Reddit aita grandchild. I(33m) married my wife(32) 3 years ago.
Reddit aita grandchild Our son is married to Kristy and has 3 kids - 4F, 2M, 1F. NTA, unless the parents or grandchild had expectations of college funds - such as a promise or a declaration that all the grandchildren will have college paid for Reply reply Ruarc20 2. They’re demanding their daughter and son-in-law change everything about their lives to accommodate wanting a grandchild. Oh you gotta be effing kidding me. My grandmother never remarried, but she had a partner who she moved in with before I was born, and I've never called him grandpa, and have never referred to him as my grandfather. Favouritism is cruel and hurtful. 4K votes, 289 comments. We have only seen pictures of our grandchild through Facebook because our daughter hasn’t let us see her and has barely spoke to us since we’ve been back home. AITA for asking my girlfriends grandchild to be - Reddit true I asked my mom to quit smoking before her first grandchild is born because we don't want to expose a newborn to the residual effects of smoking even though she said she won't smoke around the baby. She has been trying to return to the workforce for a while now and she finally got an offer in her field. I am not married to him, but I have always seen his family as my own, due to me not being close to my own family anymore because of personal reasons. Exactly. They want a grandchild they can take care of for a few hours, then hand them back to their parents. My niece is 2, my sister & her husband have already done time-out a few times (toddlers are indeed hell-raisers). My oldest daughter is going to give birth to her second child next month. I said it was because I wasn't able to take my own pictures and see them, and I just wanted pictures of my beautiful grandchild. My brother is their uncle, my mom and dad are their nana and pop— the kids see my family as their family and I always thought that my family felt He said my dad wanted to see me and his grandchildren now 2 years old (I have no idea how he knew I had children now) I didn't reply. this subreddit is for a podcast called reddit on wiki, that reads reddit stories. I gave her a call after a lot of people asked me to reach out again and asked her straight up what she wanted, did she want us out of her life, what is going on and to My (34F) older sister (42F) has always been ardently "child-free" because she thought life would be better and easier without any kids around. Joe told me the kids would love to have their whole family added to it. AITA for canceling the plans for thanksgiving after my parents called my brother’s baby their “first grandchild”? update I (32f) have been with my wife Ava (34f) for 8 years now, but we’ve been married for 5. M50 and F41. Basically my in-laws want their only child, my wife Diana, to start pumping out grandchildren. AITA parents worried about grandchild but I’m not I (28 F) have a 2 (F) toddler that has a little tic that has gotten more often as she’s gotten older. I am so impressed with your wife and with you for being straightforward with both sets of grandparents Dec 1, 2023 · Reddit AITA is furious with these homophobic grandparents who are demanding to know which grandchild is biologically related to them. When 23 and his gf lived on their own, I'd babysit once/twice a week at night to help out. They said I was weird and it was creepy. Yeah, that made me go "okay, so this is a man who is traumatized by the death of his wife and unborn daughter, trying to do right by his son, and not communicating his feelings and concerns because he probably doesn't have the tools for emotional introspection into his tangle of fear and grief (and possibly survivor's guilt) surrounding pregnancy. Just no. Who’s in the right? Dec 1, 2024 · If you were my son-in-law, or my son, I'd be so proud and I'd be THRILLED to have more grandchildren. We are also not hoarders. I have a ring belonging to my grandfather that my mother gave to me when he passed. I’m worried about L who I haven’t heard from since the get together. Because of this she doesn’t like going out and so going to restaurants is very hard as she will throw tantrums and have very loud meltdowns. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. They did none of the grandparent nagging to any of us, and now that my younger sibs both have kids (I’m the eldest and not having any) my folks are both Johnny-on-the-spot if needed for anything AND super careful about establishing and respecting boundaries. Then my mother through my cousin email said that she wanted me to come and see her and dad and they wanted to make amends with me and meet there grandchildren. TL;DR I never wanted kids but my husband is adamant that his daughter and grandchild should come live with us. Jan 16, 2024 · A father has recently sparked a heated debate online after revealing he is feuding with his sons over the financial support he provides to his daughter for her postgraduate education and not their grandchildren. If OP's MIL has the same mindset that you have no wonder she is a TERRIBLE grandmother. I am 61, L is 28, S is around the same age. It's a ridiculous demand and he's the AH for threatening you with not seeing your grandchildren. I don’t know where you live but look into aging services, and volunteer programs like friendly visitor programs so that it will relieve the stress and burden from you. Can you imagine what it must have been like for her parents trying to navigate a path through this to try and maintain contact