Nato 9 line mist. This document is kept on the person at all times.
Nato 9 line mist Hoist c. REFT Combat Reference Guide Includes 9 Line UXO Report 9 Line MEDEVAC 9 Line NATO MEDEVAC Call For Fire Format Close Air Support Format. MIST stands for Mechanism of injury, Injuries, Signs and Symptoms and Treatment. A casualty's recovery will depend on continuing 9 Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear contamination (wartime) Include this line only when applicable C—Chemical; B—Biological; R—Radiological; N—Nuclear; Assists in planning for the mission. TRANSMIT the MEDEVAC information in the proper sequence. 1 Analgesia Administration; 14. e. 9-Line MEDEVAC request MIST Report Mechanism of injury Injuries Symptoms Treatment Relay the information following your standard operating procedures (SOPs) COMMUNICATE RELEVANT CASUALTY DATA HAND OFF WITH MEDIC OR MEDEVAC When handing casualty off to medic or MEDEVAC, provide DD FORM 1380, including any additional information as needed MIST report 9. 3 Intraosseous (IO) EZ: Humerus Apr 4, 2022 · Medical evacuation, often shortened to MEDEVAC or MEDIVAC, 9-line MEDEVAC is the timely and efficient movement and en route care provided by medical personnel to wounded being evacuated from a battlefield or combat zone to injured patients being evacuated from the scene of an accident to receiving medical facilities, or to patients at a rural hospital requiring urgent care at a better-equipped ÐÜ :„;\Õ ‡Ûw¿ Ÿ¥EOÞáž¼‰iç9¯ ì™ ]a\ è¯MGÕvfŽ emòQÎñ£›VÕ#“U )spbŽ &m3‡¢é›¶Ÿ3qàæpÅVi靖þô |åË8{ ¯¾™Ø¼‹ZãüÒ{9 TO^x†êgLa€ï‡ X÷z;Ý7ñ SE ³JÙµ>T=µNU= ‘ ( JZè}RéŠ`Ë夈@L O˜6ˆ³¹ÙÐùÝ'\+-˜ ™Ø´|é §?iƒª¸ìÂÑ µ èœËÀr·ˆ ̉¢?øÃwtƒŠ~¥ 0 The MIST Report is on the opposite side of the NATO 9-Line CASEVAC. Once in the air. Record using brevity codes. nato. Landing zone (LZ) coordinates using 8 digit grid system Dec 5, 2011 · Additionally, while still standardized as Line 9 being for NBC, it is common practice for it to just be labeled as terrain description and have no mention on NBC during the report. 9. Provide a MIST report for each casualty at the conclusion of the 9-Line MEDEVAC request. Навчальні and NATO identifier schema (a de facto standard), are supported by this software. 99 This document is a 9 liner MEDEVAC request form that collects essential patient and mission information in 9 lines. 1 Radial Pulse Assessment; 18 evacuation platforms. patient has arterial bleed that can be stabilized until arrive to hospital C- Priority- i. Wait 1 to 3 seconds for a response. 4. The reverse has the title with black text 'EOD 9 Line UXO/IED Report' and a list of numbers to summarise the incident. NOTE: NBC line 9 information is only included when contamination exists. Triage was accurate for 77%, but there was 17% overtriage and 6% undertriage (k = . Assists in planning for the mission. The lines include the pickup location, radio frequency, number of patients by precedence and type, security and terrain details, special equipment needed, and nationality and status of patients. A method to provide clear and concise instructions for a CASEVAC; Standard format used in the US military; Format Line 1. WARNO: “Warning Order” a-Type of Mission- “Fire for Effect, suppress, etc. Jul 27, 2023 · 9. 9-Line MEDEVAC request MIST Report Mechanism of injury Injuries Symptoms Treatment Relay the information following your standard operating procedures (SOPs) COMMUNICATE RELEVANTCASUALTY DATA HANDOFF WITH MEDIC OR MEDEVAC When handing off the casualty to the medic or MEDEVAC, provide DD Form 1380, including any additional information as needed MIST reporting was instituted as a standard part of the MEDEVAC request during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. 1 Penetrating Eye Injury; 13. 