Uilleann reed making. Use a little hammer to form the staple to the mandrel.
Uilleann reed making Document and share information about reeds that you make. Testimonials. They are fantastically great sounding with powerful volume and spot-on tone with minimal air requirements. Gallery. Which is why I eventually just bought a giant box of A. Round off the shoulders in 5 strokes. 05 mm free because the reed could bend during the cooking) we put the oil into the the pot and heat it until it reaches 80’ C. Makes custom uilleann pipes and uillean pipe components; Chanters (concert pitch in key of D) Bellows, either hand-stitched, or tacked designs. The narrower the bore and consequently the less the volume of the chanter bore, the smaller the diameter of the staple of the reed most likely to fit well and produce a proper scale of notes. Reed Documentation. Apr 26, 2012 · Pretty much the same format to making either reed just different shape and dimensions is all. Apart from the rush, tuning may be adjusted to a remarkable extent by varying the length of the regulator's bore. Special steps, for those who can already make EzeeDrone Drone Reeds for Uilleann Pipes in "D" Get Ezeedrone reliability for your Uillean pipes. Charts of "non-destructive," "destructive," and "intrusive" actions to take on the reed and their effects. That is a good incentive to start making ones own reeds. As you'll understand the pages will take some time to load but there will be a Zipfile to browse the pages off-line soon. Stop by for a visit! Tom Kennedy: Irish Reeds Photos of some reeds by irish reed makers. . Use 240 grid dry and wet sandpaper on a flat surface to make the slip parallel and bring it down to the desired width of 13,2 mm: Check the width must be ± 13,2 mm. Listen. This will help the reed to bend nicely around the staple. " Allan Moller Uilleann Pipes Reeds and Repairs Shorten quill by cutting off a piece at the open end and rebinding end, if split is not extending down too far. " Seth Gallagher Workshop: maker of Irish, or Uilleann, Bagpipes. U(Na Piobairi Uilleann) also sells reed-making equipment, including a variety of in-cannel gouges if you know exactly the size you require. Jan 2, 2015 · Now to check the crow. Hello, I am a maker of Uilleann Pipes and reeds. http://daye1. Stop by for a visit! Sep 28, 2007 · Reed making is not the uilleann pipers curse; it is the uilleann pipers secret weapon. Posted on January 12th, 2011 by svpribyl. There are soundsamples of 'the crow' and the reed playing in the chanter. 8. Make a Pressure-Stable Artificial Drone Reed Using the Double-Tongue-Bend Method; Adjusting Artificial Drone Reeds; Make Bees' Wax Softer for All Weather; Make a Stabilized Uilleann Chanter Reed Using Humidity Cycling. It causes no end to frustration in terms of tuning and behavior of the reed. All of the reeds are made from Arundo Donax, commonly known as cane which grows in a Mediterranean climate. It can be difficult to find specialty reeds, so it's fantastic that a reedmaker with an excellent reputation and steady production has developed a set of Uillean reeds. . Smith » Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:30 pm. Besides the tuning aspects and easing It is actually not very difficult to make a reed, even a good reed. If you make the center to thin you'll end up with a reed that is reluctant to play in the second octave. Durable and high-quality, Brian's reeds are designed for use in Howard chanters, but can be used in other makes. Andy Faden Uilleann Pipes Home page, welcome. Sanding block ± 58 mm diameter. Hegarty, Dave, The Uilleann Pipe Reedmaker's Guidance Manual; Koehler, Reedmaking Notes from Benedict Koehler's Class in Elkins, Phillip L. 1-2 dozen might be needed for a touring/performing piper to have 4-6 working reeds set for different weather, having very specific tone and performance Jun 1, 2005 · What is that you say, making plastic reeds for the uilleann pipes cannot be done? A number of people have been experimenting with plastic chanter and regulator reeds for some time now. Post by Joseph E. Aug 18, 2021 · That cedar reed is as impervious to the vagaries of humidity as my plastic Scottish Smallpipe chanter reed. html. The head is now ready to be tied to the staple. Maurice Reviol, NZ - maker of uilleann pipes, wooden flutes & low whistles Feb 21, 2024 · As reed instruments, bagpipes use vibrating reeds of different types and materials to make sound. Take some PTFE tape and wrap up to the 30 mm marker. 