Synthetic sling capacity chart pdf. High Capacity Web or Roundslings.

Synthetic sling capacity chart pdf 7660 0. The capacity is reduced as the angle of use declines. 9 standards and regulations. Check the manufacturers' slings for their code number and the rated capacity. Shackle diameter large enough to avoid cutting or abrading but less than 1/3 eye length. We have attached a Sling Ratings Chart for the convenience of our valued customers. The adjusting hitch rated capacity is the same as the sling vertical hitch capacity. 9397 0. Flat Eye – Type 3 (EE) (measured pull to pull when flat) Width (in) Rated Capacities (lbs. It lists various models that differ by length, number of legs, and rated lifting capacity. 24 NYLON POLYESTER Treated 10% Treated 7% Untreated 6% Untreated 3% Sling Type Tolerance * 1 Ply ± (1. sling leg(s) Reductions in rated capacity as a function of angle of choke Angle of Choke (degrees) Angle of Choke Reduction = or > < Factor 120 180 1. Higher capacity slings are available - **Tri-Path designCAPAC. 819 20 0. 0 L = 0. Ød mm DIA. Inspectors must check that manufacturer tags are legible and the sling's rated capacity is clearly marked before the sling can be deemed to have passed wire-rope-sling-capacity-chart. Exposure to ultra-violet rays will reduce the strength of the web sling. They all have the same proven workmanship and long-lasting quality you can depend on. a 3’ purple sling would be ENR1PX03 and then total quantity. This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. 966 70° 0. Never exceed working load limits. docx), PDF File (. You can determine whether a sling will be rated high enough if you know the angle between the sling leg and the horizontal. The Bilco Group. 8 L = 2. 866 25 0. web sling, which is accomplished by repositioning the choke point. Maintains all the basic . In lifting applications they stretch less than rope slings yet still absorb shock load well. Nylon slings are da maged by acids, but resist caustics. Sling Safety. Sling Ratings Chart. (c) For choker hitch, the angle of choke is 120 deg or greater. 9962 0. While not as much of a problem, prolonged exposure to sunlight results in UV degradation of the sling. Note A soft alternative to wires and chain. To determine the actual capacity lings nlimited rigging supplies vertical 8,000 16,000 21 ,500 28,700 40,700 46,000 51 ,500 59,200 vertical 10,000 19,800 26,700 35,600 50,500 • Identify the part number you want along with the length in feet of the sling i. Capacity Charts. a choke angle less than 120 degrees can result in a capacity as low as 40% of the single leg. Slingmax Twin-Path synthetic slings can be used for all overhead lifts from small lifts to extremely heavy lifts. Al hacer clic en el botón de Elevated temperatures (above 200° (degrees) F) significantly reduce the rated load capacity of the nylon webbing sling. 996 80° 0. 4 L=1. • Good Chemical Resistance with Reduced Water Absorption – A 10’ DynaFlex. 9063 0. 0 Loading Factor, a = L = 1. a choke angle less than 120 degrees will result in a and our slings are proudly Made in USA. More. C. Crosby Clips. 8-10% stretch at rated capacity – can help reduce shock loading, but stretch must be accounted for in low headroom lifts; Unaffected by grease and oil; More popular in the United States and most widely used material for general purpose synthetic web slings; Resistant to aldehydes, ethers, and strong alkalis Recommended Application Chart Application Use Comments Web Slings, connect to Pad Eye, Eye Bolt, or Lifting Lug. A CHOKER HITCH HAS 80% OF THE CAPACITY OF A SINGLE LEG SLING ONLY IF THE ANGLE OF CHOKE IS 120 DEGREES The two most commonly used synthetic webbing slings used for lifting in Australia are “Flat” and “Round” Slings. If the angle of the sling is not taken into consideration before selecting a sling to lift a load, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH COULD RESULT from the load being dropped. 8192 0. basket hitch capacity multiple leg slings a basket hitch has twice the capacity of a single leg only if d/d ratio is 25/1 and the legs are vertical Always protect synthetic slings from being cut by corners and edges. Type of Load The working load limit changes based on the lifting style. COLOUR CODE CHART George Taylor Lifting Gear Test Certificate supplied with all slings. 0 L = 1. 5" + 1. • Include EE (Eye to Eye), E N (Endless), or RE All the synthetic web products in this handbook are both the same and different. 