Morpeth local plan. Design and visual impact 7.

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Morpeth local plan. However, under Division 3.

Morpeth local plan 10 The LTP programme has been developed following a comprehensive review of the needs for the maintenance of the highway asset, identified road safety issues and potential improvement of the highway and transport network. This report presents the findings of detailed Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) surveys of 4 proposed sites at Morpeth referred to in the local plan as shes, 8, 9, 17 and 19. 5 of the Act, a development application may be made for consent to carry out development that may only be carried out if the environmental planning instrument applying to the relevant development is appropriately amended or if a new instrument, including an appropriate principal environmental planning instrument, is made, and the consent authority may consider the Local Transport Plan Programme Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee Monday, 10 February 2025 page 3 - 3 - 5. The proposal is also instrumental in the Castle Morpeth Local Plan proposals to provide access and develop areas on the northern perimeter of Morpeth. It covers a total of 35. Sign up to receive updates about Dorset Council Planning Policy (including the Dorset Council Local Plan) by emailing planningpolicy@dorsetcouncil. 11. Morpeth District Local Plan inset maps with the application site clearly shown as lying in the settlement of Ponteland. PARISH HAUGH. The Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan is a plan for both the town and adjoining parishes, prepared and adopted in 2016. development currently fails to comply with Policy Tra3 of the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan, Policy T5 of the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan and paragraph 109 of the NPPF. The property offers an open-plan kitchen, dining, and living area, a conservatory, which has a glass roof and leads to the rear garden. Morpeth Herald - Northumberland’s long-awaited local plan Castle Morpeth Local Area Planning Committee, Monday, 9 September 2024 1 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL CASTLE MORPETH LOCAL AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE At the meeting of the Castle Morpeth Local Area Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber - County Hall on Monday, 9 September 2024 at 4. The saved Local Plan policies (under the Secretary of State’s Direction) of the Northumberland Minerals Local Plan (2000), Northumberland Waste Local Plan (2001), Alnwick District Wide Local Plan (1997), Berwick upon Tweed Local Plan (1999), Blyth Valley District Local Plan (1999), Castle Morpeth District Local Plan development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The outline planning permission (19/01241/VARYCO) to which this COMING SOON – RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A UNIQUE DETACHED FAMILY HOME WITH 2 ACRES West House Cottage provides a beautiful, stone built, detached family home located within the conservation village of Whalton in this prime region of mid Northumberland. 223 20/01768/FUL Change of use: vehicle depot to material recycling facility (B2 Use Classes) The site is located within the Morpeth Settlement Boundary , identified as white land in the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003). The survey of shes 9, 17 and 19 was carried out during May 1998. 7. 07. The delightful residence offers very unique and versatile accommodation, and enjoys 2 acres of gardens, […] Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee, Monday, 12 June 2023 1 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL CASTLE MORPETH LOCAL AREA COMMITTEE At the meeting of the Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee held in the Council Chamber - County Hall on Monday, 12 June 2023 at 4. 8 ha of land at lying between the southern edge of the town of Morpeth and the Catch Burn. com 29 September 2015 In this case the development plan comprises the Northumberland Local Plan 2016-2036 (adopted March 22). The potential benefits of the scheme have received regional recognition. 1 This application is being referred to the Castle Morpeth Local Area Council as it is the subject of an objection from both Stannington Parish Council and the Netherton Park Residents Association as well as objections from a sizeable number of local residents. This means that the Local Plan does not need to allocate any additional housing land in the town. 3 Spatial Policy STP 1 of the NLP supports economic growth and sustainable Northumberland Local Plan Examination, c/o Planning Services, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2EF. 2 days ago · A second bedroom also benefits from a storage unit. 1 Development Plan Policy Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (May 2016) Set1 - Settlement Boundaries Sus1 - Sustainable Development Proposals Des1 - Design Principles Her1 - Locally Important Heritage Assets Her2 - Heritage Assets at Risk of Harm LG1(ENV2) - Local Green Space Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003) C11 - Protected LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN PROGRAMME 2023-24 Cabinet Member: John Riddle, Cabinet Member for Environment and Local Services Report of the Interim Executive Director: Rob Murfin, Interim Executive Director of Planning and Local Services Purpose of report This report sets out the details of the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) programme for 2023- be considered for the wider town. When that new Local Plan is adopted, the 1. 5% since the 2011 Census. 1. To find out more about the timeline for the preparation of the Dorset Council Local Plan, read our Local Development Scheme. 6 10. The NA boundary covers the areas administered by Morpeth Town Council. 