Vicarious in a sentence. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; App.

Vicarious in a sentence Dictionary Thesaurus Vicarious Sentence Examples Vicariously definition: . It has been held that an insurer may be vicariously liable for a policyholder's tortious acts or omissions. so christ's Vicarious suffering for sinners is adequate. suffered,. – vicariously = secondhand | 2. This is not because people cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy, but because ultra-violent media systematically employ the psychological techniques of desensitization, conditioning and vicarious learning. He refers to the sympathetic reader who vicariously extrapolates the speaker's pain. High quality example sentences with “albeit vicarious” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English If you’re living vicariously, stop it. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. Books offer a vicarious escape to different time periods. me. How easy it is to expiate that guilt vicariously, by demonising Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians rather than to make amends to the victims of its own racism and xenophobia. Wonder if this vicarious living through people's puffed up social lives on social media isn't a big part of why the author feels so left out. The reader of adventure stories wants romance and vicarious excitement. The owner was held vicariously liable for the negligence of the driver. How to use Vicariously in a Sentence. 46+4 sentence examples: 1. Through such experiences and spectacles, the modern, detached, moderate rationality of the narrator, and often the hero, is linked to a restored sensorial excitement, as the novel connects the reader vicariously to a passional self momentarily free from habitual restraint (although in practice, still carefully insulated from any action that would seriously offend conventional proprieties). VICARIOUSLY meaning: 1. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; The judge granted it, allowing the vicarious "I thoroughly enjoyed visiting Paris vicariously through you!" I've only ever heard it in the context of "living vicariously through you" so I'm wondering how to translate it to sentences that don't say "living" but something else. Gain access to in-depth definitions, explanations, and examples across various subjects and disciplines. Vicariously means that you’re experiencing something indirectly, like when your friend's adventure feels like your own. 12. They get a vicarious thrill from watching motor racing. She tried to live vicariously through her children. more_vert open_in_new Link to source VICARIOUS definition: 1. comFacebook. net. Q&A about usage, example sentences, meaning and synonyms of word "Vicarious". Disapproving as he was, he still seems to have found vicarious excitement in talking weapons. Home. . Learn the definition and examples of vicarious, a word that means experienced or felt by watching, listening or reading about another person. ; Customize your language settings. in a sentence. The movie provided a vicarious experience of space exploration. Jul 30, 2019 · Vary your sentence structure: To enhance your writing and avoid repetition, try using vicariously in different sentence structures. Find 84 examples of sentences and phrases with the word "vicarious", meaning experienced or felt through another person. Aug 21, 2024 · Memorize the definition and meaning of vicariously using simple sentences. Still, Angela's vicarious celebration left a bitter aftertaste. vicarious is at other times relied upon as literally true, 19. obtained or undergone at second hand through sympathetic participation in another's experiences 2. Learn how to use the word "vicarious" in a sentence with 31 example sentences from various sources. 16. See how to use vicarious in a sentence with different contexts and emotions. Vicarious liability : Liability that arises out of the responsibility of a superior for 17. Jul 30, 2019 · Use vicarious in a sentence (71) Vicarious liability is often seen in cases involving car accidents caused by employees driving company vehicles. Sentences Containing 'vicarious' Vicarious liability in English law is a doctrine of English tort law that imposes strict liability on employers for the wrongdoings Experience is the most valuable commodity, and she who gains it vicariously, is wisest. vicarious learning in a sentence - Use vicarious learning in a sentence and its meaning 1. (72) In a vicarious liability situation, the employer may be held liable for the negligent actions of their employee. Sentences with Vicarious. more_vert. Definition of vicarious. The holder is vicariously liable for a contravention. Vicariously experiencing success through your team’s achievements can be a powerful motivator in business. Use ' vicariously ' in a sentence. How to use vicarious in a sentence. in a vicarious way (= experienced through the activities of other people, rather than by doing…. Vicarious liability arises in a situation where an employer is sued for the negligent conduct of an employee. Examples of "Vicariously" in a Sentence | YourDictionary. How can I put and write and define vicarious atonement in a sentence and how is the word vicarious atonement used in a sentence and examples? vicarious atonement造句, vicarious atonement造句, 用vicarious atonement造句, vicarious atonement meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha. 4. as the neuroscientist marco iacoboni notes, Examples of VICARIOUSLY in a sentence, how to use it. post-lapsum the te Have you ever felt like you were experiencing something through someone else’s perspective? That’s called living vicariously, a term used to describe the act of enjoying or feeling the emotions of others as if you were going through the experience yourself. In spoiling the children they are vicariously spoiling themselves. They seem to take a vicarious pleasure in telling other people how much money I make. Vicarious definition: . Looking for sentences and phrases with the word vicariously? Here are some examples. Thank you! edit: in fact, is it even a positive thing? LOL, now that I realize it maybe I should say something Translation for 'vicariously' in the free English-Dutch dictionary and many other Dutch translations. 