2 Rigid Eye Shield; 14. It’s a NATO/Joint standard format, so the order 100% matters CONFUCIUS Language Training School English Language Department Regional Sections Tbilisi Regional Section How We Teach Model of 2013 ISAF curriculum (22-26 April) Time Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Field Training 09:00 09:45 Memory exercises Georgian instructor Georgian instructor Georgian instructor Georgian instructor US May 30, 2021 · MEDEVAC CASEVAC in the NATO 9-line format MIST. 9-Line MEDEVAC request MIST report Keep the casualty’s DD Form 1380 up-to-date Communicate with evacuation and medical assets. Start studying TCCC NATO 9-LINE MEDEVAC REQUESTZMIST Apr 15, 2020 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 9 line uxo 9 line medevac (nato) 9 line medevac call for fire close air support Product variants 9 LINE UXO - $6. 619). 3 Intraosseous (IO) EZ: Humerus Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What kind of information should be passed over a radio frequency during a 9-Line MEDEVAC request?, What is "Line 1" of the 9-Line MEDEVAC Request?, What is "Line 2" of the 9-Line MEDEVAC Request? and more. 9 Line Medevac Smart Card Printable Form. Train soldier on requesting medical evacuation. How To Call In A 9Line MEDEVAC and MIST Report . 2 Medical Evacuation The 9-Line MEDEVAC Briefing Card is waterproof, durable and quick reference tool to record necessary information to facilitate a medical evacuation. The MIST report and Zap number may be given before or after the 9-line. ZAP ROSTER ADMIN NUMBER M Mechanism of Injury mine GSW RPG. patient requires regular medical care but unit cannot 9-LINE MEDEVAC AND MIST PREPARATION Continued 07 End the transmission by stating “OVER”. How to Call in a 9 Line MEDEVAC and MIST MIST reporting was instituted as a standard part of the MEDEVAC request during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. 2. صورة #14 | دقة الصورة 1010x643. 9-LINE MEDEVAC AND MIST PREPARATION - Allogy 9-LINE MEDEVAC AND MIST PREPARATION 01 CONTACT the unit that controls the evacuation assets. line 6 Security at pick-up site: N - No enemy troops in area P - Possible enemy troops in area (approach with caution) E - Enemy troops in area (approach with caution) X - Enemy troops in area (armed escort required) * In peacetime - number and types of wounds, injuries, and illnesses MIST reporting was instituted as a standard part of the MEDEVAC request during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. 3 Tourniquet Replacement (Tactical Field Care) 9. None b. Number of patients by precedence a. injuries that are not immediately life threatening but could become life threatening eventually D- Routine- i. Number of patients by type L ____# Patients litter 9. 5 Wound Packing and Pressure Bandage ; 10. Convenience Special equipment required A. Priority D. The MIST includes: ZAP / ROSTER / ADMIN NUMBER M - Mechanism of Injury (mine, GSW, RPG, RTA, etc. All leadership and medical personnel should get with local MEDEVAC elements to ensure they have proper radio frequencies and 9Line formats readily available. Terrain description (peace time) Identify terrain features in and around proposed landing or pickup site (lake, tower, ridge Most use the U. By using this system, you can be sure that all of the vital information Transcript 9 Line MEDEVAC - Army Powerpoint Classes 9 Line MEDEVAC Instructor: SSG Rosales PURPOSE Familiarize soldier on 9 Line MEDEVAC format. . NATO First Responder NATO First Responder (FR) [11] is the US Defense 9 Gelände / Hindernisse Landezone (PZ Terrain/ Obstacles) Länge, Breite Hindernisse Hilfsziele/Anflugrichtung – detaillierte Informationen (MIST) nachmeldenStart MEDEVAC nicht verzögern M Verletzungsmechanismus / Zeit (Mechanism/ time of injury) S (Symptoms) A (Airway) B (Breathing rate) C (Pulse rate) D (Consciousness) E (Other signs) NATO 9-line and/or MIST reports were available for 70% of these. Splinting; 18. There you have it, a brief overview of the 9 lines in the medevac system. Background. Start at LINE 1 -- Date-time group discovered LINE 2 -- Reporting Activity (UIC / Unit designation). Mechanism of injury and time of injury (if known) Injury or illness Symptoms and vital signs Treatment given M I S T 05 04 State all line-item numbers in a clear voice. Shock Recognition; 11. 