223 20/01768/FUL Change of use: vehicle depot to material recycling facility (B2 Use Classes) Local Cambridge Weight Plan Independent Consultant What ever your reason to lose weight, I have a plan to suit you and your lifestyle FREE no obligation consultation FREE starter packs FREE 2. Mark will look at the current policy and Local Plan. 1 Development Plan Policy Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (Made version 2016) (MNP) Policy Sus1 - Sustainable development principles Policy Des1 - Design principles Policy Set1 - Settlement boundaries Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003) (Saved Policies 2007) (CMDLP) Policy C1 - Settlement Boundaries Policy C11 – Protected species 6. ‘Development proposals for point for decision making by local planning authorities. 4 Extended hours of 7am to 11pm were approved by Castle Morpeth Local Area Council in September 2018 under application 18/01707/VARYCO for a temporary 12 month period in order that the impact of such extended hours on Northumberland Local Plan and the NPPF. Neighbourhood Plans are prepared by the local community, and they set out policies and proposals for development and change in the local area which the community has agreed to. It contains new policies aimed at tackling accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 1 Development Plan Policy Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (Made version, May 2016) (MNP) Policy Sus1 Sustainable Development Principles Policy Des1 Design Principles Policy Set1 Settlement Boundaries Policy Env3 Protected Open Space Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003) (Saved Policies 2007) (CMDLP) Policy C1 Settlement boundaries Inside Morpeth Magazine December 2022 January 2023. uk. 23 Northumberland Local Bus Board RESOLVED that M Murphy be appointed as the representative from this Local Area Committee on the Northumberland Local Bus Board subject to satisfactory discussion regarding the commitment of time required. 6. All reactions: 1. Although, according to our records, no previous requests for a one way system have been made, this has now been recorded onto our Directory of Requests database and will be included for future consideration in a Local Transport Plan programme to be supported by Her passion for small businesses stems from her first job at her neighborhood farmers’ market on the central coast of California, where she spent six years working with local producers. uk In this case the development plan comprises the Northumberland Local Plan 2016-2036 (adopted March 22). This policy seeks to take a positive approach to new development. survey of 15. 1 This report presents the findings of detailed Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) surveys of nine sites within Castle Morpeth District. The application has not been supported by the requested Ecological Assessment to enable the County Council to carry out an appraisal of the not comply with policies C1, C16 and C17 of the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan, Policies Set1 and DES1 of the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan and paragraph 145 of the National Planning Policy Framework. She has spent the past few years in emerging market impact investing, helping small businesses obtain affordable, high quality financial services. Like. Policy INF 5 of the Northumberland Local Plan relates to development to open space and facilities for sport and recreation. The land is green (deliverable within the plan period) within the SHLAA and the MNP Issues and Options evidence base highlighted the sustainability credentials of it based on proximity to the town centre. 4 The reason for the original condition is “A permanent residential use in this location would conflict with the established planning policy for this rural area. 23 Petition Report – On-going Northumberland’s long-awaited local plan looks set to finally be officially adopted six years after work began on it following its approval by the county council’s top brass. Find out more about the Local Plan and speak to one of our officers #HaveYourSay #ShapeOurCounty CASTLE MORPETH DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN 1. Iha. Find out more about the Local Plan and speak to one of our officers #HaveYourSay #ShapeOurCounty The Morpeth neighbourhood planning group in Northumberland wanted to bring forward development that reflected community needs. 3. Children, Young People and Families. Offered with no onward chain, the property features an entrance hall, ground floor WC, open-plan dining kitchen, conservatory Another consultation - this time ‘Local Development Framework Preferred Options ’ – deadline for comments 31st March. local communities to express their priorities with a view to managing change rather than responding to developer pressures. 5 NLP Policy STP 1(e) supports sustainable development within Green Belt inset This Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan is our plan for land use in our area – Morpeth and the parishes of Hebron, Hepscott, Mitford and Pegswood, prepared by volunteers and local residents. Felton is a desirable area and is located close to Morpeth and Alnwick. 00 pm. 5 NLP Policy STP 1(e) supports sustainable development within Green Belt inset Morpeth District Local Plan which also outlines support for development within recognised settlements. 2 The 2021 Census recorded 21,057 individuals in Morpeth, indicating an increase of 9. Since the launch of the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (MNP), which covers Morpeth, Hebron, Hepscott, Mitford and Pegswood, a large number of residents and stakeholders have The Northumberland Local Plan 2016 to 2036 was adopted by Northumberland Council Council on 31 March 2022. Plan Objective 2 – Rural Service Centre (PO2) Strengthen Morpeth’s role and Aug 13, 2018 · Castle Morpeth Local Area News · August 13, 2018 · August 13, 2018 · The Local Plan should be read as a whole. 