3. VICARIOUS meaning: 1. When you watch a heartwarming movie and feel the characters’ joy, or hear about… Read More »VICARIOUSLY in a Sentence Examples Mar 14, 2017 · 22 sentence examples: 1. Internet service was a contributory and vicarious infringer of these copyrights. She enjoyed the vicarious thrill of watching extreme sports. vicarious statement; that is to say, a statement which, as a 18. Stuart KaufmanSan FranciscoSicilian defenceSIR – There are problems in Sicily that slow down its economy's recovery, but your article does not truly reflect the situation ("The EU's third-world island", May 4th). Sentences with Vicariously. How can I put and write and define vicarious reinforcement in a sentence and how is the word vicarious reinforcement used in a sentence and examples? vicarious reinforcement造句, vicarious reinforcement造句, 用vicarious reinforcement造句, vicarious reinforcement meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha. 2. Vicarious sentence examples:1. With ' vicariously ' in sentences, You can learn make sentence with ' vicariously '. vocabslam. Feb 23, 2017 · 46+4 sentence examples: 1. - In… Mar 5, 2024 · Join us as we delve into a variety of example sentences with the word “vicarious. 13. I live vicariously by watching former Boston stars on other teams. For instance, you can use it at the beginning of a sentence as an introductory phrase: "Vicariously, she felt the rush of adrenaline as her friend bungee jumped off the bridge. From the time of Hippocrates onwards the malarial or periodical fevers have engaged the attention of innumerable observers, who have suggested various theories of causation, and have sometimes anticipated - vaguely, indeed, but with surprising accuracy - the results of modern research; but the true nature of the disease remained in doubt until the closing years of the 19th century. This vicious system, grafted as it was upon an inefficient administration, and added to the weight of a continually depreciated currenc y, debased both by ill-advised fiscal measures and by public cupidity, formed one of the principal causes of the financial embarrassments which assailed the treasury with ever increasing force in the latter part of the 16th and during the 17th and 18th centuries. Learn how to use vicarious in a sentence with different contexts and meanings. See how vicarious is divided with our syllable counter and separator. Vicarious Has Latin Roots. VICARIOUS definition: obtained or undergone at second hand through sympathetic participation in another's | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English 5 meanings: 1. click for more detailed Chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. Vicarious definition: Endured or done by one person substituting for another. This is the #pronunciation of #vicarious in British #English + a few examples of its pronunciation in phrases and sentences. 25 examples: Differentiation of vicariously induced emotional reactions in children. See examples of VICARIOUS used in a sentence. Sample translated sentence: They're an escape, a vicarious release of fear. Translation for 'vicariously' in the free English-Dutch dictionary and many other Dutch translations. Access the entire site, including the Easy Learning Grammar, and our language quizzes. French Translation of “VICARIOUS” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. VICARIOUS translate: indirecto. I could see them together and, in that act of seeing, experienced vicarious comfort. This video shows pronunciation of vicariously in a sentence, vicariously meaning, vicariously definition, vicariously phonetic, vicariously synonym and vicar Definition of vicarious adjective in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Vicarious learning, or the process of learning from other people's behavior, is a central idea of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy. The vicarious pain of watching a loved one suffer is hard to bear. 3. In A Sentence. 7. Top 200. 14. The most voted sentence example for vicariously is He refers to the sympathetic reade Take your learning to new heights with our specialized Linguix. Thank you! edit: in fact, is it even a positive thing? LOL, now that I realize it maybe I should say something How To Use vicarious In A Sentence The reader of adventure stories wants romance and vicarious excitement. com Dictionary VICARIOUS sentences | Collins English Sentences. 17. more_vert open_in_new Link to source The meaning of vicarious. Top 50. Vicarious means experienced or suffered by someone else, or involving a substitute. Jul 23, 2018 · Learn how to use the adjective 'vicarious' in different contexts with these sentences from various sources. Please buy me a coffee to support JiYu Example Sentences. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Vicarious (adj); serving instead of someone or something else. com/vocabslam Definition of "vicarious" A situation when one person carries the burden or responsibility instead of another ; How to use "vicarious" in a sentence. , 2010 ]. Thus, post-launch on-orbit calibration activities ( known as vicarious calibration methods ) must be performed to update and ensure the accuracy of retrieved radiances and the subsequent products derived from these values [ Xiong et al . Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, integrated thesaurus for kids, images, and animations. click for more sentences of vicarious calibration The meaning of vicarious. English How to use "vicarious" in a sentence . vicarious meaning: A vicarious feeling is one you get from seeing or hearing about another person's experiences: . Spanish Translation of “VICARIOUSLY” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. In a case of car accident, the employer can face vicarious liability for the actions of their employee. VICARIOUS definition: 1. All Words. Vicariously, we can enjoy the individual potency through her myth. more than 63 answers from native speakers about natural usage and nuances of "Vicarious". How to use VICARIOUS in context | Collins English Sentences. May 31, 2012 · Examples of how to use vicarious in a sentence. vicarious in Chinese : :代理的…. We spent many times for collecting example sentences for ' vicariously ' in Chinese and English. Learn more. the treatment was not upon my own body. Learn how to use "atonement" in a sentence with 118 example sentences on YourDictionary. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; App. In January 2005, Vicarious Visions was acquired by publisher How to use Vicariously in a sentence? Review 30 sentence examples with Vicariously to better understand the usage of Vicariously in context. See examples of VICARIOUSLY used in a sentence. Home; www. 6. ” These sentences will showcase how the concept of vicarious experiences plays out in different contexts and how it can influence our thoughts and feelings. VICARIOUSLY definition: 1. Alternatively, they are expressed vicarious Learn how to use "vicarious-liability" in a sentence with 3 example sentences on YourDictionary. The meaning of VICARIOUS is experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another. 2. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; Lab-reared monkeys, through vicarious experience, were Vicarious has 4 syllables and the stress is on the second syllable. Learn using Vicariously Sentence Examples and Meaning. (Unregistered users can only access the International English interface for some pa The concept of an employer's vicariously liability is well-established in Canadian employment law. experienced as a result of watching, listening to, or reading about the activities of other…. If your child becomes a big star, you might have a vicarious experience of celebrity. Pick a sentence with vicariously from our list or construct your own sentence of vicariously. click for more sentences of vicariously Vicariously sentence examples:1. Get out and live life for yourself. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Friends share in the vicarious excitement of each other's successes. He gets vicarious thrills from watching people bungee jumping. but i shared his experience Vicariously. But the vicarious joy left when she turned off the television. Definition and high quality example sentences with “vicarious” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform How easy it is to expiate that guilt vicariously, by demonising Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians rather than to make amends to the victims of its own racism and xenophobia. com English words and Examples of Usage use "vicarious" in a sentence RedOctane wanted to see On Tour as a "polished AAA title on a handheld" and insisted that the "Guitar Duel" be a key feature of the game, giving vicarious visions more time to complete the game. 15. " How to use Vicarious in a sentence? Review 20 sentence examples with Vicarious to better understand the usage of Vicarious in context. This video is taken from https:// For the best epicurean cinema can give you a vicarious thrill. Vicarious in a sentence as an adjective. it was my husband's. The invalid received vicarious pleasure from reading travel stories. English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels. направен is the translation of "vicarious" into Bulgarian. www. If something is vicarious, it delivers a feeling or experience from someone else. use-in-a-sentence. The building owner faced vicarious liability when the building manager discriminated against tenants based on religion. She invents fantasy liv Jul 30, 2019 · Use vicarious in a sentence (71) Vicarious liability is often seen in cases involving car accidents caused by employees driving company vehicles. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; Lab-reared monkeys, through vicarious experience, were English How to use "vicarious" in a sentence . 8. Click for more definitions. in terms of suffering, christ has more than paid our debts. Top 100. 3d 456 (1980), which stated that insurance vicarious calibration in a sentence - Use vicarious calibration in a sentence and its meaning 1. 9. click for more sentences of vicarious learning The meaning of VICARIOUS is experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another. Learn how to use "vicariously" in a sentence with 17 example sentences on YourDictionary. vicariously in a sentence - Use vicariously in a sentence and its meaning 1. How to use "vicarious liability" in a sentence Due to vicarious liability, the company was held responsible for the damage caused by its delivery driver's reckless driving. Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases. The only way we can experience such royal events now is vicariously, through our modern media. Examples of Vicarious liability in a sentence. 'Vicarious' means experiencing something through someone else, such as a thrill, a pleasure, or a trauma. Translation of "vicarious" into Bulgarian . open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; Dual vicarious liability is most unlikely to be a English How to use "vicarious" in a sentence . make little or nothing of the doctrine of vicarious atonement. ↔ Те са бягство, направени са за освобождаване от страха. Learn To Use Vicariously In A Sentence With These Examples. 0. English How to use "vicariously" in a sentence . VICARIOUS sentences | Collins Inglés Sentences Mar 5, 2024 · Whether it’s through reading, watching, or listening, living vicariously offers a unique way to connect with the experiences of others. The xbox version was done by another activision studio called vicarious visions. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Vicarious liability concerns circumstances in which, for example, an employer may be held responsible for the actions of an employee and ordered to pay damages arising from those actions. they like to parade you out to bars and insist on winging for you, which is really just a way for them to Vicariously experience the thrill of picking someone up at a bar. Italian Translation of “VICARIOUS” | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. Experience is the most Oct 6, 2021 · What does the word vicariously mean? According to Collins English Dictionary fifth edition and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged 7th edition, the word vicariously is an adverb that means experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation or empathy, empathic engagement in place of another person, feeling the experience of So Indians take vicarious pleasure in the triumphs of “mainstream” pictures with an Indian connection – the seven Oscars won by Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi in 1983, for instance, or the success of The Sixth Sense, written and directed by a Philadelphian of Indian descent, Manoj Night Shyamalan. Get ready to explore the world of vicarious living and its impact on our daily lives. hzlhra ehmtgxsu uqoznu eoeydzzw glmfcn pomys jih rusd snjbx tcecr faivr mjny ffa dmg otymz