99 9 LINE MEDEVAC - $6. What is a 9 line report. This document outlines the standard 9-line MEDEVAC request format used by NATO forces. MIST reports are also commonly given alongside a 9 line now also. military 9 line MEDEVAC format while others use NATO 9 Line or internally generated 9 Lines with the unique information required for supporting units. This document is kept on the person at all times. (“9-Liner”) is contained in STANAG 2627/ATP-97 and the electronic version is in the NATO Message Catalog STANAG 7149/APP-11. 3 Intraosseous (IO) EZ: Humerus Mar 3, 2022 · Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. (2) Paragraph 0403. ¿Cuál es el formato de un Medevac de 9 líneas? En resumen, una llamada de 9 líneas tiene este formato: 9 Line Medical Evacuation Request . MEET THE FAMILY: Rite in the Rain Combat Card templates include the Range Card, Call for Fire, 9-LINE MEDEVAC, and Tactical Combat Casualty Care Card. 10 Pages on 5 Cards: Triage Information, IT4C (Casualty Card), TACEVAC / NATO 9-line, MIST Report, Landing Zone Brief, LZ Instructions (including LZ marking diagrams), TACEVAC Steps / Info, Terminology Una evacuación médica de 9 líneas no es obligatoria en una guarnición, como en un entorno civil. 870, respectively). a. The 9-line medevac of the military is the report and request for resources used once it is determined there is a need to evacuate a patient. Operations of Special Forces or at sea may require specific solution. Location of pickup site (line 1). Ad MEDEVAC 9Line Request More Fillable Forms Register and Subscribe Now. Guarantee readiness with all weather combat cards. NATO CASUALTY EVACUATION CATEGORIES Oct 18, 2012 · Für die Truppe ist die Alarmierung und das Heranführen von Sanitätskräften ein wesentlicher Bestandteil einer funktionierenden Rettungskette sowie erfolgreicher Erstversorgung, also eines der »Basics«. Special Equipment a. UU. Hypothermia Treatment; 13. Observer ID/Call Sign- “FDC this is Alpha 2 Call for Fire to Follow” 2. Location of pick-up site. Ventilator 8. 1. reproduction, NATO is to be acknowledged. Se usa una versión militar y otra no militar, pero por el bien de este artículo, discutiré la que usan las Fuerzas Armadas de EE. medevac / casevac brief, nato 9-line, mist, landing zone brief, call for fire (cff), cas 9-line brief, threat weapon systems, enemy vehicles, fire plan sketch, range card, personnel report, ied / uxo report, supply rapid request, sitrep, entry / departing enemy lines, surob, surob worksheet, waves, equipment personnel manifest, vehicle status The Allied Aeromedical Architecture. 943, and . 2 Intraosseous (IO) Fast1: Sternal; 10. Mechanism of injury and time of injury (if known) Injury or illness Apr 28, 2020 · MEDEVAC CASEVAC in the NATO 9-line format MIST. ) I - Injuries Sustained (found and or suspected) S - Signs / Symptoms (pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate) T - Treatment Rendered (morphine, tourniquet, etc. 99 CALL FOR FIRE - Sold out - $6. Collect pertinent information. Line 4: A NIL, B NIL, C1, D1, E NIL, F NIL Line 5: L1 A1 Line 6: N, P NIL, E NIL, X NIL Line 7: A NIL, B NIL, C1, D NIL, E NIL, Line 8: A2, B NIL, C NIL, D NIL, E NIL Line 9: NIL. › with medical providers about details of the casualty’s injuries. 4 Tourniquet Conversion (Tactical Field Care) 9. Extraction equipment D. Hazards in the area include mines Jun 7, 2017 · The Grafenwoehr Training Area's aviation safety officer raised some medevac concerns during her range safety brief to a classroom full of leaders who requested range use, May 19, 2017. Im militärischen Einsatz spielen gegenüber den zivil üblichen 5w’s (wo, was, wie viele, welche Verletzungen, warten auf Rückfragen) Faktoren wie Feind- / Sicherheitslage, die May 1, 2023 · This document contains a MEDEVAC request form with 9 line items to provide essential information for a medical evacuation. United States Army An official website of the United States government Mar 7, 2025 · The Combat Casualty Reference Cards are designed to assist the Tactical Healthcare Professional and Warfighter by providing a rugged, rapid access resource of critical casualty management information. In an emergency, time is of the essence. Create this form in 5 minutes! Use professional pre-built templates to fill in and sign documents online faster. Urgent b. The prototype is ready to use by NATO countries (under a free license restricted by NCIA). THULS Book Details Topic Cards Description M3 - Medical Mini-Module 4 Must Have' information for any Combat Lifesaver. Must Have' information for any Combat Lifesaver. Topic: Cards: Description: M3 - Medical Mini-Module. MEDEVAC REQUEST FORM GTA 08-01-004 LINE ITEM EVACUATION REQUEST MESSAGE 1 Location of Pickup Site. standard MEDEVAC request, MIST reporting has become a norm in combat theaters. Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear contamination (wartime) Include this line only when applicable. NBC Contami- nation, (Wartime). com. TCCC Recommendations TCCC STANAG - NATO Standard. Urgent-Surgical c. Ventilator 5. None B. The CSU provides the holding capability at the airhead (APOD) to meet the STRATEVAC. 2 Pelvic Compression Device (PCD) 9. 10 Pages on 5 Cards: Triage Information, IT4C (Casualty Card), TACEVAC / NATO 9-line, MIST Report, Landing Zone Brief, LZ Instructions (including LZ marking diagrams), TACEVAC Steps / Info, Terminology Mar 13, 2023 · 9. The aim of the medical evacuation system is to evacuate casualties 24/7 day and night, in (as far as possible) all weather and sea conditions, in any terrain and any operational circumstances. Don’t be caught short or rely on paper to capture pertinent information, our card is field tested and is usable during inclement weather. M- Mechanism of injury I- Injury or illness sustained S- Symptoms and vital signs T- Treatments given CONFUCIUS Language Training School English Language Department Regional Sections Tbilisi Regional Section How We Teach Model of 2013 ISAF curriculum (22-26 April) Time Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Field Training 09:00 09:45 Memory exercises Georgian instructor Georgian instructor Georgian instructor Georgian instructor US May 10, 2024 · 9 Line Medevac – Final Thoughts. Routine E. Also, the following sentence, (1) “At no point in the chain of evacuation …. 99 9 LINE MEDEVAC (NATO) - $6. It includes a step-by-step instruction on the 9-Line Medical Evacuation. Major Kyle Jun 27, 2022 · The MIST report and Zap number may be given before or after the 9-line. Radio frequency call sign and suffix. The Medevac 9 Line system was developed for just this purpose. 3 COMMAND AND CONTROL 1. NATO does not charge any fee for its standardization documents at any stage, which are not intended to be sold. B- Urgent (non-surgical)- i. The 9-line request is used to communicate critical information to coordinate medical evacuation in a clear and standardized way during combat Topic: Cards: Description: M3 - Medical Mini-Module. Module 21: Communication 8 REQUESTING 9 NATO CASUALTY EVACUATION CATEGORIES Apr 6, 2022 · The MIST report and Zap number may be given before or after the 9-line. 9 Terrain description (peace time) Identify terrain features in and around proposed landing or pickup site (lake, tower, ridge Mar 13, 2023 · 9. 3. Give the following in the clear, “I HAVE A MEDEVAC REQUEST, OVER”. It requests an urgent evacuation within 90 minutes for a casualty from an IED blast who has head and leg injuries, is breathing less than 10 breaths per minute, and has a possible chest wound requiring treatment with a chest seal and IV fluids. Encrypt the app licable brevity codes. 9 Liner MEDEVAC GSG 07/2018 Line #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 1 Koordinaten / Landezone Ortsangabe/UTM Koordinaten/Markierung/In der Nähe von 2 Anprechpartner vor Ort Leader's Tactical Handbook - USMC Specific aka THULSMEDEVAC REQUEST / NATO 9-LINE MIST SALTA BDAR SIGACT Report TIC Report EOF 16-Line Report SAF 12-Line Report IDF Attack 8-Line Report Shell Report C Feb 23, 2015 · The following is an explanation of each line on how to call in the 9 Line: The first Transmission is as follows: 1. Priority d. MEDEVAC 9-Line (front), Explanations (back), 100# tan heavyweight card stock, 50-pack. Without the aid of reference, given multiple simulated casualties in a tactical environment, Feb 23, 2015 · After receiving such good feedback on our original 9 Line MEDEVAC stickers we decided to showcase 4 more combat reference guides that we feel are essential in combat. Mechanism of injury and time of injury (if known) Injury or illness Jun 7, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 9-LINE MEDEVAC AND MIST PREPARATION Continued 07 End the transmission by stating “OVER”. COURSE AGENDA Recognize the 9 Lines of medical evacuation. 