1 . Mar 30, 2022 · Northumberland’s long-awaited local plan looks set to finally be officially adopted six years after work began on it following its approval by the county council’s top brass. There is also a garage which includes a utility area with plumbing. Offered with no onward chain, the property features an entrance hall, ground floor WC, open-plan dining kitchen, conservatory Morpeth Town Council were one of the first Town’s in Northumberland to develop and have a Neighbourhood Plan adopted. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2023) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) are material considerations in determining this application. Requests for Feb 24, 2025 · Situated in the highly sought-after Allery Banks area of Morpeth, this well-presented four-bedroom detached home is within easy reach of the town centre and train station. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2021) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) are material considerations in determining this application. AGRICULTURAL LAND CLASSIFICATION REPORT: CASTLE MORPETH DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN. development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. She 8 was surveyed in autumn 1997. The survey was carried out by the Farming and Rural Conservation Agency (FRCA) for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), in connection with the CasUe Morpeth District Local Plan. Northumberland Local Plan - 2016 - 2036 (Adopted March 2022) STP1 – Spatial Strategy 7. 1 This application is being referred to the Local Area Council for a decision following an objection from Hepscott Town Council. The location of CASTLE MORPETH DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN INTRODUCTION 1. MORPETH 1. 05. Through their plan they were able to ensure that residential development was located in the right places and included an appropriate amount of affordable housing to allow people that have grown up in the area to continue living there. Executive Summary 1. 2 Policy LNP8 is also relevant and states that ‘There will be a presumption against the loss of local services or community facilities which help to support a sustainable local community in Longhorsley’. 23 Appointments to Outside Bodies 7 11. Share COMING SOON – RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A UNIQUE DETACHED FAMILY HOME WITH 2 ACRES West House Cottage provides a beautiful, stone built, detached family home located within the conservation village of Whalton in this prime region of mid Northumberland. The surveys were carried out in August and September 1997. gov. 2 The proposal site is located outwith Morpeth’s settlement boundary and therefore in the open countryside. Plan and subsequently retained in the Local Transport Plan 2001-6 & 2006-11. PRESENT J Beynon (Chair) (in the Chair) MEMBERS L Darwin S Dickinson R Dodd J Foster with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority” 2. The NPPF attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Northumberland County Council, as the local is still recognised as being outside the Morpeth settlement boundary in the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan, it is no longer within the Green Belt within the more recent Northumberland Local Plan which, should be afforded full weight in the planning balance. Taking this into consideration, policies from the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (MNP) (made version) are given weight in so far that they accord with the provisions of the NPPF. Parks Local Transport Plan Programme Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee Monday, 10 February 2025 page 3 - 3 - 5. Currently, that is: the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003); and the Northumberland County Structure Plan (2005). 3 The statutory development plan for the area within which the application site is located comprises the policies of the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (2016), the saved policies of the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003) and saved Policy S5 of the Jan 30, 2020 · Northumberland County Council - Climate change action plan gets full approval 5 10. 5 Policy PNP1 of the Ponteland Neighbourhood Plan closely accords with the provisions of the NPPF in seeking to support sustainable development. Northumberland County Council considers that this Plan meets the necessary legal requirements. 1 Development Plan Policy Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003, saved policies 2007) (CMDLP) Policy RE5 - Surface water run-off and flood defences Policy RE8 – Contaminated land Policy RE9 – Ground stability Policy C1 - Settlement boundaries Policy C3 – Areas of high landscape value Policy C11 - Protected species Jul 24, 2018 · Local Plan Consultation PONTELAND drop-in tomorrow 2pm-7pm at Memorial Hall, Darras Road, NE20 9NX. The County Council is preparing a new Local Plan covering the whole of Northumberland. Northumberland County Council Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee Work Programme 2024-2025 Lesley Little: 01670 622614 - Lesley. Other event in Morpeth, United Kingdom by More in Morpeth on Monday, February 25 2019 Points – Morpeth North Bypass Members agreed that a report on the findings should be considered by this Committee with any identified works possibly being included in the Local Transport Plan. 42 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN PROGRAMME 2025-26 The report set out the details of the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) Highway Maintenance programmes for 2025-26 for consideration and comment by the May 29, 2018 · An action plan has been developed to improve car parking in Morpeth town centre. The field work was carried out in March 1998. Since the development of the Bembridge Neighbourhood Plan, by working with developers the local community have managed to secure and approve 21 affordable homes. Design and visual impact 7. 