with grandson and daughter and ex-SIL. Greg is my only child and he’s engaged to Sarah who is also twenty seven. So Reddit AITA? Edit and small update: I just thought I would add a bit more information that I neglected to add. AITA for getting upset I can’t visit when my grandchild is born? I am in my late 50s (female) and have two kids. My kids have been the only grandchildren on my side of the family since Ava and I got together, and there’s never been a moment where the kids and my wife were treated like they didn’t belong. We also live 77km (48 miles) away Edit again: I can’t rent a car because I don’t have a license. They don’t want to have to take care of a child all the time. However, as with some who hold this view and participate in these kind of toxic communities, she actually just hates kids. Hi, I F65 have two children. 187 votes, 67 comments. Reddit always makes me really appreciate my parents. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Reddit aita? Edit: I just want to clarify that my boyfriend is my partner of over 5 years and we live together so it’s not a random relationship that a lot of people are implying. AITA for Cutting grandma of from her first great grandchild Not the A-hole For context I had a cryptic pregnancy and gave birth to my son at 29 weeks after I went into the ER thinking I had appendicitis at age 20. The post was written on the popular subreddit "Am I the A*****?". Posted by u/ThrowRA29573758 - 2,912 votes and 1,388 comments That’s the thing, though. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. I(33m) married my wife(32) 3 years ago. It would matter if Jenny were the legally adopted grandchild and not the step grandchild. But NTA. I’d be done. Long story short my parents uninvited her from the family group trip and were not happy with how she treated their grandchildren. If you feel the need to leave your bio grandchild the stranger something as well then split it all 3 ways. The post was written on the popular subreddit "Am I the A*****?" The baby was born healthy and our daughter is okay. You understood, apologized, and were there for your son. com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zmxx8w/aita_for_being_upset_that_i_wont_see_my_grandkid/ I took everyone's advice and it has been a long week for the family. I understand that SIL is her daughter, but OP's husband is her son and ALL the children are her grandchildren. A couple of friends and family have said I should have just sucked it up, but I don’t think I was in the wrong. I was upset he told us over a zoom call, and they had a dinner with DIL's family the next day to tell them. We had planned to be there for our grandchild’s birth, but we couldn’t leave 6 days into a trip we spent a large amount of So, that's where we're at. Brad lives about 4 hours away, Emma just recently moved back home and Sophia still lives with my husband and I. I’m staying with them for two weeks. Their father and I divorced about 18 years ago. If my adult children told me I couldn’t kiss my grandchild on the lips, I would follow that VERY EASY boundary because I understand that I do not have a RIGHT to my grandchild as if they are my child, it is a privilege. Marie was unhappy that my great-grandchild was included, but not her and her kids, because my great-grandchild is not related by blood. To give some context, my family is a Pakistani Muslim family. Posted by u/howtobeacat101 - 2,159 votes and 813 comments My grandmother never mentioned him in her will as a grandchild, and never mentioned him while she was alive, nor did I ever actually hear about him other then a vague knowledge of his existence, so I didn’t include him in the list of grandchildren because it didn’t even cross my mind. Full stop. Posted by u/No_Instruction2527 - 4,971 votes and 1,421 comments Good job reinforcing OP’s mental heath issues. Wow. You're not wrong I had reread her statement I was the first grandchild on my mother's side and the first of the later generation of grandchildren on my father's side. " It's been a couple of days, and my partner supports me 100%. Your feelings are absolutely valid. He also doesn’t want to spend the money to get a nanny or do daycare when she can care for our baby for free. To watch our grandchild on Wednesday’s means my wife takes off (isn’t paid) from work so she can watch our grandchild. She says I’m taking her grandchild away from her and being unfair. A. My son's birth marked a milestone for our family as the only grandchild between my 45-year-old brother and I. I’m a social work director for a caregiver program. My husbands parents have another grand child who is not baptized and going on 3 years old. NC. Unfortunately kids are affected by the decisions that their parents make. My son has one child. Posted by u/Apprehensive_Laugh88 - 257 votes and 135 comments YTA. AITA for not wanting to adopt my husband’s grandchild? Edit for clarification: I didn't realize that it wasn't clear initially that my step-daughter is no longer 10 years old. When we met she had a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship. My FIL specifically mentioned in his will that adopted grandchildren are grandchildren. I'm still so incredibly proud of my son, and grateful to be a part of my grandchild's life, but my heart breaks for both of them. Like the kind of crazy town shit you’d only find on a delusional reddit thread. Keep in mind that Eric's stepdaughters I saw them very few times before the pandemic and they have 50/50 custody between their parents, so it's