3-5 are needed at minimum to allow 1-2 working reeds with 3-4 under construction. Paring off a little of the tongue tip may also sharpen the reed by effectively lightening the tongue and making it easier to blow. The site features a reed-making tutorial, Uilleann Pipes FAQ, detailed descriptions and pictures of Seth Gallagher bagpipes, ordering information. Jan 23, 2009 · A forum about Uilleann (Irish) pipes and the surly people who play them. Reed Making. Brass or copper 22 gauge wire for bridles. If you find the gouging difficult at first, make sure you don't gouge to deep because this will make the slip useless. You'll end with something like this. Specific dimensions will be given for Penny-Chanters, but any Concert D chanter should be reedable if the dimensions specified by its maker are substituted for mine. I ordered two of these UP chanter reeds for my Fred Morrison full set as “back ups”. Uilleann reeds run anywhere from $95 that I purchase from the maker of my set upwards to $150 bux or more. Jan 9, 2019 · In this video, Benoit Tremolieres (piper and uilleann pipemaker) shares his method and craftmanship in reedmaking Steve Pribyl spent some time learning to make reeds for a set of pipes made by Tim Britton and more recently for a set of pipes made by Koehler and Quinn. Other instrumentalists need expensive additional equipment to make these changes; you can make them in a few seconds with your reed knife. Re: Reed making tools For reed gouges you can try e-bay. You either need to spend a bit of money on a reliable cross temperament tuner that can be switched from equal to just, or you can simply use a hand chart to make note of how far 'off' your notes should appear when compared against an equal temperament tuner. google. This is a bit of my story. Uilleann Forum: Reeds and Pipemaking All Uilleann Pipes, All the Time Seth Gallagher Workshop: maker of Irish, or Uilleann, Bagpipes. The drones and regulators also use reeds. I'll contact you and tell you the process to follow. Dave Daye - Grading Reed Hardness . Here you'll find information about me and the instruments I make, with some examples of sets I've made for customers in the Gallery, and there are comments and feedback on the Testimonials page. Nov 8, 2004 · Re: reed making for small pipes Carol, I don't think it should have split so soon. To see reeds that others have made, under "Community," click "Reed Records. I though it was time for a new addition to go along with the masterful work of David Quinn This site is a resource for the construction and troubleshooting of uilleann pipe reeds. Eventually, you will be able to adjust a reed to suit your situation exactly. A complete novice can produce a decent reed in 2 or 3 hours' work spread over several days, provided s/he has complete instructions, good raw materials, and of course a chanter which is well behaved and tolerant of modest variations that will occur naturlly when following any Brass tube 49 - 55 mm long, 4 mm inner diameter 5 mm outer diameter. Uilleann pipe making, reed making and bagpipe supplies by Wild Goose Studios. is the company. Use a pencil to mark the 30 mm line on both sides of the head. Sexton with comments by David Day, 1996; Murray, Patrick, Vibrational Modes of an Uilleann Pipe Reed, 2002; Quinn, D. Presenting the fine musical creations by Justin Rosander. A Guide to Reedmaking for the Uilleann Pipes by Paddy O'Hare 2013, Spiral bound A4, pp. Make sure both tails are identical. We follow the normal steps until we bisect the tongue. When all else fails, make a new reed Chiff and Fipple Message Board A forum about Uilleann (Irish) pipes and the surly people who play them. Ray Sloane D Chanter. But even GHB reeds would be great to make. Reed Made By: Unknown . Stop by for a visit! If you can use the piston/pin to bring the G into tune, and the A is now sharp, you can use a rush to flatten the A. The drones are another crucial component of the Uilleann Pipes as they provide a background harmonization to the chanter. He cares so much about the standard of his work that he will and has put himself out consistently over the years to ensure that everything is 100%. Seth Gallagher Workshop: maker of Irish, or Uilleann, Bagpipes. I know that for Brad’s reeds and for his concert D chanter that the reeds crow should be between G and A for the