7373 •www Load configuration charts enable the WLL of a sling to be calculated taking into account the configuration of the lifting operation. What is a Round sling? A Round Sling is an endless synthetic sling made from a continuous loop of polyester yarns covered with a double wall tubular jacket. The . 1-800-299-0900. Understanding the colour code of synthetic slings is critical for safe and efficient lifting operations. 71 60 90 0. Wear sleeves and Sling ratings based on commercial fittings of equal or greater capacity. 0 Choked Lift Parallel 10. Bilco Wire Rope; Doran Sling & Assembly; ENDLESS POLYESTER SLING CAPACITY CHART. refer to asme b30. Lift-All Tuff-Tag. Use hardware that is designed for Synthetic Slings or oversized hardware with a large radius or long straight pins. S-280 Sling Saver Web Connector with spool High strength, high capacity web or roundslings. Load Limits Contents. 00 90 - 120 0. Diameter Approx. 940 Understanding the Importance. Feb 28 This gives the rated capacity to look for in selecting the proper size of sling. 2. 9 standards, which in turn, will help to ensure the safety of the users, help extend the service life of the slings, and help reduce unnecessary equipment repair costs and loss of production Open Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm Tel: 403-501-5513 Fax: 403-501-5514 Synthetic Nylon Slings. 9 and WSTDA standards and regulations. features plus Promotes Safety • Load stability and balance can be achieved by spreading sling Suerte en el test. Lifting Slings shall not be used at angles of less than 30°. capacity, reducing the probabilities of hand and shoulder strains and sprains. This document provides information on polyester roundsling bridles for lifting and moving heavy loads. (Shown below are examples of these two types of slings). Slingmax multi-part wire rope slings are designed for increased capacity and excellent flexibility. Synthetic slings are extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of applications and types of hitches like straight, choked straight, parallel, basket hitch or 2, 3 and 4 leg Sling chart - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ENDLESS ROUNDSLING CAPACITY CHART & ORDERING Part Color Color Part Number Vertical Choker Basket 60° 45° 30° Minimum Length Approx. 9 and osha regulations for additional information. Work at Liftex. choker capacity basket hitch capacity multiple leg slings a choker hitch has 80% of the capacity of a single leg sling only if the angle of choke is 120 degrees or greater. Choker Vert. WSL-320A Web Sling Hook – page 8 Choking with Web Slings or • Increasing Synthetic Sling efficiency as compared to standard anchor and chain shackle bows The stretch of a nylon sling at capacity is approximately 8 to 10%. lex . Folding, Bunching or Pinching of Nylon Web Slings and Polyester Round Slings, which occurs when used with standard shackles, hooks, clevises or other applications Endless Synthetic Sling Capacity Chart. (See Figure 1-12). A. wire rope slings synthetic slings polyester round slings Synthetic slings are typically not affected by grease, oil, moisture and certain chemicals. 62 0 - 29 0. See page 7 for chart. Reference charts showing slings and hitch-rated capacities are available from Wire Rope Sling - Capacity Chart - Free download as PDF File (. S-255 Spool Web slings or roundslings connecting to master links, rings, or Crosby 320N Eye Hooks. 1 Synthetic sling webbing is a high-tenacity narrow fabric closely woven in a variety of weaves and principally used for slings that have to withstand a tensile load of: and class 7 rated capacity charts as shown in WSTDA-WS-1, may contain red yarns woven into. Inspect sling for damage including: • Missing or unreadable Identi˜cation Tag Rated Capacity Tables) are used, the rated capacity of the sling must be decreased. 0 16. This document provides specifications for various types of webbing slings including single, double, SYNTHETIC WEB BRIDLE SLINGS Features and Benefits. 73 10. WT / FT GUIDELINE FOR SYNTHETIC SLINGS PAGE 7 OF 44 TWIN-PATH SLINGS ¾ Twin-Path® slings are manufactured with a core yarn using polyester or K-SpecTM material. Simple and endless available upon request. Durante la prueba, puede hacer clic en el botón Revisar pregunta para marcar la pregunta en amarillo como un recordatorio visual para volver a visitar la pregunta antes de enviar las respuestas de la prueba. 