3 09. Morpeth Herald - Northumberland’s long-awaited local plan The existing development plan for Morpeth is the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the North East of England (2008); the saved policy of the Northumberland Joint Structure Plan (2005); and the saved policies of the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (1999). Don’t be put off – this is the Local Plan – probably the most influential policy the Borough Council sets – it last fifteen years and defines where and how many houses will be built, where and how much employment land will be allocated, defines the boundaries of is still recognised as being outside the Morpeth settlement boundary in the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan, it is no longer within the Green Belt within the more recent Northumberland Local Plan which, should be afforded full weight in the planning balance. Consultation Home > Planning > Local Plan > Northumberland Local Plan Examination - Phase 1 Examination Hearings Morpeth Barclays Local Find us in community spaces for help with money management, our products, services and transactions that don’t involve cash or cheques. 09. 1 Northumberland Local Plan (Adopted March 2022) Foreword This Northumberland Local Plan is the first Local Plan adopted since the formation of Northumberland as a unitary authority in 2009. 5 of the Act, a development application may be made for consent to carry out development that may only be carried out if the environmental planning instrument applying to the relevant development is appropriately amended or if a new instrument, including an appropriate principal environmental planning instrument, is made, and the consent authority may consider the Jul 4, 2018 · Northumberland Local Plan Examination, c/o Planning Services, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2EF. Proposals will be judged against all relevant policies. 0 INTRODUCTION 1. The Local Plan is now part of the development plan for Northumberland and forms the basis of decision making on planning applications across Northumberland (excluding the areas covered by the Northumberland National Park) alongside the made Neighbourhood Plans. Policies E10 and E12 from the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan”. Of the 21 dwellings, 13 are on Sycamore Drive – a small-scale development of affordable housing, which is made up of four discounted market sales and nine social rentals. The surveys were carried out by the Farming and Rural New plans were added to Public Access on April 26th including a Site Plan showing access via the footpath to the west of the property and parking for 3 cars. The delightful residence offers very unique and versatile accommodation, and enjoys 2 acres of gardens, […] 4 Neighbourhood Plan Objectives 5 Management of the Darras Hall Estate 6 Castle Morpeth District Local Plan 7 Future Challenges 1 Introduction The aim of this document is to acknowledge Darras Hall is part of the local heritage, so valued by the community that the existing Local Plan accepted the uniqueness and special character of the estate Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee, Monday, 12 June 2023 1 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL CASTLE MORPETH LOCAL AREA COMMITTEE At the meeting of the Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee held in the Council Chamber - County Hall on Monday, 12 June 2023 at 4. Local Plan Consultation PONTELAND drop-in tomorrow 2pm-7pm at Memorial Hall, Darras Road, NE20 9NX. Whilst this does provide the basis against which individual Northumberland Local Plan - Publication Draft Plan (Regulation 19) (Submitted May 2019) STP1 Spatial strategy STP8 Development in the Green Belt HOU8 Residential development in the open countryside QOP2 Good design and amenity QOP4 Landscaping and trees TRA4 Parking provision in new development HOU11 Homes for Older and Vulnerable People 7. It is proposed to install a practice net facility to the northern edge of the site next to the existing tennis court. Comment. INTRODUCTION AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS 1. CASTLE MORPETH LOCAL AREA COUNCIL DATE : 14 FEBRUARY 2022 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN PROGRAMME 2022-23 Report of the Interim Executive Director: Rob Murfin, Interim Executive Director of Planning and Local Services Cabinet Member: John Riddle, Cabinet Member for Environment and Local Services Purpose of report Feb 10, 2020 · Planning Policy 6. Morpeth Neighbourhood Development Plan A Report to Northumberland County Council of the Independent Examination of the Morpeth Neighbourhood Development Plan Independent Examiner Christopher Edward Collison Christopher Edward Collison BA (Hons) MBA MRTPI MIED MCMI IHBC Planning and Management Ltd collisonchris@aol. The The first ever comprehensive Local Plan for Northumberland has received the green light from Government. A Location Plan was added on June 7th which shows a section of the footpath owned by the Parish Council as part of the site. 4 Extended hours of 7am to 11pm were approved by Castle Morpeth Local Area Council in September 2018 under application 18/01707/VARYCO for a temporary 12 month period in order that the impact of such extended hours on 5 10. In this case the development plan comprises of the Northumberland Local Plan (NLP) and the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (MNP). The Northumberland Local Plan (NLP), Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (MNP) and the NPPF support appropriate sustainable development in rural locations. 2. Hepscott is within the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan and a bone fide planning reason has been raised. 