference cards for 15mm miniatures. This document provides background information on the American Civil War and describes the gameplay and options of the computer game "Johnny Reb 2". TOC-WOC – A Civil War Blog. The index covers a range of topics including combat procedures, unit types and formations, movement rules, and the effects of terrain and morale on battles. ) Formal artillery batteries were not really used in AWI, instead it was individual gun based tactics, and sometimes… The Johnny Reb Gaming Society is a leading international society for the hobby of miniature wargaming of the American Civil War. The game rules are written in simple language, with dozens of illustrations and examples of play, and indexed for easy A FREE variant (with John Hill's written permission) of the Johnny Reb 3 rules set for use with American War of Independence (AWI) 15mm figures. GDW released a 2nd edition with minor changes in 1988, with a scenario book "To the Sound of the Guns" the Dec 14, 2021 · [Intro] C You fought all the way Johnny Reb Johnny Reb C You fought all the way Johnny Reb [Verse 1] F C Saw you a marchin' with Robert E. doc | Johnny Reb III: Regimental Grand Tactical American Civil War Miniatures Rules Group dedicated to the Johnny Reb (1, 2, and 3) miniature wargaming rules system designed by the late John Hill. Basing your figures for Johnny Reb IIIrecommendations based on historical actual frontage but with options 1/8-1/4" difference doesn't matter as long as A FREE variant (with John Hill's written permission) of the Johnny Reb III rules set for use with American War of Independence (AWI) 15mm figures. This international group is an informal association of miniature wargamers who use the Johnny Reb gaming rules developed by John Hill. Booklet includes extensive examples of play and an index. Oct 12, 2015 · The below letter was published in the Johnny Reb III rulebook on page 63. He is best known as the designer of the Avalon Hill board game Squad Leader and the American Civil War miniatures game Johnny Reb. Included with the rules are four identical reference cards and a sheet of die-cut counters used to indicate unit orders, morale status, etc. Welcome to “CHARGE!” the official newsletter of the Johnny Reb Gaming Society. So this justifies bases of different dimensions and crowding 5 figures on a stand? Jan 1, 2021 · Turn Sequence 7 - Normal Movement pages 51 and 52 in the rule book along with page 34 on order markers for movement and FM (Formation Change) I forgot to me. ‖ In this issue of Charge!, we proudly present what we believe is the most comprehensive bolt-on rules for Johnny Reb 3 for riverine and coastal warfare and combined operations Johnny Reb is a set of miniatures rules from the American Civil War. Hill founded and owned the Johnny Reb Game Company, which published the third version, Johnny Reb III rules in 1996. We have run out of stock for this item. Quantity. The game was designed by John Hill. 8 out of 5 stars 8 10 offers from $900 $ 9 00 Scott Mingus 4 page rules for the AWI using Johnny Reb 3. It lists over 60 entries alphabetically, each accompanied by page numbers where that term is discussed in more detail. 1. Group Information. Johnny Reb was first published by Adventure Games in 1983. The rules do not suggest a basing system for 25mm figures, but say that any of the popular rules basings will work. | Johnny Reb III: Regimental Grand Tactical American Civil War Miniatures Rules Johnny Reb III is a game of Grand Regimental tactics of the American Civil War, using miniatures from 10mm to 25mm. Mar 20, 2008 · A reader sent in some excellent observations and thoughts regarding the Johnny Reb 3 American Revolution variant rules. However, you should still check out the A Deadly Field rules, and play a few games if you can because you might prefer these over Johnny Reb III. I thought I would share them, as they are of interest to gamers wishing to recreate this period. A FREE variant (with John Hill's written permission) of the Johnny Reb 3 rules set for use with American War of Independence (AWI) 15mm figures. A custom quick reference sheet. Exceeding that and you kind of "break" the rules and what the author intended. Johnny Reb III is the latest incarnation of the Johnny Reb gaming system. Period: American Civil War: Scale Johnny Reb III is a game of Grand Regimental tactics of the American Civil War, using miniatures from 10mm to 25mm. The rules for the Resolve Charges phase of the game turn takes 9 full pages to explain! That said, however, the rules seem (to the untrained eye) pretty comprehensive. GDW released a 2nd edition with minor changes in 1988, with a scenario book "To the Sound of the Guns" the same year. Johnny Reb is a set of miniatures rules from the American Civil War. Played it a couple of times and did not like it at all. The rules cover infantry formations, cavalry charges, artillery fire, morale, command and control, obstacles and fortifications, and hidden movement. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Cards with sequence of play, combat and morale tables for quick reference during play. 15mm figures, 30:1 figure ratio, our units today ranged from 12-16 figures each. Some of the gamers on the JRIII Yahoo Group worked with Doug Kline, Dean West, and others to rewrite a portion of the Johnny Reb 3 rules for added clarity. A review of what each order marker means and allows that regiment to do. Johnny Reb Game Company, The Year Published 1996 Status In Print Contents 94-page rulebook (including 22 pages of advertisements), 1 sheet of die-cut markers, 4 identical reference sheets (two in blue, two in grey) Scale Regimental, Grand Tactical. John was the author of Johnny Reb rules system. Feb 16, 2025 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Johnny Reb Game Co Historical Mini Rules Johnny Reb III Bag Fair/VG+ at the best online prices at eBay! Memorial tribute to John Hill from the Johnny Reb Gaming Society. Product Line: Johnny Reb III. ghepr jmgz vstxao ugkk fjjt vkve aqtk zuhifn savgymvx nkdbhev eba darxq syzec hepx ujmklw