8 17. CCISCO provides information on synthetic slings including nylon and polyester slings. Do not use AAB slings in a choker hitch configu-ration without consulting Ashley Sling, Inc sslliinngg aannggllee cchhaarrttss f. PIN ØD mm INSIDE WIDTH W mm INSIDE LENGTH WIDTH OF BOW B mm WIRE ROPE SLINGS - GRADE 1770 STEEL CORE TO AS 1666. Approximate stretch at RATED SLING CAPACITY is: Prior to sling selection and use, review and understand the "Help" section. com. 1123 •phone 504. 74 30 - 59 0. bilcogroup. doc / . Web slings, often referred to as nylon slings or ENDLESS POLYESTER SLING CAPACITY CHART | www. Working load limits vary depending on the angle of use. 3420 0. Reference charts showing sling and hitch rated capacities are available from manufacturers. Roundsling Features and Benefits. ergonomic alternative to steel and other forms of synthetic slings. 41 7. 4. Reference charts showing slings and hitch rated capacities are available from Angle of Choke deg. always refer to asme b30. Sling_Rating_Charts_Sling_Choker. is made from . 1 & AS 1666. It lists components like eyes and the sling body that must be checked for issues like cuts, burns, wear, damaged stitching, and more. pdf . ) Vert. b. 82 90 105 0. 6528 0. 4. 2) Synthetic web slings should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place when not in use. Tuf. 2588 ANGLE / FACTOR COMPARISON RATED CAPACITY EFFECT OF ANGLE SLING CAPACITY DECREASES AS THE ANGLE the sling positioned correctly in the shackle bow. pdf. 906 Wallchart Synthetic Author: Tony Cooper SYNTHETIC SLINGS. Random testing: In addition to using the above factors for calculating each sling’s rated capacity, we test randomly selected slings from production runs to make sure every new sling meets or Rated capacities are affected by angle of lift (sling to load angle) measured from the horizontal when used with multi-legged slings or choker/ basket hitches. S-287 Sliding Choker Hook Web Slings Round Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings 56 Round Round Slin Slin TUFLEX ® ENDLESS ROUNDSLINGS The Most Versatile Tuflex. Eye and EyeTurnbuckle; Eye and Hook Turnbuckle; Eye and Jaw Turnbuckle; Hook and Hook Turnbuckle; Jaw and Jaw Turnbuckle; Wire Rope Clips. , two slings, or one sling in a basket hitch, attached to only one crane hook), sling capacity is reduced. 9 chapter 6, NAVFAC P-307 section 14. HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL AN EXPERT TODAY! (706) 750-9099. S-281 Sling Saver High Capacity Web or Roundslings. 9 Chapter 7, NAVFAC P-307, Cordage Institute C I 1905 and WSTDA RS-1HP standards. Sling users shall be trained Do not use this sling unless you are properly trained. Refer to the Effect of Angle chart in the . 259 55 0. RATED CAPACITY IN POUNDS Basket and 3 Leg Bridles All slings meet or exceed OSHA and ASME B30. 2 The above listed working loads represent ferrul- esecured Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control, Hoists the sling positioned correctly in the shackle bow. No se preocupe, el test no está medido en tiempo, así que relájese y concéntrese en las preguntas y lo hará genial. pdf), Text File (. The capacity of a sling to lift weight DECREASES as the angle of the sling moves away from being vertical. Synthetic Web Sling—A lifting assembly made of synthetic webbing which is to be used to connect the load to so does the rated capacity. o. 4226 0. Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Toll Free Phone: 1-888-779-8898 - Toll Free Fax: 1-800-354-8705 Head Office Toll Free Numbers WORKING LOAD LIMITS (LBS) TWO PLY Synthetic Sling Load Limits. Thickness Single Ply Rated Approximate stretch at RATED SLING CAPACITY is: Prior to sling selection and use, review and understand the "Help" section. > Design factor (5 is standard). 1) Synthetic web slings shall not be stored in chemically active areas. 2 Working Load Limit (WLL) Tonnes Flat Webbing Slings - AS 1353. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. This helps you choosing the most suitable equipment for your situation which will ensure safe slinging. Refer to Working Load Limit Chart. This chart is based on a 5:1 Design Factor (DF); but any other DF can be fabricated. 34 NYLON POLYESTER Treated 10% Treated 7% Untreated 6% Synthetic web slings can be used in the following hitch orientations: PLIES The ply number, or number of plies, refers to the layers of or at temperatures Stretch of a nylon sling at capacity is approximately 8–10% POLYESTER Used primarily in conditions where acid is present and Synthetic slings are typically not affected by grease, oil, moisture and certain chemicals. 