not every visit that I get to see them (I see The moment you got the DNA Test you both should have entered couple's counseling. I started feeling guilty about it and started wondering if I took it too far by banning her from seeing her grandchild. You should block the MIL and your husband should too. She gets into these tics by clinching her hands open and close and just making weird faces. I want to see my grandchild before it's 8 weeks old and I told them I would be waiting at their house to be able to do that after supplying them with everything for the baby. reddit. I had dreamed of spending holidays and vacations with my son's kids. I am quick to correct these behaviors. Diana is 28 and just finishing her PhD. The only thing she succeeded in doing was pushing her own daughter further away since she hated seeing her step daughter treated so shabbily. It’s the first time I’m staying with them in their home, usually I stay at a hotel but they recently bought a bigger home so I asked to stay. I've had a good relationship with both my daughters and I've always tried to make sure neither of them felt like I favored the other but I admit there were some rough patches with Sophia. AITA for wanting grandchildren? My nephew suggested I ask Reddit about this situation so here I am. It has become such a mess. I don’t really get along with Sarah, but I’m civil with her as she is going to be my daughter in law. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ Being a caregiver is rough. My daughter has 4. I have talked to my children about being my emergency contact etc now that I lost my common law husband a year ago. Basically, taking away something one group already has vs giving something new to a grandchild that does not have it. bio or not that girl is your grandchild. Both married. Their lives aren’t changing. My devout born again uncle once said that his grandchild-his ONLY grandchild, died at age 5 from neuroblastoma because his son and his wife didn’t worship god the right way, or whatever it is that those people say. Thus growing up, my family had always stressed that I (f27)… Nichole got married this year and Sophia had her first child which is my first grandchild. How on God's green earth does OP need less help. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Aita for being mad my husband’s family is trying to piggyback our baby’s baptism and after party with another grandchild’s baptism ? So we have a newborn and scheduled a baptism the next month or so. It couldn’t be clearer that OP was/is in a fragile mental state. I was so excited to learn I would be a grandad. Anyway, my father made complaints about not seeing his oldest granddaughter after I severed the relationship because he started mistreating my daughter like he's done me. Yes, the OP should have talked this over with his partner, but to suggest his choice to take in his grandchild was in any way wrong is ridiculous. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. AITA for how I treated by son and DIL after grandchild was born. My mum's father died when she was in her early twenties (and he was a violent, abusive alcoholic, so he wasn't missed). My grandmother treated her one step grandchild as a pariah ($5 for Christmas vs $25 for her grandchildren, etc). I was really upset by his lack of contact because I was convinced that he would reach out and make things right for the sake of his first grandchild. AITA for not telling my mother the gender of her grandchild right away because she announced my engagement when I asked her not to? Before I dive into the crux of this post: my husband and I got engaged in 2019 and were married in 2021. AITA? AITA for having a favorite grandchild and threatening to call the police on the other one's mother? I have two granddaughters who are five and three. I just don’t get how someone can switch off love for an innocent grandchild who did no wrong. After 5 ½ months of maternity leave, my daughter went back to work and my wife, a childcare professional, was asked to care for our grandchild on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s when their schedules required them both to work. It's a very treasured possession and selfishly, I would not be okay with losing it just because my siblings wanted something of his also. Okay, I’m being a judgmental asshat, I mean it’s your money to spend how you like. None the less, I will continue to support them in any way physically possible. Even though I referred to her as my stepchild in the title I see her as pretty much my own daughter because I have been in her life from such a young age, and I am also the biological father of her younger half-sister. A place where it's obvious OP is the asshole. 23's gf works at night (10-7), and at the time 23 worked 11am-8pm. Also, while existing grandchildren have only one shitty parent, the new grandchild has two. Because it is not my surgery, I may be a little "over zealous" about the arrival of the new baby. NTA - keep your mom away from your grandchild. I'm the oldest grandchild and that was a big part of the reason. My boyfriend does not own a car. We're 46 and our kids are 27M, 25 F, and 20F. AITA here? TL;DR: I printed pictures of my grandchild which were taken from social media and displayed them in my home. 2. Relevant Comments: Honestly 10/10 for you. But today, he said that he's very sad about the whole situation because he feels like he finally got his mom back, and that he hopes things will be right some day. Maybe parents will get divorced anyway, making point moot. I gave her a call after a lot of people asked me to reach out again and asked her straight up what she wanted, did she want us out of her life, what is going on and to Mar 7, 2023 · My (34F) older sister (42F) has always been ardently "child-free" because she thought life would be better and easier without any kids around. Little did I know this momentous occasion would trigger a series of unwanted events, making me question my actions regarding my mother's access to her only grandchild. The kids are old enough to know people don't make the same exact meal for holiday dinners. NTA. AITA for getting my for getting my "child-free" older sister banned from future family events for recording what she said about my kids? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I have a step child and I would be pretty pissed if my parents refused to care for him because he's "not a bio grandchild" https://www. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. If he wants a fried turkey so bad, he can go buy the fryer and do it himself. My ask could be taken as extorting her by withholding access to her grandchild even though I said that wasn't what I was trying to do. She is 16. You’re a spiteful and mean-spirited asshole for treating your grandchildren so differently. My son has two children, 4 and 2, and his wife took some time off to be a stay at home mom. AITA for telling my in-laws that if they want a grandchild they should give my wife her inheritance now. 355K subscribers in the AmITheDevil community. But then my grandchildren claimed something different. My grandchild (3m) is generally very good but occasionally he does things that I don’t find appropriate. Emma was engaged and the relationship became abusive so we urged her to stay with us for a while for both safety reasons and financial reasons. Posted by u/Honest-Meeting-9128 - 559 votes and 112 comments Aug 23, 2023 · I have a step child and I would be pretty pissed if my parents refused to care for him because he's "not a bio grandchild" Oct 30, 2023 · When 23 moved out, he got an apartment with his gf (22) and the two conceived my first grandchild (1) who I love more than anything in the world. The post was written on the popular subreddit "Am I the A*****?" Aug 23, 2023 · I have a step child and I would be pretty pissed if my parents refused to care for him because he's "not a bio grandchild" Dec 23, 2022 · https://www. I’m fifty six and mother to Greg, who is twenty seven. 5Y) and we have recently been blessed with another daughter (4W). My husband passed away at the beginning of this January and as I already had all the doses ok, I started to receive my grandchildren and step grandchild. Dec 11, 2024 · A viral Reddit AITA post sparks debate as a mom refuses help from grandparents after a babysitting breach of trust. There is no reason to punish your current non bio grandchild because your dna does not match. I’m a 56 year old woman and I have three children, Brad (32), Emma (29), and Sophia (23). My child saw the pictures of grandchild and freaked out. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. I can’t handle people who pull that absurd god card. Ok-Preparation-5654 mentions how thongs can be stated in wills. I told my son that his new adult step-child was not my grandchild, and therefore would not be the first grandchild in the family to get married. She is doing mental gymnastics to say she was the first - it very much sounds like there were other grandchildren on her father's side. My husband & I are relatively young grandparents. Don't feel guilty, enjoy your time with your grandchildren and make the best of it Edit: I also think if you have a will ot something similar where you pass inheritance money to your grandchildren, make sure it's iron clad where the mother can't get her hands on it AITA for not allowing my parents to see their grandchild when mother-in-law with stage 4 cancer is visiting from out-of-town? Context: My wife (33F) and I (34M) have a daughter (2. aita? Edit: sorry for the confusion to the people talking about me calling her my mother in law. I used to be super upset with her but as an adult I grew more and more upset with my father for prioritizing the women and her children over me and his grandchildren. We set up an online family album to share pictures securely of our daughter and shared the album with him too. Not to mention, it doesn’t matter how ridiculous a parents boundary is when it comes to their child, it is THEIR CHILD. AITA for not wanting my grandchild or DIL at my birthday So for context I love my grandchild but she has autism. He made no mention of step grandkids. When I turned 37, I welcomed the incredible journey of motherhood with the arrival of my sweet baby boy. My husband understands why I’m upset, but wants to give her another chance to watch the baby. I love them both, but unfortunately I don’t have much of a relationship with the three year old because I cannot get along with her mother. Dec 1, 2024 · If you were my son-in-law, or my son, I'd be so proud and I'd be THRILLED to have more grandchildren. I've also got a toxic mom (court ordered us not to see her after years in divorce court and multiple judges) and I am no contact with her, although I do enjoy her family. Don't deprive Sandy. 6 is old enough to be taught about racism & choosing words carefully; & definitely old enough to be held accountable for her words & actions. hfdjql jsptnx abmr vmvum fjda nhxue zjgklj zbmukso aodztcqpq jxuvmrm mvrqqvy eyjqbg bljwf pqkhdp byzhk