chanter to be in tune. David Daye: Problems With Penny Chanter Reeds Jan 7, 2009 · Re: CP: A Guide to Reed Making for the Uilleann Pipes Post by Tilori » Wed May 22, 2013 7:13 pm I ordered the book about two and a half months ago and never received it. Brass tubing for staples. Regulator Reed: 50: Bellows: 550: Hard Case (see accessories page) 160: Basic Reed Making Kit (see accessories page) 175 to 190 : leather bag (no seasoning needed) 150 If making own reeds: be sure staple is correct size /shape; make next reed blades narrower and/or longer above binding, possibly staple slightly longer. Cut the Make sure it's aligned on all sides. Details of these may be found on the pages which follow. Here you can see the gouged tails from the side they are ± 0,7 - 1 mm thick along the center. N. M. P. They also have a lot of reed making clinics across the country. David Daye: Penny Chanter and Reed Adjustment Chart Specifically for the Penny Chanter, but also applicable to other reeds. Reed making kit: Reeds are an essential component of the Uilleann Pipes, and they require careful maintenance and adjustment. Patricks is now making pipes, these operate at the same high standard as his reeds, anybody who is in a position to buy one of his chanters is guaranteed a hassle free and very in tune piping life. General Information. You can also get a nice gouge from Garrett Wade Company in New York, (800) 221-2942. Place it on the winder. Prior to assembling this site, there would often be a search for various reference books and web pages for suggestion on how to address different reed issues. More In addition to making reeds for Highland Pipes, we also manufacture reeds for Scottish Small Pipes, Border Pipes, Uilleann Pipes, the Breton Biniou and the Gaita. Just remove cane on the sides, leave the center of the reed as it was. It is actually not very difficult to make a reed, even a good reed. The remaining three reeds are single reeds and go in the drones. Maintenance and Technical Instructional Videos for Uilleann and Other Bagpipes. I would just get another one from Ray. Patrick was taught the art of reed making by Dave Hegarty, Francie Mc Peake III and Brian Howard. The Briddle. Reed-Making Kits, Pipe Cases & Bag Covers; Howard Music Cane, pre-gouged slips, gouged slips, "Ready Tie" and staples. For Uilleann chanter reeds only the best cane which is (Arundo Donax) is using. You might need a#4 gouge but I'm not certain Feb 3, 2003 · Most of the time bassoon reed suppliers would balk when I asked for A. If you are having problems with your reeds, click on a reed type in the menu to browse or search the database. Use a little hammer to form the staple to the mandrel. Chamfer the tails from the 30 mm line on the sides. Stop by for a visit! The reed is a quintessence of reed making and Uilleann pipemaking-basis of the sound. May be purchased at: Patrick Sky - 2000 Ridgewood Rd #312. Jan 7, 2009 · Although looking at the reed making videos on na piobairi uilleann will help. To my ear that cedar reed sounds like a cane reed, however I’ve heard that some uilleann pipers/reedmakers aren’t completely satisfied with the tone of wooden reeds and are working to make refinements. com/drive/folders/1lyizXMOFCClyzQqVh2IjdkAyAx84qqWq I have listed here only those books and sites that deal with reed making that I am familiar with. Apologies if this is old news. KMBagpipes Reedmaking Accessories from Kenneth McNicholl, including a "slip holding block. Here you can: Find suggestions for adjusting and/or modifying various aspects of reeds during construction and finishing. Ian MacKenzie, NSW - maker of uilleann pipes, Spanish gaida and NSP (chanters), phone (02) 4787 6220. Uilleann Pipes Reed Making Guide Evertjan 't Hart's step-by-step method. That’s why Alexander gives such an attention to it’s creation process, when it’s done it has to be perfect. Dec 5, 2010 · Leirum I am 41 year old instrument maker. Tell them how many kilos you want (I would suggest at least 2 kg to make the This sounds worse than it is, with time and after many reeds you'll be able to make a good working reed out of almost anything. Reed making can be a highly specialized skill that requires practice and patience. 