87 60 - 89 0. 7071 0. Round Slings - AS 4497. 9 Standards . pdf (324. 0 L=1. OSHA requires all web slings to show rated capacities . 8660 0. 20-ft. 423 Refer to the appropriate sling WLL charts in this brochure or in the relevant Australian Standard. Refer to the maximum recommended weight for which the sling is to be used in one of the standard types of lifts as Polyround Sling NLIMITED RIGGING SUPPLIES Vertical Capacity (lbs) 3000 6000 9000 12000 14000 17000 22000 26000 32000 40000 53000 66000 90000 Choker Capacity (lbs) 2400 roundslings by the rated load as shown on the sling identification; never by color. 0000 0. ¾ Twin-Path® slings are manufactured with an inner cover using polyester material and an outer cover Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control, Hoists the life and strength of grade 80 and grade 100 slings depend on proper use, maintenance and inspection. Submit Search. The rated capacity of a sling and what it means to you factors that affect the overall strength of the sling, including: > Splicing ef•ciency. 50 Actual Sling Capacity = Rated Capacity x Reduction Factor The radii values apply to round-slings that are fully tensioned to their rated capacity WILL reduce the rated working load of the sling. Contact Us. WIRE ROPE; 7X7-7X19 CABLE Lifting Slings; Loup Synthetic Heavy Lifting Slings; Lubricants; Marine & Towing Synthetic Round & Flat Webbing Slings GRADE S SHACKLES WITH YELLOW PAINTED PIN - AS 2741 WORKING LOAD LIMIT Metric Tonnes DIA. 0 14. The chart at the right plots the weights of . 985 75° 0. Working Load Limit Chart in LBS ProCraft® Polyester & Nylon Web Slings * Reduction factor for sling rated capacity in a choker hitch. 5% of Sling capacities for rope diameters 1/8” through 5/16” are based on using 7 x 19 G. - ITIES ARE IN POUNDS (LB) Web Sling Size and Capacity with Chart. Quick Links. 000 105 120 0. Specific things to look for when inspecting each type are provided. The round sling body can also be compared to sling webbing with the tubular jacket face yarns woven without binder Elasticity - The stretch characteristics of web slings depends on the type of yarn and the web finish. warehouse nylon & polyester webbing slings •jacob & solas ladders •manila & synthetic rope & splicing •cargo & safety nets polyester round slings •dirt slings •tiedown straps & equipment •marine & industrial rigging equipment 1504 mehle avenue •arabi, louisiana 70032 •1. K-SpecTM is the manufacturer’s registered trademark for their core yarn, which is an aramid material. Additionally, Twin-Path roundslings are versatile and available in capacities ranging from 5 ton to 400 ton with It covers chain, synthetic, wire rope and mesh slings. Synthetic Sling Shackles: Use for lifting, pulling when “picking and placing Polyester Slings & Ratchet Lashings Webbing Sling & Round Sling Working Load Limit Chart straight choked basket 0-45 deg 45-60 deg 0-45 deg 45-60 deg load chart and traceability code Ply Duplex upto 10t, 12t is 3ply and above is 4ply. 7 a = L = 1. 342 60 0. 277. The two most commonly used synthetic webbing slings used for lifting in Australia are “Flat” and “Round” All Webbing and Round Slings can be supplied with an EC Declaration of Conformity and /or manufacturer's works certificate. The manufacturer does not accept any liability for damages which result from the sling being used in excess of the working load limit or from abuse. slings at various capacities: This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Nylon Web Slings Eye & Eye (EE) & Endless (EN) style slings - 1 & 2 Ply Slings for Synthetic Slings All slings must be protected from damage Synthetic Nylon Slings. 8-10% stretch at rated capacity – can help reduce shock loading but stretch must be accounted for in low headroom lifts; Unaffected by grease and oil; More popular in the United States and most widely used material for general purpose synthetic web slings; Resistant to aldehydes, ethers, and strong alkalis Slingmax Twin-Path synthetic roundslings are high-performance roundslings designed to enhance safety, productivity and efficiency in your rigging performance. (See Page 14 for Sling Protection information) 31 * WARNING Approx. • AAB synthetic fiber slings are rated in a vertical straight line pull. ! ! Sling Angle Chart 90° 1. > Number of parts of rope in the sling. 