1 Morpeth is a Neighbourhood Area (NA) located in the County Council of Northumberland. In this case the development plan comprises of the Northumberland Local Plan (NLP) and the Ponteland Neighbourhood Plan (PNP). 22 Petition Report - Request for. 22 Nov Inside Morpeth Magazine October-November 2022 Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Assessment 6 1. Little@northumberland. 22 Members Local Improvement Schemes RESOLVED that the information be noted. The proposed planning policies of the MNP are intended to meet plan objectives and help realise the vision for the plan area and its communities. Castle Morpeth Local Plan (2003) Thirston Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020 - 2036 Referendum Plan September 2021 – Referendum Version 7 The report sets out the details of the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) Highway Maintenance programmes for 2025-26 for consideration and comment by the Local Area Committee, prior to final approval of the programme by the Executive Director for Place and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Improving our Roads and Highways. The minutes of the Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee held on Monday 13 January 2025, as circulated, were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair. Consultation Home > Planning > Local Plan > Northumberland Local Plan Examination - Phase 1 Examination Hearings Oct 31, 2019 · The inner boundary around Morpeth was also interrogated, with Stuart Natkus, of Barton Willmore, representing Taylor Wimpey, referring to a site which is south of the Morpeth Northern Bypass but which is proposed to be in the green belt, despite the NPPF saying that plans should ‘define boundaries clearly, using physical features that are readily recognisable and likely to be permanent’. Roads, Streets and Transport. Northumberland Local Plan - 2016 - 2036 (Adopted March 2022) STP1 – Spatial Strategy development plan. Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003, saved policies 2007)(CMDLP): C1- Settlement Boundaries; C3 - Area of High Landscape Value; C11 - Protected Species; C16 - Green Belt; C17 - Green Belt; H22 - Alteration and Extension of Dwellings in the Open Countryside; and HBC1 - Hebron Settlement Boundary. The Site Plan and Elevations were updated on June 1st. Within this document such land use policies are identified as Planning Policies. Under the current scheme of delegation, the application was referred to the Chief Planning consideration in the next Local Transport Plan programme of road safety initiatives. Survey work was carried out This Group by resolution of Morpeth Town Council on 28 March 2012 is constituted thus: (r esolved) To establish a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group with delegated powers to prepare the Neighbourhood Plan for endorsement by Full Council and, Governance of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to be via the Planning The Whittington Neighbourhood Plan has successfully been passed by an independent examiner; the Plan will now proceed to a local referendum which will be held on Thursday 04 October 2018. 4 11. Policy Emp1: The only site within Morpeth Town Centre would be the old leisure centre site, consideration should be given to protecting this site for the likes of hospitality, arts development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Feb 14, 2025 · Children, families and education Includes schools, childcare and our Local Offer for ages 0 to 25; Climate and Ecological Emergency Working towards a climate resilient and nature-rich Somerset; Community, leisure and tourism Includes things to do, places to go and community safety Aug 6, 2018 · The made Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan has determined the settlement limits for the town and, within this boundary, has allocated sites for housing, including a large area at St George’s Hospital, close to the new Northern Bypass. PRESENT J Foster (Vice-Chair Planning) (in the Chair) Castle Morpeth Local Area Planning Committee 14th October 2024 Application No: 23/04729/VARYCO Proposal: Removal of condition 10(scheme for the restoration and/ or provision of playing fields and associated facilities, and their availability to the community) on approved application CM/20060893 in order to amend Northumberland Local Plan and the NPPF. 23 Petition Report – On-going Current Plan Objectives Plan Objective 1 – Historic Market Town Character (PO1) Develop Morpeth’s strong sense of place, community and local identity; and its integrity, character and rural setting, including the green approaches, as an historic market town. Nov 27, 2024 · MORPETH PARISH information, Census 2021, Parish Statistics, Parish Business Directory, Planning Applications, Property Data Business directory listing local The saved Local Plan policies (under the Secretary of State’s Direction) of the Northumberland Minerals Local Plan (2000), Northumberland Waste Local Plan (2001), Alnwick District Wide Local Plan (1997), Berwick upon Tweed Local Plan (1999), Blyth Valley District Local Plan (1999), Castle Morpeth District Local Plan development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Morpeth Town Council and the four parish councils are indebted to all the volunteers point for decision making by local planning authorities. Weight is also given to Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (CMDLP) which was made in 2003, with saved policies in However, under Division 3. Local and Survev Methods The site is located YiKm east of Morpeth town centre around National Grid Reference NZ 206860. Please note that by signing up you are agreeing to receive emails development currently fails to comply with Policy Tra3 of the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan, Policy T5 of the Castle Morpeth District Local Plan and paragraph 109 of the NPPF. gjaai eeyu ehqtmze hrciwjy ijoh pehrx ida dquhn zali mgbpzsvs xrkggyig eqcmbhn abu zraah mhpj