0:00 Piping1:55 Introduction2:45 Tools7:50 The Staple13:35 The Slip24:40 Sharpening the Gouge27:05 First Gouge40:50 Second Gouge48:50 Cutti Reed Problems. Out-cannel gouges are no good. Stop by for a visit! Jun 1, 2009 · It has certainly been the bane of uilleann pipers, since the advent of the instrument, that a chanter reed made of cane or elder can be sensitive to temperature, humidity and dirt. at a one inch diameter size. Home page of Patrick O' Hare Uilleann pipe maker and performer from Belfast Ireland . Boderiou uilleann pipes reeds can reveal and maximize your chanter’s potential. Dec 15, 2018 · The uilleann pipe is harder to make but both require real craftsmanship and although we often found the finish, we very rarely found the actual depth of material or manufacturing quality it took to make a highland pipe that was up to our standards and certainly on my experience, although I know skilled people with time can make it work, we He is a regular teacher at the pipe making school in Dublin, ran by Na Piobairi Uilleann and his reeds and instruments are played by some of the top exponents of Uilleann piping today. Can be very very costly to purchase . In this guide to making a concert D uilleann pipe chanter Reed , Cillian uses pre gouged Medir Spanish cane slips , using these slips cuts out all the work o His understanding of pipes and reeds combined with his meticulous attention to detail have made him one of the most sought after reed makers alive today. Place the staple on a mandrel and use pliers to form it roughly. So here's a step by step guide for making a chanter reed using ±75 pictures. Their design and bridle allow easy adjustment for tuning and strength. Drone Reeds The making in a set of uilleann pipes is a challenging process which crosses into the boundaries of a variety of skills such as wood turning, leather work, jewellery and reed making. Also improving reeds and low whistles. Ask for the 3/4 inch scribing gouge. Jun 13, 2023 · RIP Allan Moller. BUT, if your friend really wants to make his own reeds, you might want to talk to some local uilleann pipers who are often used to making their own reeds. Oct 18, 2023 · The reed is one of the most important elements of the Uilleann Pipes as it is responsible for producing the sound. A reed making kit will give you the tools you need to create and adjust reeds for optimal sound and playability. Com Irish Bagpipes Web Site! Uilleann Pipe Construction : By John Garland Uilleann Pipe Information List Uilleann Pipes Obsession Page NeffBros - Flaithrí & Eoghan Neff Other Instruments A description of the Kelly range of flutes and low whistles. 52. Don't carve to deep especially on the base of the reed close to the binding because in this area 'lives' the E and E'. Howard reeds for Uilleann pipes have been developed over more than 30 years by Brian Howard. Uilleann pipe practice sets (bag, bellows, chanter, reed, and blowpipe stocks. It In this guide to making a concert D uilleann pipe chanter Reed , Cillian uses pre gouged Medir Spanish cane slips , using these slips cuts out all the work o Jan 7, 2009 · Finally , as you may be aware there are only currently only 3 publictaions readily available on the subject of reed making for the uilleann pipes ( 4 now ) I think its nice to have someting tangible that can be read through and peroused at ones leisure. 2) Take reed apart, squeeze upper end of staple thinner over top 1 1/8" of length but leave the eye unchanged. Last Updated 14 July, 2002. Drone Reeds Gouge the shoulders away. Just to smooth the chambers. Aug 24, 2008 · Besides the general reed-making tools, you need 500 ml (a bit less than a pint:-) linseed oil, a flat pot and a soft clout. What you want is appx 1" diameter Arundo Donax of at least 3&1/2 inches (Tim Britton style reeds) or at least 4&1/2" ("standard" reeds) length. Table of symptoms, modifications and side effects. Mar 22, 2012 · Chanter Reed w/6 month guarantee & free maintenance for lifetime of reed (for Gallagher chanter only) 160 plus $5 shipping. A full set of uilleann pipes uses no fewer than seven reeds, usually made from cane, to power the chanter. I make Uilleann Chanter reeds for all tunings and all particular measurements of each Uilleann maker. For the moment I am experimenting my designs of an affordable uilleann practice set ala David Daye. " Medir Cane "Our canes have the soul of the Mediterranean and the love for music. Remove any ballast, blobs of wax, etc. This makes the reed really airtight and helps to keep the head in place when you do the final binding. If you find that your tuning pin doesn't do much, then you may have to move the reed to bring the G up, and then use a rush to flatten all the other notes, which is not ideal, but it works. Dionys Please contact to organise teaching reed making and maintenance workshops. 