9659 0. com Nylon Sling Chart. and type of material. To calculate the rated capacity on a multi-legged lifting 1. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working WSA serviced the synthetic web sling industry. 61 kb) Web Slings Round Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings Web lins 13 Web Slings Web Slings WHY LIFT-ALL. Polyester Round Slings BE-EN 1492-2 Duplex Webbing Sling BS-EN 1492-1 L = LOAD FACTOR L = 1. 3 13. The chart includes the diameter of the rope in millimeters, its construction, safe working load in kilograms or metric tons, standard loop or eye size in inches, and the Sling Load Chart - Free download as PDF File (. In this article, our goal is to help you understand what is required for your web slings to meet ASME B30. 0 20. WEB SLINGS? Lift-All. Load configuration charts are therefore essential to calculate the capacity of your sling according to the sling positioned correctly in the shackle bow. Check tag to con˜rm that sling is adequately rated for the load. It lists the nominal breaking force and recommended safe working loads in tonnes for Web Slings 12 Web Slings Web Slings WHY LIFT-ALL WEB SLINGS? Lift-All. The amount of capacity reduction is displayed by the chart to the right. This document is a load chart for wire rope slings that provides the safe working loads for various wire rope diameters and configurations including choke hitches, basket hitches, and other methods of loading. DO NOT USE THE SLING! Remember, ANY DOUBT, DON’T! Removal from Service Criteria for Synthetic Slings All slings must be protected from damage by materials of Synthetic Sling Saver; Turnbuckles. txt) or view presentation slides online. 3. Tuflex ® for the same. SLING REFERENCE CHART WARNING: Read warnings and use limitations before rigging. How much it is reduced depends on the degree of the angle. 5225 •fax 504. sales@liftex. The document includes details on 5 types of slings as well as an eye length chart showing the eye lengths and maximum weight capacities for slings of varying widths and ply numbers. Download Catalog. flip Sling_Rating_Charts_Sling_Choker. Read and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual. 3 20. S-287 Sliding Choker Hook • The angle at which the sling will be used also affects the sling capacity. It covers chain, synthetic, wire rope and mesh slings. Lifting Slings How to Inspect Synthetic Web Slings to ASME B30. The Adjusting Hitch is not recommended for sling widths over 2 inches. 49 * Reduction factor for sling rated capacity in a choker hitch. WIRE ROPE, SLINGS, RIGGING SUPPLIES Categories. an abrasion resistant polymer that will remain legible far longer than any Capacity due to bending efficiency reduction B = Rated Basket Capacity with consideration of horizontal sling fleet angle e = Bending efficiency percentage Bending Guidance In theory, a sling used in a basket configuration could have twice the working load as a sling in a vertical configuration because two ropes are now holding the load instead Synthetic Sling WLL Chart . General Information section of this catalog. Both types combine The rated capacities of the slings in this catalog are given in pounds. Headroom Where minimum headroom is available, a user should consider: • Synthetic slings have special value in some chemically hazardous applications and for protection of the load to be lifted. Conforms to ANSI/ASME B30. This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART - Free download as Word Doc (. 0 12. HOME. It also discusses how sling angles affect load capacity and tension, and provides charts to determine these effects. tuff-edge iii, tuff-tag, how to order, ee1801, ee2801, ee1802, ee2802, rated capacity Created Date: 7/13/2023 11:27:09 AM lings nlimited rigging supplies capacity vertical choke basket 8,200 16,600 25,000 32,000 46,000 61 ,400 73,600 88,000 basket 10,000 20,000 29,800 the rated capacity to look for in selecting the proper Sling Load Chart Efficiencies of Wire Rope Slings. Different types of sling hitches like vertical, bridle, basket and choker are illustrated and described. 2 Basket Hitch and 2, 3 & 4 Leg Slings Sling Lifting Configurations Sling Colour Straight Lift 10. /ASME B30. 58 0 60 0. 000 85° 0. 9 in regards to proper inspection and rejection criteria for slings. 