1 Field Ruggedized IV Saline Lock; 10. In short a 9 line call gos in this format. Apr 11, 2022 · 9. 44 Pages on 22 Cards contains: TACEVAC / NATO 9-Line / MIST, SALTA, BDAR, SIGAC Report, TIC Report, EOF 16-line Report, SAF 12-line Report, IDF Attack 8-line Report, Shell Report, Crater Analysis, IED Initial Spot Report, IED Follow up Report, 15-line Vehichle Recovery Request, ISAF Detainee Report, ANSF Prisoner 9-line Brief, Missing Personnel Several reports/requests were added: MIJI Report, 9-Line Medevac Request*, MIST, Call for Fire, and EOD Nine Line. (FMSO-HSS-2003h) 9. MEDEVAC CASEVAC in the NATO 9-line format MIST. 10 Pages on 5 Cards: Triage Information, IT4C (Casualty Card), TACEVAC / NATO 9-line, MIST Report, Landing Zone Brief, LZ Instructions (including LZ marking diagrams), TACEVAC Steps / Info, Terminology, IT4C Training / Use, TACEVAC Procedures, plus Care / Transport Preparations. Include this line only when applicable. C. Hoist C. N = nuclear, B = biological, C = chemical. According to the NATO terminology database, Aeromedical Evacuation (AE) is the movement of patients under medical supervision by air transport to and between Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) as an integral part of the treatment continuum. This can reach from bilateral MOUs up to a NATO agency, comparable to AWACS, with a NATO fleet of suitable aircrafts. Save. 2 Wound Packing and Pressure Bandage; 10. Routine e. They can be retrieved from the NATO Standardization Document Database (https://nso. R—Radiological: N—Nuclear. It includes key information such as location of pickup zone, number and type of patients, required equipment, security of the zone, and patient treatment/condition. This capability Nov 21, 2022 · Standard 9-line UXO Report Line 1. NOTE: Unless the MEDEVAC information is transmitted over secure communication systems it must be encrypted except as noted in step 3b 1. 3 Combat Wound Medication Pill Pack; 16. 850, . Anyone calling range operations to report a 9-line medevac should state the line number followed by the phonetic alphabet character or 9-LINE MEDEVAC AND MIST PREPARATION Location of the pickup site (8-digit grid coordinate) Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix Numbers of patients by precedence A. Availability9. Description Medical Mini-Module 'Must Have' information for any Combat Lifesaver. Get access to Sep 4, 2009 · Respuesta: 9-LINE MEDEVAC Buenas noches cavalier: La clasificación de convenience significa evacuación de conveniencia, es sabido, que en algunas ocasiones se realizan evacuaciones convenientes (a la misión) de personas con relevancia por disponer de información o cualquier otro tipo de material relevante o de vital importancia para la misión en desarrollo. ) Z Mist, 9 Line, & TCCC. Manufactured using a flexible unbreakable plastic these weather proof cards are a must for the commander - no more fablon & laminating the cards come ready to use in any weather with the relevant printed text MEDEVAC / MIST VIDEO 9-LINE ARMY EXAMPLE Video can be found on deployedmedicine. NATO 9-Line MEDVAC Request Reference Sticker – 707 ARSENAL . Hazards in the area include mines This document is a 9 liner MEDEVAC request form that collects essential patient and mission information in 9 lines. 08 Keep the radio on and listen for additional instructions or contact from the evacuation unit. 2 Antibiotics Administration; 14. Terrain Descrip-tion (Peacetime). This includes 4-line communication and ongoing MIST reports. Record the gathered MEDEVAC information using the authorized brevity codes. Urgent Surgical C. LINE 07 LINE 08 LINE 09 C Chemical Prepare a MIST. The Cards contain the current Care Under Fire, Tactical Field Care and TACEVAC protocols, 9 Line MEDEVAC request and a notes section. NOTE: State all line-item numbers in a CLEAR Feb 23, 2015 · Here's the standard procedure for calling in a UXO report. previous MTF“ does not take into account emergent evacuations that may require dispersion of casualties to any MTF with the capacity to receive patients. Radio frequency, call sign 3. The number of patients was accurate in 95% of reports, the mechanism of injury was accurate for 98%, and the body region involved was accurate for 92% (k = . Continuity10. *Technically the 9-Line Medevac is covered under the Red 3 (Air) (which was not listed on the card), however to keep consistency among other units in the US Army, this 9-Line Medevac is based off the ATP 4-02. The MIST-REPORT is a very simple report format that contains medical details and thus supplements the MEDEVAC 9-LINER REQUEST with valuable information. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What kind of information NATO 9-line and/or MIST reports were available for 70% of these. Air/Ground. Daily Deals Daily Deals. requires in-flight surgeon to perform surgery while en route to hospital. If possible, describe the relationship of Jun 5, 2017 · A 9-line medevac request has a specific format to follow. 06 Pronounce letters and numbers according to appropriate radiotelephone procedures. 9 Line is a military term that Medevacs use for calling in a combat injury. Include details of terrain features in and around proposed landing site. These MEDEVAC/MIST(AT) slate cards are double sided and provide a good surface for taking notes. Convenience 4. Burn Treartment; 17. Additional information can be given using the Mechanism Injury Symptoms Treatment (MIST-AT) template (STANAG 2627/ATP-97). Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Get a hint. Without the aid of reference, given the necessary equipment, transmit a 9 Line Evacuation request, within 80% accuracy, per FM 8-10-6, Medical Evacuation in the Theater of Operations. Check out this resource from Deployed Medicine: 9-Line & Mist Report for Combat LifeSavers. 1 In this definition, ‘patients’ refers to individuals admitted to care when entering the healthcare system for 9-Line MEDEVAC request MISTReport Mechanism of injury Injuries Symptoms Treatment Relay the information following your standard operating procedures (SOPs) COMMUNICATE RELEVANTCASUALTY DATA HAND OFF WITH MEDIC OR MEDEVAC When handing casualty off to Medic or MEDEVAC, provide DD FORM 1380 ,including any additional information as needed: MIST report A- Urgent (surgical)- i. int!nso/) or through your national standardization authorities. Evacuation using special dedicated medical assets marked with a Red. Manufactured using a flexible unbreakable plastic these weather proof cards are a must for the commander - no more fablon & laminating the cards come ready to use in any weather with the relevant printed text These MEDEVAC/MIST(AT) slate cards are double sided and provide a good surface for taking notes. ” How to Call in a 9 Line MEDEVAC and MIST Report Apr 9, 2020 · 9-LINE MEDEVAC: Summon casualty evacuation and prepare medical personnel for safe landing, effective care. So having a clear and concise system in place is crucial. Grid location of pickup site 2. 1 Hemorrhage Control in TFC ; 9. 99 CLOSE AIR SUPPORT - Sold out - $6. Medical leadership may need to know: • What injuries were sustained • The mental and physical status of each casualty • Treatments rendered and treatments needed medical equipment, NATO vigorously encourages multinational cooperation. Extraction Equipment d. 1 Circulation and Hemorrhage Control in Tactical Field Care; 9. Laminated paper with black text titled 'NATO 9 Line MEDEVAC' on one side with a list of codes relating to the incident. Urgent B. MEDEVAC (NATO definition revision ongoing) is a medical responsibility. NATO NCIA Medical Management has been successfully tested during CWIX. Nato 9 Line MEDEVAC card with MIST. What is a ZMIST? Zap # Mechanism of injury Injury sustained Signs & symptoms Treatment Jul 26, 2024 · Skill Card 56: 9-Line MEDEVAC & MIST Preparation Joint Trauma System Collections. C—Chemical: B—Biological. S. 4 Special Equipment Required. Though not a formal part of the NATO and U. ipomakik oqne izavqzhy dauui veewbg xdajvram ffn bky insoooz lgrdp grj xazot emyuxgii nll tbzuv