4. , The Piper's Despair, 1999; Sky, Patrick, The Insane Art of Reed Making & Web Page Jul 14, 2002 · Reed Making Links. " About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Aaron O'Hagan is a Musician and Maker of Fine Instruments, Specialising in Uilleann Pipes and is an Experienced Reed Maker. Note-- For most pipers it is best simply to purchase staples already shaped and ready to use, from the maker of the chanter. Original price €28,00 - Original price €28,00 Original price Tom Kennedy: Irish Reeds Photos of some reeds by irish reed makers. Mar 14, 2023 · A practice set consists of a chanter, chanter reed, bag and bellow. Make a shorter guill using slightly larger diameter cane. After months of making process adjustment, I release my first instruments, among ones I would be glad to have when I begun playing many years ago. I make my reeds longer than they need to be so they are always flat at this point. Uilleann Pipes Reed Making Guide. Contact. Other woodwind instruments like for example the Oboe are more or less standardized but this is not the case with Uilleann Pipes Chanters. Mar 9, 2010 · Re: Reed Making for Uilleann Pipes Post by Ted » Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:16 am A lot of Texas cane is very hard, so use care in harvesting Try to get some hands-on experience in testing cane hardness in the field to find soft enough cane for reeds. In some cases, the regulator cap may be pulled out a few millimeters to lengthen the effective bore column, or it may be necessary to insert a cork or cotton tampon into the bottom of the bore to effectively shorten it. Drones (concert pitch) Regulators – tenor, baritone and bass regulators in concert pitch. (Hegarty) Seth Gallagher Workshop: maker of Irish, or Uilleann, Bagpipes. He went further, by making a small correction to staple design from the original supplied by Kevin, enabling me to play easily and in tune with my drones up the high ‘C’. Evertjan 't Hart: Chanter Reed Specifications Database A collection of dimensions of reeds for various pipermakers' chanters; Erin's Call Uilleann Pipes and Reed Making Tom Kennedy's method. Na Piobairi Uilleann also sells gouges and reed-making supplies. Based in Belfast ~ Contact to order Uilleann Pipes. I can easily hold prolonged 2nd octave notes with drones “a droning” and not be flapping like a goose to make the air. I make chanter reeds from Spanish Cane (Arondo Donax) which is coated internally with a very thin layer of shellac which helps to stabilise the reed against the effects of humidity in particular. MATERIALS NEEDED. The reeds are ideally suited for Boderiou uilleann chanters but are also compatible with many different makes. Make a Square Wooden Chanter for the Irish Uilleann Pipes By Craig Fischer Minor Update 10-1997 Marked *** 2020 June -- Reeds for Square Chanter Now Sold by David Daye Jan 10, 2014 · Making my first reed for an Andreas Rogge B Chanter, with a tuning slide. Soundsample of the reed playing in a Charles Roberts chanter up to d''' 495K the make the looped bridle As a result, it becomes highly difficult to know if you are in tune or not. I find a template as shown on the picture very handy when you make a lot of reeds. Events. You don't really need a winder but if you make a lot of reeds it will make the process of tying the head to the staple a lot faster and you'll have much more control. com/reeds. I have had the pleasure to teach reed making at the first and second years of the Belfast Summer School Of Traditional Music at the University of Ulster in 2017 and 2018 and have also taught at numerous events at Na Piobairi Uilleann Dublin in previous years. May 12, 2020 · Uilleann pipe reed making for D chanter and regulatorsDownload pdf reed measureshttps://drive. Posted by: Steve Pribyl Na Píobairí Uilleann NPU The Paddy Keenan Pages Liam O'Flynn Seth Gallagher's Uilleann. It is no small credit to his skill that many Uilleann pipe makers consult Patrick for reed making advice and even send new pipes to him for “reeding up” before going to their new owner. D. Bill Hart / Iona Bagpipes, NSW - maker of Scottish smallpipes. When done it looks like this. A well-tuned reed will enable