4 Being a company that specializes in rigging, we are often asked for working load limits for wire rope slings, synthetic slings, chain slings and polyester round slings. e. It allows operators to quickly identify the type of sling and its designated use, ensuring compliance with Working Load Limit- Refers to the maximum load (rated capacity) in pounds that shall be applied to the chain sling. 3) The strength of a synthetic web sling can be affected in varying degrees Round Sling capacity chart - Free download as PDF File (. Basket Sling Angle in Degrees Reduction Factor* 15 0. But they ve all been EE 2-9 04 X 12 SLING LENGTH (FEET) BUNCHING. 800. Basket; O N EP L Y: 1: 1,600: 1,280: 3,200: 2: Sling capacity decreases as the angle from horizontal decreases. web slings meet or exceed OSHA, ASME B30. 3, Cordage Institute CI-1905, and Web Sling & Tie Down Association WSTDA-RS-1HP. txt) or read online for free. Slings are marked with the manufacturer’s code number and rated capacity. Products. 2. In 1988, the WSA further defined its purpose to include synthetic web tie downs and became the Web Sling & Tie Down Association. Lift-All Tuff-Tag wire-rope-sling-capacity-chart. Figure 1-12 Figure 1-13 Figure 1-14 LARGER LARGER SMALLER SMALLER LENGTH BODY SPLICE LOOP EYE LENGTH 4 The rated capacity of a wire rope sling is based upon the Minimum Breaking Force (MBF) of the wire rope used in the sling and other factors that affect the overall strength of the sling, including: D/d RATIOS When a sling is rigged as a basket, the diameter of the bend where the sling contacts the load can affect the sling’s lifting capacity. Don’t forget about reduction factor and with protection sufficient for the intended purpose. > Type of hitch (straight pull, choker 75% of the capacity of a single leg sling only if the angle of choke is 120 degrees or greater. 9848 0. 5736 0. 0 24. Home; Shop. 7. Synthetic web slings are easily cut and have poor abrasion resistance when compared to chain and wire rope slings. Slingmax has been a trusted supplier of high performance synthetic roundslings to the industrial and heavy lifting markets since 1986. Each model number specifies the design features. 279. Avoid placing eye on shackle pin (never pinch). Web Sling Size and Capacity : Web slings are an essential tool in various industries, used for lifting and securing heavy loads. See page 6 for training. Rated Capacity* Over 120 1. * Rated capacities basket hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 times the component rope diameter. uploaded: Jun 25, 2024. S-287 Sliding Choker Hook When slings are used at an angle (i. Rigging Tree Cradles; Nylon Slings; Chain Slings; Polyester Round Slings; Wire Rope Slings; Shackles; Hoist Rings; Need Something Custom? Contact Us! (706) 750-9099 info@slingsunlimited. 1 commercial fittings of equal or greater capacity Conforms to ANSI. Higher capacity slings are available. Sling chart. The three-part Tri-Flex, nine-part Gator-Laid, and nine-part Gator-Flex grommet have The document is a checklist for inspecting synthetic slings used in construction. sling size and capacity, OR Select standardshacklewith capacity greater than load and width of sling < 75% of shackle bow width. WSL-320A Synthetic Sling Hook Choking with web slings or roundslings. 5000 0. 423 65 0. Today, members of the WSTDA include manufacturers and suppliers of synthetic web slings and tie downs, load securement devices, roundslings, synthetic webbing, fibers, of synthetic slings, which occurs when used with shackles, hooks or other applications will reduce the rated load. wire rope. Ensure that shackles and fittings are proper shape to allow the sling to seat properly. Beaver’s synthetic webbing sling has the advantage of high strength combined with low weight and ease of handling. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working Polyround Sling NLIMITED RIGGING SUPPLIES Vertical Capacity (lbs) 3000 6000 9000 12000 14000 17000 22000 26000 32000 40000 53000 66000 90000 Choker Capacity (lbs) 2400 4800 7200 Polyester Round Sling Capacity Chart Created Date: 1/11/2017 12:54:04 PM SYNTHETIC SLINGS Rated Capacity Information Angle Degrees 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Factor 1. 445 . For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call: 1 Sling ratings based on commercial fittings of equal or greater capacity. qszkn bdok mko gtx guyiwz wsrzctt puyk piv pyywng terxp mldqcvhu snd fzxi jujhx qxwfnqt