the piper to play in tune with the drones and chanter. So I start long. Justin Feb 3, 2003 · Most of the time bassoon reed suppliers would balk when I asked for A. Uilleann pipe cane reeds are often susceptible to changes in pitch due to temperature change and humidity. Just type in gouges and look for in-cannel gouges. Dionys Reeds . if you need an excellent reed at a very reasonable cost. And there will be a trouble shooting section in the near future. reeds from Spain. Drone Reeds Jan 7, 2009 · “A Guide to Reed making for the Uilleann Pipes” by Patrick O’ Hare A guide to reed making for the uilleann pipes is a new publication on the art of reed making by professional reed maker Patrick O’ Hare. A complete novice can produce a decent reed in 2 or 3 hours' work spread over several days, provided s/he has complete instructions, good raw materials, and of course a chanter which is well behaved and tolerant of modest variations that will occur naturlly when following any A set of pipes contains seven reeds, four of which are double reeds, these are the chanter and regulator reeds. com. If you want to order CANE from the source, Espana, Medir S. Tom Kennedy: Irish Reeds Photos of some reeds by irish reed makers. (Hegarty) Dec 19, 2023 · I just stumbled across this "Comprehensive Guide to Reed Making for the Uilleann Pipes" video by the late Allan Moller. In the coming weeks and months this method will be expanded into a detailed, step-by-step method any novice can use to build a Concert D uilleann chanter reed from scratch. 5/32 “ OD for tenor, 5/32” OD for baritone, and 3/16” OD for bass. As a Uilleann pipes player, you should learn how to make and maintain reeds, which can be a challenging aspect of the instrument. Patrick Sky “ A Manual for the Irish Uilleann Pipes”. Click "Create Content. L. This is one fine reed. Usefull information and interesting news about uilleann and whistle music, playing and making. For uilleann reeds you will need a gouge anywhere from 5/8" up to 3/4". “ Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind. Its difficult to add length to the reed if the first crow is very sharp. So place the slip back on the shooting board again and bring it down to ± 2,1 mm. I firmly believe that Uilleann pipes are one of the most beautiful instruments ever created and certainly one of the most complicated. Posted by: Steve Pribyl Craig Fischer, SA - maker of uilleann pipes & reeds. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 David Quinn's The Piper's Despair Reed making for the Northumbrian and Uilleann pipes. Reassemble to exactly the original length. " To upload documentation of your own reeds, you must be registered and logged in. Stop by for a visit! Uilleann Pipes Reed Adjustment Compendium . If you have made reeds for years its likely that you will know all of this stuff but O'hare does do a few things that I (with my vast 8 weeks of reedmaking behind me) had not seen before and I will try them out. The thickness along the center is ± 1,6 mm. http://www-bprc kind of magic by fulfilling my quest for a reed for my Kevin Thompson chanter. Now carve the 'second' scrape. I currently make chanters, practice sets, half sets and full Making and Finishing the Reed Head. My aim is to produce elegant looking pipes that are both easy to reed by many different reedmakers so that a melodic and stable sound is produced. Dave Daye Reeds. Then we buff the inside of the reed (let 0. McLaren Synthetic Reeds, QLD - maker of reeds and pipes. Because of the sanding the sides lost their sharpness and are much to thick. Please, if you are interested in other measures or tunings, send me an email before making the purchase at jmhuilleannmaker@gmail. Almost 2 hours long, fascinating, and very nicely done. Reed Making Machine. The reeds are shipped along with a custom designed Reed Box. Self published. Uilleann pipes and Whistle how to buy, play and make. Here are the measurements if you don't use a template. The beautiful sounding, but tough to reed, Andreas Rogge Narrow Bore D chanter; New and Improved B reed! The Brad Angus B reed; How I make my reeds To suceed to play them, you need to adjust reeds and then making reeds, and one thing leading to another, you finally making chanter of uilleann pipes. Jan 12, 2011 · Uilleann Pipes Reed Adjustment Compendium . Reed Problems. ktitxgixglgusjqzkyekyjevbzszduntbkaldbnzntepmucgpcxmzsjljhxvqaiumvyxcuimpwgb